IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Quaddle Do you think the tutorial " torrenting through i2p " is correct ? ( Can be downloaded in the i2psnark section
dr|z3d what are you asking, Quaddle?
dr|z3d if you're asking can you download clearnet torrent hashes over i2p, the answer is "maybe".
dr|z3d it depends if there are torrent clients also hosting the same hash on i2p. biglybt will bridge both networks if configured that way, so sometimes you get lucky.
Quaddle They say, you can copy a hashset into i2psnark and download through i2p. I was wondering, whether it works anonomously ?
dr|z3d it all works anonymously if you use snark. snark will ONLY download via i2p.
dr|z3d if the hash isn't available on i2p, then you won't be able to download it.
dr|z3d if you want snark to be able to download webseeds via the outproxies, you'd want to be talking to zzz. and before you do, the answer is almost certainly "no". :)
Quaddle Ah, i have just copied a hash from outside and it works
dr|z3d that's the lucky part. someone's also hosting on the network.
Quaddle Yes, but it is lame. I am testing the new Rolling Stones record :D:D:D
dr|z3d so this is handy, I've just put together a script that will print out the coverage of all the po files in a dir, either to terminal or as an html file.