IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d zzz: you going to push that keepalive fix or can you paste the change here? :)
RN zzz, I like the new 'unable to connect to update server ***' message! :)
T3s|4 RN: to your point, on both iterations of 57+ I running: ddc7b4ec (Build date: 2023-10-14 14:54:22 UTC)
T3s|4_ and on ea0195bf (Build date: 2023-10-14 04:15:01 UTC)
dr|z3d T3s|4: note that until zzz patches his keepalive code, you'll need to manually update when running 57+, eepget works fine.
T3s|4 As soon as I check for updates, I see a static, permanent message of: Unable to connect to I2P+ update server skank.i2p
T3s|4 np dr|z3d
dr|z3d yup, zzz's got that fixed, he just didn't tell me how he did it so I'm waiting for him to resurface :)
T3s|4 alrighty - let me know when the fixed patch is up on skank :)
dr|z3d there's a new build up on skank, but if you're not hosting websites, there's nothing much new there right now.
dr|z3d otoh, if you are hosting websites, we're stripping a lot more crud headers from the server response.
T3s|4 noted, thanks...
dr|z3d jetty's default "visited=yes" cookie is also nuked. pointless.
zzz <zzz> dr|z3d, two-liner fix tested and pushed to the branch/MR 129
zzz somehow everybody missed that message
dr|z3d oh, never noticed it, zzz, thanks.
zzz check check is this thing on?
dr|z3d testing, testing, 1, 2, 3. mike check, affirmative.
dr|z3d update available with zzz's fix, T3s|4. and anyone else.. running 57+ and you'll need to eepget the update .. i2p/eepget skank.i2p/dev/
dr|z3d here's a useful function for the httpserver tunnel to perform, zzz.. remove this header -> Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
dr|z3d expires is pretty much a waste of time if you have max-age set in cache-control, so I'm just removing that header if found, but if you want to be more selective..
dr|z3d found that while postman and I were tweaking his headers yesterday. I was scratching my head watching the php/html pages reload with an appropriate cache-control header set, and then I saw that. :|
dr|z3d anyways, fix works, confirmed. unsigned updates are behaving as expected.
zzz here's a question
zzz I'm sending both a If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since to i2p-projekt for hosts.txt which matches the current content, but it's still sending the content back, not a 304
zzz are we not supposed to send both or is the server doing something wrong
zzz HTTPClient[1/1]: Line=[If-None-Match: "1696953602.24-49079-3078492705-gzip"]
zzz HTTPClient[1/1]: Line=[If-Modified-Since: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:00:02 GMT]
zzz HTTPResponseOutputStream: Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
zzz HTTPResponseOutputStream: Response header [ETag] = ["1696953602.24-49079-3078492705-gzip"]
zzz HTTPResponseOutputStream: Response header [Last-Modified] = [Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:00:02 GMT]
zzz since you're now a cache expert...
dr|z3d is the e-tag varying with each request?
dr|z3d something is, and tbh, that seems an awfully long winded way of just setting no-cache and a max-age.
zzz as you can see above they match
zzz it's not really about caching; it's saying only send it to me if it's newer
dr|z3d newer than the copy you have in your cache?
zzz addressbook saves the last-mod and etag from the previous fetch, then sends it in the next fetch
zzz there is no "my cache"
dr|z3d ok, gotcha.
dr|z3d I think you should be good with just an e-tag. that's what I'm doing, and the server will happily send a 304.
zzz can you test projekt with just an etag?
dr|z3d e-tag and maybe last-modified as well.
dr|z3d we don't have that subscription in the addressbook.
zzz If both an entity tag and a Last-Modified value have been
zzz provided by the origin server, SHOULD use both validators in
zzz cache-conditional requests.
dr|z3d too much junk in there.
zzz so we're supposed to send both
dr|z3d skank.i2p sends both afaik and it also responds with a 304 when talking to the addressbook.
dr|z3d ➤ Initiating eephead probe of skank.i2p/hosts.txt…
dr|z3d • Server: nginx (?)
dr|z3d • Status: 200 OK
dr|z3d • Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
dr|z3d • Content-Length: 80189
dr|z3d • Last-Modified: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:03:46 GMT
dr|z3d • Etag: "64e41782-1393d"
dr|z3d • Cache-Control: private, no-cache, max-age=604800
dr|z3d • Accept-Ranges: bytes
dr|z3d • X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
dr|z3d • X-FrameOptions: SAMEORIGIN
dr|z3d • Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; script-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; object-src 'none'; media-src 'none'
dr|z3d • X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
zzz can you check if the 304 is currently working on skank?
zzz projekt is on apache so it's not a jetty thing
dr|z3d working fine.
dr|z3d 304s all over my logs.
dr|z3d [15/Oct/2023:09:47:51] [304] [skank.i2p]/hosts.txt [Wget/1.11.4] 0 [krurjd]
dr|z3d that was just the last request that came in, i2pd on account of the user-agent by the looks of things. but there's hundreds of 304s in the logs.
zzz ok thanks
zzz guess it's something on our server
zzz maybe something with the gzip
dr|z3d maybe don't bother gzipping it and let the server handle that on the fly?
zzz it is
zzz maybe this is it: Response header [Vary] = [Accept-Encoding]
zzz but we're sending Accept-Encoding: gzip
dr|z3d could be. less is more, header-wise :)
dr|z3d last modified, no-cache and e-tag should be plenty.
zzz ok if I take the -gzip off the end of the etag I get a 304
dr|z3d great
zzz so it's something to do with that
dr|z3d if that's the solution, just do that. but those if-none-match headers seem like they can be given the boot as well.
zzz no, etags are to be treated as opaque
zzz and etags are "stronger" directives than last-mod
dr|z3d you're not losing them, you're just losing the -gzip suffix.
dr|z3d which adds nothing of value anyway.
zzz it's opaque, it's not our business what's in the etag
zzz it's an apache bug
dr|z3d well something's generating that suffix, probably apache, so you can probably tell it not to.
dr|z3d or it's doing that because of your vary header.
zzz the vary header is from apache
dr|z3d yeah, right, I'm saying tell apache not to send that.
zzz that's not the issue
zzz the problem is apache's 'do I send 304' logic when mod_deflate is enabled
dr|z3d if apache's adding a gzip suffix to the etag because of the vary header, then it's the issue indirectly. but I'm no apache expert, I dropped apache for nginx many moons ago.
zzz it's adding it because of mod_deflate, not the vary header
zzz 15 year old bug so I guess we shouldn't hold breath
zzz entered ticket #454 for that mess
zzz next up on the http header front, for your consideration dr|z3d : Proxy-Connection
zzz working on some low-level building blocks and unit tests for phase 2
dr|z3d roger that, zzz, thanks.
zzz same story, different day: lightly tested, no problems so far
zzz see ticket for why we can rip them out
dr|z3d are you dogfooding the code as you go? :)
zzz ja, "lightly tested" == dogfood snack
dr|z3d ok, good scooby.
zzz arf
dr|z3d minor thing, zzz, comments in HTTPClient:
dr|z3d // Will be set to false for non-GET/HEAD, non-HTTP/1.1,
dr|z3d // Connection: close, Proxy-Connection: close,
dr|z3d also here? ->
dr|z3d } else if (lowercaseLine.startsWith("keep-alive: ") ||
dr|z3d lowercaseLine.startsWith("proxy-connection: ")) {
dr|z3d continue;
zzz that part is right, that's where we strip it
zzz the header writing is down lower in the loop, so when we continue there the header doesn't get passed along
dr|z3d not seeing any issues so far, zzz, looks good.
dr|z3d tempted to do something with these debug log events because, well, do we need a stacktrace if the behavior is expected? Socket closed
zzz great
dr|z3d my general strategy for stacktraces is error and above.
zzz do as you wish with the logs, the persistence stuff is several months away from getting merged on canon, I don't plan on doing cleanup before then
dr|z3d no worries
dr|z3d we don't actually have persistence yet, though, do we.. it's all preparatory work right now?
zzz what you have is browser-socket persistence, which is a very modest improvement; the main course is i2p-socket persistence, what I'm calling phase 2
dr|z3d ok, thanks.
zzz phase 1 is mostly prep and making me smarter; the modest reduction in resource usage is the bonus, but I'm sure it's not measurable
dr|z3d onwards and upwards!
dr|z3d anyone on + dev builds can now try out zzz's browser-socket persistence in the latest -58+ build.
zzz yup
zzz phase 2 ofc requires support on both sides so it's harder and is not immediately useful
zzz I;ll be working on the client side this week