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T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - sorry for the delay; friends... Thanks for taking a dive into this issue. I'm running the latest on both laptops and I'm wondering if this is really a display-centric issue. On my old laptop (1366x768) the side panel is 'sticky' whether on /home, /sitemap or /config. On my newish laptop (4K) the side panel is 'non-sticky' under all 3 tests
dr|z3d assuming your 4K laptop is running midnight, it won't have the sticky sidebar.
dr|z3d as for your old laptop, that shouldn't have the sticky sidebar because you're running at less than 1500px wide in the viewport, unless you've enabled pagezoom in your browser?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: running in dark on both
dr|z3d if you really DO NOT WANT a sticky sidebar, you can disable it via a theme override.
dr|z3d it's only meant to kick in when it's shorter than the viewport, and with the latest build it should revert to scrolling if it's taller.
dr|z3d your 4K laptop.. you're not running it at native res, are you?
T3s|4 on my 4K I'm running Arch at 3840x2160 with a 200% global scale
dr|z3d so if you collapse some of the sidebar sections so your sidebar is shorter than the viewport, it should become sticky. only then.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: where is the viewport pixel setting?
dr|z3d no idea what one of those is.
T3s|4 ^because you're running at less than 1500px wide in the viewport
dr|z3d there is no setting. if you open your browser's developer section and inspect the width of the viewport (body or html), it'll tell you what it is.
dr|z3d ctrl+shift+i to enable developer panel.
dr|z3d it could be a hidpi thing and a misreporting of the browser viewport width, but that's just a wild guess.
T3s|4 about:config shows: browser.viewport.desktopWidth=980, devtools.responsive.viewport.height=480, devtools.responsive.viewport.width=320 and are the same values for both laptops under FF
dr|z3d are you running your browser at the full width of the screen?
T3s|4 yes - full width
dr|z3d I dunno why you're looking in about:config, those values tell you nothing useful. they're just defaults.
dr|z3d anyways, if you want to ensure sticky is disabled, add the following to i2p/themes/console/dark/override.css -> #sb_wrap.stick{position:absolute!important}
dr|z3d that's really the best I can do, I can't troubleshoot your rig from here, so I'm assuming you've got some pagezoom active (or not) and you're not hitting (or are) 1500px width in your viewport.
dr|z3d sorry, that should be: #sb_wrap.sticky{position:absolute!important}
T3s|4 dr|z3d: is this what you mean? @media (min-width: 1500px)
dr|z3d that's a css rule, so no.
dr|z3d the width of the viewport for the sticky sidebar gets calculated in a javascript file.
dr|z3d > if ((sbHeight + 5) < viewportHeight && (htmlHeight > viewportHeight) && viewportWidth > 1500) {
dr|z3d you've brought my attention some issues that I'm working through, so thanks for that. the sticky bar feature should be global ie on all pages, but it's not firing on the tunnel manager right now.
dr|z3d looks like it's got an issue with pages with embedded iframes (snark/mail/susidns/tunnel manager)
dr|z3d but only sometimes. gotta love javascript.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: created new override.css with #sb_wrap.sticky{position:absolute!important} and also appended #sb_wrap.sticky{position:absolute!important} to override_Sora.css - then ctrl-shift-r (both no impact)
dr|z3d that prevents the bar from being sticky. or should.
T3s|4 my sidebar is still 'stuck' (old laptop only) - and no css modifications on my 4K laptop
dr|z3d then I give up. it'll be stuck if the viewport doesn't vertically scroll.
dr|z3d otherwise, with that override in place, it should scroll as normal. try adding another rule to override.css just in case: #sb_wrap{position:absolute!important}
T3s|4 alright dr|z3d - thanks - I'll just collapse side panel sections so I can see tunnels building post restart(s). Need some shut eye about now... :D
dr|z3d if I get further along the path of wtf, I'll let you know :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: STOP the WTF research; appending #sb_wrap{position:absolute!important} did the trick!!! Thanks!!!
dr|z3d huzzah!
dr|z3d glad we managed to get that sorted for you.
RN Ooof! True BSR% 23,40,86
dr|z3d what you on about, RN? :)
dr|z3d you got 3 routers running there now?
RN not all running here... but yes I'm keeping an eye on three
RN first is Cannon, second and third are plus
RN but I am not using the stat plus provides, calculating it the same for all three with no averaging or delays
dr|z3d well, we knew the third was + :)
RN so I can compare apples to apples
RN 53,63,51
RN wheeeeee
dr|z3d 40% on plus suggests < 20m uptime.
RN they've all been up more than a day
RN so something nefarious was afoot
dr|z3d must be
RN I finally got the delays set where the graphs run the same too (in conky)
dr|z3d either that or your network connection is flakey. wireless issues.
RN none of them are wireless
dr|z3d ok, so not that then.
dr|z3d and cannon != canon. cannon == +
RN damn whoever dreamed up those nicknames with one letter difference!
dr|z3d yeah, damn zzz in his absence. :)
RN no it wasn't him
RN it was me
dr|z3d oh, it was. he riffed of your initial nicknaming.
RN don't you recall our discussion about it
RN right
RN Canon as in Canonical, and Cannon as in BOOM!
dr|z3d he brought to your attention the difference between canon (which he claimed for vanilla i2p) and cannon. :)
RN right, he is better at spellinks than mee
dr|z3d anyways, not seeing any major build issues here fwiw.
RN and you gleefully claimed cannon
dr|z3d not for the last 24h at least.
dr|z3d I never claimed it, it was thrust upon me :P
RN don't make me go dig up a quote
RN saw you and T3s|4 discussing the sidebar...
RN good stuff...
dr|z3d it's lead to some improvements on the sticky feature, more to land in a moment or 6.
RN so that'll be what, -9?
dr|z3d maybe
dr|z3d I'm just rejigging some of the page names as well, with autoredirects from old to new.
dr|z3d so /i2ptunnelmger can also be reached via /tunnelmanager .. etc.
dr|z3d also /transit /transitfast and /transitsummary
RN I see
RN is that a step towards page names in other languages?
dr|z3d It's just a migration to saner page names.
dr|z3d i2ptunnelmgr has always annoyed me.
dr|z3d There's also a fix for iframed pages (torrents/susidns etc) for the stickybar which should now be sticky on those pages.
dr|z3d -9+ will be available in a few moments.
dr|z3d ***now available***
RN 66,36,82
T3s|4_ o/ dr|z3d - running 9+ now - further testing on my old laptop shows that only having `#sb_wrap{position:absolute!important}` in override.css forces the side panel to scroll in unison with the main panel. Also, nuking override.css causes the side panel to not scroll :D
RN T3s|4_, that starts with a # because you comment out that line?
RN and this is in /i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/override.css ?
T3s|4_ o/ RN yep, it looks like a typical commented out line in a config file, but that was exactly `#sb_wrap{position:absolute!important}` what dr|z3d suggested - and it works here. Also, if you look at your other console/ *.css files, you'll see several lines beginning with `#`
T3s|4_ these *.css files: ~/i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/
T3s|4_ Yes RN, I created a new file named override.css which only contains `#sb_wrap{position:absolute!important}`
T3s|4_ ctrl-shift-r to test any changes you've made :D
RN ahhh
RN ok
RN in the same dir?
T3s|4_ yes RN, override.css changes made within ~/i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/
dr|z3d # is not a comment in a css file.
dr|z3d # indicates an id.
dr|z3d id="foo" in the html translates to #foo {...} in the css.
dr|z3d an element in css with an id should be unique on the page. it can also serve as an anchor if you want to link to a spot on the page eg <div id=foo> can be linked as index.html#foo
Hikari dr|z3d: -Wpedantic, but with HTML you can sometimes do <a foo=bar>, but don't. get in the habit of always quoting it because one day you will fuck up lol
dr|z3d There's a lot of things your browser might permit, Hikari, doesn't make them semantically correct :)
dr|z3d Also remember we're dealing here with people *cough* that don't know the different between an id and a comment in a css file, so, you know, let's keep things simple :)
Hikari i mean fun fact
dr|z3d Fun fact my ass lol.
Hikari <foo thing="bar" standalone>
Hikari the standalone bit is a boolean true flag
Hikari XML is fun
Hikari and by fun I mean not
Hikari I absolutely hate the HTML style self-closing tag stuff
dr|z3d You're suggesting given the context that in *HTML* you can use one id to reference another. Sorry, but you can't.
Hikari you can in XHTML my beloved
dr|z3d Apples and oranges. We're talking about HTML here. :)
Hikari wouldn't the HTML fruit be a mango
Hikari <7 u dr|z3d
dr|z3d oh, sure. and you'd be a plum :)
dr|z3d anyways, did you get around to looking at I2P+ yet Hikari?
Hikari I don't think you know how long my TODO list is
dr|z3d I have precise measurements. It's <-----------------------------------> that long.
dr|z3d Choose your own metric :)
Hikari and tbh, there's no .deb package so it's more difficult for me to get started given that I mostly want to ignore my i2p relay unless I have to care. if you added prometheus metrics exporting I'd suddenly care very much lol
dr|z3d Ah, you're using a .deb installer. Convenient initially, and then a bit restrictive thereafter.
Hikari yeah, normally I'm one of those weird NixOS people that prefers everything packaged and the like
dr|z3d Speaking of xml, well, patches welcome if you want to do an in-console xml->prometheus export conversion.
Hikari so at some level if you don't have an OS package, the difficulty for me goes from minimal to very very high because it's been so long that I've forgotten how to yolo things like that
Hikari how to yolo things _safely_ :)
dr|z3d 1. create an i2p user. 2. download latest i2p/i2p+ installer. 3. ensure you have java installed. 4. java -jar ./i2pinstall.exe -console (ensuring you explicitly set the install dir to /home/i2p/i2p)
Hikari yeah but it's a linux server lol
dr|z3d once you've done that, edit i2p/i2prouter and uncomment RUN_AS_USER and set to i2p.
Hikari oh wait you're doing that fucko java thing
dr|z3d then as root, i2p/i2prouter install.
dr|z3d then you're done for the installation part.
Hikari I'm about to head out to AFK land though
Hikari with minimal internet access too
dr|z3d sure, I was just indicating how trivial it is to install for someone of your skills. Do what thou wilt :)
Hikari the hard part is motivation
Irc2PGuest97168 >java -jar ./i2pinstall.exe, lol, fuck my sideways.
dr|z3d well, as I told you before, you seem to have some aesthetic sensibilities, so I think you'd enjoy I2P+. But as you wish.
dr|z3d Blinded message
Hikari Irc2PGuest97168: do you know the dark truth about jar files and zip files?
dr|z3d means you can distribute a single installer and windows users don't have to figure out how to run it via java.
Hikari the index for zip files is at the end of the file with negative file offsets
Irc2PGuest97168 I would understand if it was just i2pinstall.exe, but java -jar i2pinstall.exe?
dr|z3d what's your excuse, Opicaak? :)
Hikari so you can cat a zip on the end of a .exe
dr|z3d We're talking about linux here.
Hikari and it'll just work
Hikari and .jar files are zip files
Hikari it's an ugly hack
dr|z3d on windows you just run the exe.
Hikari but it works
Hikari sooooo
Irc2PGuest97168 <dr|z3d> what's your excuse, Opicaak? :) - I don't use spydows, but I thought you would either run i2pinstall.exe or java -jar i2pinstall.jar, didn't know java -jar i2pinstall.exe was a thing.
dr|z3d the .exe is a universal installer, works on windows, linux, macos, bsd.
Irc2PGuest97168 Yes, but do you launch it with java -jar infront of it?
dr|z3d for non-windows, yes.
Irc2PGuest97168 Interesting, thanks.
dr|z3d you wouldn't want to attempt to just run it in linux, though it might work if you have java installed under wine. but you definitely wouldn't want to do that.
dr|z3d and the reason to have the .exe installer is to sidestep the requirement to create multiple os-specific .jar files. waste of time when you can just do 1.