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dr|z3d anyways, fix should be ready in a few minutes..
dr|z3d ok T3s|4, new build up, should fix on console.
dr|z3d there's also a new feature on /jobs if you're on the dark theme (other themes to follow)..
dr|z3d when a table cell is updated during a refresh, you'll it update and the status will persist until the next update.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks for all of your efforts to get this issue resolved. I'm running 28+ on both laptops and neither have routerconsole.redirectToHTTPS=false in router.config. I can surf to all corners of the console on both laptops
dr|z3d all corners!
dr|z3d I pushed another update not so long ago that ensures the minigraph overlay updates, but you're probably already running it.
T3s|4 What has my mystified is that one laptop auto-resolves to https for 7667/*anything and the other only connects to*anything and refuses to connect via https
T3s|4 *me mystified
T3s|4 running da857ad9 (Build date: 2023-09-21 03:11:16 UTC) on both - and both run the latest FF pointed at privoxy
dr|z3d you may have updated one from stock i2p where https isn't enabled by default.
dr|z3d >> you may have updated one from stock i2p where https isn't enabled by default.
T3s|4 alright dr|z3d - to eliminate that possibility, should I grab the 2.3.0+ Update from skank - and then update from there?
dr|z3d you mean the installer?
T3s|4 if that's what you know supports https, I can grab the installer, not the 0+ update
dr|z3d well, you have options. you can grab the installer, which ensure you get all the I2P+ defaults, or you can just manually configure the console to use https.
dr|z3d of course, if you use the installer, you'll need to use a new config dir, so moving the existing config dir will be required.
T3s|4 and the https console option resides where?
dr|z3d > /configclients
dr|z3d you'll want to edit the router console params to something like: net.i2p.router.web.RouterConsoleRunner 7657 -s 7667 ./webapps/
dr|z3d that presumes you're not using ipv6 to access the console, which is a fairly safe assumption.
T3s|4 OK dr|z3d - need to run now, but I'll have a look - and correct, not using ipv6
T3s|4 great and thanks dr|z3d - that edit worked, and all is well on the https console front - post the standard Accept the Risk and Continue :)
dr|z3d have a look at /jobs T3s|4
dr|z3d assuming your using the dark theme.
T3s|4 yep - running dark - looks nice - anything else you want me to drill into?
dr|z3d did you notice the update?
dr|z3d if you keep the page open for >10s, you'll see it.
dr|z3d sorting by number of runs will maximise the effect.
dr|z3d as for drilling into stuff, keep an eye on torrents and the sidebar. both have had substantial javascript refactoring.
dr|z3d sidebar should be more performant while using a lot less cpu, but on a fast system it's probably not that noticeable.
dr|z3d snark, same.
T3s|4 with sorting by runs selected, I see the job numbers refreshing (flashing yellow) every 5-10 seconds; am I supposed to be seeing something else?
dr|z3d that's it. anything that's updated will flash and stay a more pronounced color.
dr|z3d it's a minor thing, but hey. :)
T3s|4 hmmh, I see the numbers change during the brief yellow flash, but I am not seeing the changed number or the job description stay at a more pronounced color
T3s|4 all my job numbers and job descriptions are a shade of yellow, but I don't see any that are an obviously different shade of yellow, except during the very brief flashing update
dr|z3d should be a brighter shade of yellow.
dr|z3d maybe not pronounced enough.
dr|z3d if you compare to the 0 values, you might notice the difference. it's not meant to be in your face, just subtle :)
dr|z3d may require a hard refresh. ctrl+shift+r
dr|z3d the descriptions themselves don't change color.
T3s|4 I understand your intent, but I have any runs with a 0 value; lowest is 2
T3s|4 *don't have any
T3s|4 yeah hard refreshed several times
dr|z3d not runs.
dr|z3d other values in other columns. drops, for example.
dr|z3d if runs < 2, then the job won't be displayed. that's the part at the top that states "excluding single-shot jobs" :)
not_bob Well, that sucked.
not_bob But, it's better now.
dr|z3d which what when not_bob_afk? :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: noted, on sorted Dropped I only have 2 jobs with non-zero values; one is at 26. the other is at 2. However, I cannot discern any yellow difference shading between those two values and the many other '0' entries - flashing for a few ms to a bolder yellow continues (for all values)
dr|z3d T3s|4: ok, no worries. maybe it's less obvious on some screens. will take a look.
T3s|4 on my 4K display, I would expect a clear, discernible yellow shading difference
T3s|4 I realize you want the changed values subtle, but happy to test a non-subtle approach, i.e. a changed value shows blue vs. yellow :)
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: first time I've seen this on either laptop: Your browser doesn't support ajax. Please upgrade to a newer browser or enable support for XHR requests. Any insights as to what drove that? Latest FF on both
dr|z3d is that on shutdown/startup?
dr|z3d transient issue, worry not, anyways. I'll likely remove the notification.
T3s|4_ no - just during viewing /jobs
T3s|4_ also, re: screen testing, on my old laptop (1366x768) display, on sorted Dropped, I cannot see any yellow shading differences between non-zero and zero jobs
dr|z3d ack, ack.
dr|z3d T3s|4: both issues fixed in latest build. also click to copy magnets, magnet/link toggle, and toast notifications for click2copy magnets should all now be working +-
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: thanks - on 29+ I can now easily see the difference between a changed /jobs value compared to the white zeroes in Dropped and Min :)
T3s|4_ not sure: maybe 'more whitish/less yellow-greenish' for the zeroes is a more accurate characterization, especially on 4K ;p
dr|z3d onwards and upwards, T3s|4!
dr|z3d the copy to clipboard feature in snark for magnets was/is an absolute nuisance to get right. it's about 90% good now.
T3s|4_ lols dr|z3d - on snark, copying magnets to clipboard seems to be working correctly (once you change paperclips to magnets). On postman, I'm still right-clicking on magnets - then selecting copy link, and pasting into snark. Is there a more efficient workflow for postman (not snark)?
dr|z3d oh, well, yeah, copy to clipboard doesn't work for actual http links :)
dr|z3d and no, not for postman's tracker, not without javascript and we both know that ain't happening :)
dr|z3d also, not much value in copying a link to clipboard when the link is for the tracker page, not the actual download.
dr|z3d the closest we could get to a solution for postman would be a browser extension that automatically opens magnets/torrents in snark.
T3s|4_ not sure that is worth the effort, unless it's trivial, but with the number of browsers that folks use, likely a can of worms. The existing postman-->snark copypasta process is not painful :)
dr|z3d I know I'm not going to put the effort in, but you never know, someone might. And with Firefox recently supporting chrome addons, it may be less problematic than you think to support the main browsers.
T3s|4_ good stuff dr|z3d - do you know if that FF support extends to chromium addons, or only actual chrome? I run ungoogled-chromium
dr|z3d should be the same deal, they both use the same codebase.
T3s|4_ good to know
dr|z3d librewolf is also pretty capable, if you want to un-mozilla firefox.
dr|z3d not only capable, but more or less in sync with firefox, release-wise.