IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d I'm seeing "403 Connection Reset" in the sidebar update notification, zzz, so looks like it's working.
zzz super
zzz thanks for testing
zzz did you force a reset somehow? or it just happened?
dr|z3d just happened. I see that from time to time, presumably because the client's taking too long to request headers.
dr|z3d also had a look at your HTTPResponseOutputStream mods
zzz yay? nay?
dr|z3d was messing around with import java.util.concurrent.Executors seeing if there's any value to running gzip in a separate thread.
dr|z3d looks mostly fine, though I'm tending towards larger buffers.
zzz dunno why more threads would be better
dr|z3d one for gzip, one for building out the content?
dr|z3d possible improvements in delivery time.
zzz I suggest you stay out of there, it's super messy and used on both browser and server sides
zzz not lol at all
zzz why would creating another thread be faster?
dr|z3d aside from giving it larger buffers to play with, I think I'm done.
zzz the thread design is also carefully done to prevent resource attacks
dr|z3d ok, well it was just a thought, compress on a separate thread, if you don't think there's much value there, then fine.
dr|z3d there is presumably where brotli could be swapped in if desirable. or a more performant gzip library.
zzz actually you can't make it a thread.. it's an output stream. whoever is writing to you is the thread, pushing data into you
zzz think of it as part of a unix pipe
dr|z3d ok, that makes sense.
dr|z3d brotli appears to be fairly simple to implement.
zzz it's the "sink" of the data
dr|z3d import org.brotli.dec.BrotliInputStream;
dr|z3d import org.brotli.enc.BrotliOutputStream;
dr|z3d protected void beginProcessing() throws IOException {
dr|z3d //out.flush();
dr|z3d OutputStream po = new BrotliOutputStream(out);
dr|z3d synchronized(this) {
dr|z3d out = po;
zzz ok, do some speed tests vs. gz
zzz the hard part is dealing with the negotiation
zzz the more I look at the RFC 2616 encoding stuff the more I realize we're not very standard, it's messy
zzz but I think we're gonna need x-i2p-gzchunked for keepalive
dr|z3d how does gzchunked work? you gzip the chunks as they're sent and the client assembles them at the other end?
zzz you gzip it and then chunk it
zzz chunk == RFC 2616 chunking
dr|z3d ok, I think I get the basics.
zzz but may not be necessary, because technically you know where the end of the gz is.
dr|z3d speaking of standards, I guess this is the de facto standard for brotli on java:
dr|z3d so thinking about it some more, the sidebar update checker (notifications)..
dr|z3d if we're not getting a 404, and the error looks like it may just be transient eg 403 Connection Reset.. might be an idea to reschedule a check earlier than the configured interval.
zzz deep down in there where you know it's 403, you don't know if you were started manually or automatically
dr|z3d yeah, I guess it's not likely to happen much, especially if you're telling eepget to do a bunch of retries. seems to have resolved itself here without intervention.
dr|z3d enough eepget retries and an in-progress update will survive a restart of the update server.
dr|z3d the blocking check's a bit counterintuitive, it blocks for a certain period and then carries on the check in the background. should probably just be backgrounded.
dr|z3d and at some point I'll probably get around to decoupling the news and update checks so they don't share the same interval.
zzz confirmed, transfer-encodings are supposed to be hop-by-hop, and you should dechunk/rechunk at every hop
zzz we just gzip the chunks which is inside-out
zzz we have to dechunk, gzip, rechunk
dr|z3d sounds complex.
zzz yeah I think it will have to be written up in a proposal
zzz w00t first successful persistent browser connection since 2005
zzz INFO [nt Runner 11] .i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Keepalive, awaiting request #17
eyedeekay \(^O^)/
zzz gitlab really benefits, the XHRs are super chatty
zzz every 4 seconds
zzz now over 300 requests on one socket
zzz I'm so much smarter than I was in 2005 :)
dr|z3d *pat pat*