IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: about 9 hours since my last restart, I was load to skank, then ofc, the in-console update to 24+ worked. Post-restart skank loads' but I'm back to seeing: The website was not reachable, because it uses encryption options that are not supported by your I2P or Java version. for postman and for random Sites of Interest. notbob and several sites load correctly - seemingly with
T3s|4_ no pattern at all
T3s|4_ I was *able to load skank
dr|z3d yeah, we got an issue upstream with dual leasesets. eyedeekay should be *cough* committing a fix real soon now.
T3s|4_ np - and thanks dr|z3d
dr|z3d -25+ about to land. fixes some sidebar regressions you may or may not have noticed :)
dr|z3d done, uploaded.
dr|z3d let me know if you notice better console performance generally, T3s|4, and specifically with the sidebar.
T3s|4_ alrighty :)
dr|z3d oh, and obviously make sure you ctrl+shift+r in all the right places :)
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: still seeing The website was not reachable, because it uses encryption options that are not supported by your I2P or Java version. Postman loads on one rig, but not the other. Guessing until the ls issue(s) are fixed, this behavior will continue
dr|z3d are you not listening, T3s|4?
dr|z3d the issue is with upstream. there WILL BE a patch at some point.
dr|z3d it's out of my hands.
T3s|4_ hard refreshes do nothing to help postman (and several others) load. Understood on upstream :)
dr|z3d no, they don't. but they do reload the javascript that drives your console. :)
T3s|4 right!
dr|z3d managed to fat finger the sidebar js loading. still trying to load the toggle section from the debug location. ugh. new build forthcoming.
dr|z3d hey ho y2kboy23. been a while!
Irc2PGuest5478 so I wanted to ask, is zzz back?