IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
uop23ip Hi, got a question regarding the tunnel number settings for i2psnark. Which counts?:
uop23ip I2Psnark:inbound/outbound tunnel setting or i2prouter:tunnelconfig in/out quantity tunnels
uop23ip i2prouter can do max 6 tunnels and the i2psnark setting can do 10.
uop23ip canon java i2prouter
zzz router will do 16 but the UI only shows 6
RN any drawbacks to higher settings?
zzz sure, tunnels are expensive
uop23ip Let's say, i set 3 in the i2prouter settings and 6 in i2psnark. Which counts?
orignal RN I mean the name of comes from that game. Because "a" is not exactly "э"
zzz the router side counts until the snark side overrides it, which it will do periodically
uop23ip zzz, lol
orignal or until snark kills the router ))
dr|z3d + implements the full 16, but bear in mind that the max # of tunnels correlates to the number of connected peers after initialization.
dr|z3d for the most part, you don't want to be messing with /configtunnels, uop23ip
orignal and other peers start dropping )))
uop23ip dr|z3d, sure. I just wonder which is the "real" setting.
dr|z3d snark's
dr|z3d as zzz said, you can override snark's tunnel allocation, but it won't persist for very long.
uop23ip Is this in general the case, that the i2p connected app defines the tunnel settings and can override the router settings?
dr|z3d unlike most clients, snark's tunnels are allocated dynamically based on peer connections.
RN so use snark gui to set max you want, and snark will go up to that limit as needed?
dr|z3d if a client uses a static tunnel allocation, you can override the tunnel allocation on /configtunnels, but at the most the setting will only persist for the duration of the router session.
dr|z3d snark only uses the required number of tunnels and will scale according to peer connections RN, yes.
dr|z3d the only exception to that rule is when you manually change the setting in snark (and possibly on /configtunnels ?) when it will briefly allocate the defined number of tunnels before adjusting.
uop23ip Ok and if a client app would change the hops to zero. (i know you can't help against stupid users :) ) Would i see it or prevent this settings like "No, my dear client, this is a min 1hop router"? :)
uop23ip This is a question for another day :) Thanks and thanks dr|z3d for updating natter.i2p. Site is really speedy. I hope that browser can't change the hops as it feels like 1 hop :)
dr|z3d sure thing, uop23ip, wasn't as easy as it should have been, there are now 2 branches of nitter and some extra hoops, but hey, it works!
dr|z3d you may still bump into rate limiting, but that's outside of my control.
dr|z3d hey hey RTP!
dr|z3d all good?
not_bob RTP: Welcome!
not_bob As for snark. To get around issues, just use a 32 core intel cpu :)
dr|z3d behave yourself, not_bob
RTP Hi everyone
dr|z3d what's fresh, RTP?
dr|z3d and welcome to #saltR
RTP Thanks :) Set my i2p irc set up again (after data loss) and spent the last 2 days staring at the failed connects until I remember no SSL.. duhhh XD
not_bob Hah, yeah.
dr|z3d live and learn. or in not_bob's case, live, learn, forget. :)
not_bob Yes :(
not_bob Anyway, what can we do for you?
dr|z3d He's here for the free beer and cocktail sticks, obviously.
RTP enjoying some crisp I2P+ today
RTP great work on that
dr|z3d excellent, excellent. are you on a release build or dev builds, RTP?
dr|z3d thanks.
dr|z3d working on AI-assisted console translations right now, we're at 80% minimum coverage with ~10 languages now at 100% +-
dr|z3d speaking of translations, how's the Russian console translation looking, not_bob?
not_bob dr|z3d: I thought you said you didn't need that since you did the AI stuff!
dr|z3d I don't recall saying that, but if I can put Russian through the same process if you're not working on it.
dr|z3d I was expressly not working on Russian because I thought you still were.
not_bob Моя проблема :(
RTP release. Exploring stuff, it's a fun interface. I think some new users get overwhelmed by massive amount of options... I think that's the best part about it ;)
not_bob I will continue then!
dr|z3d I suggested you might want to also use AI to assist, not_bob..
not_bob I didn't understand.
dr|z3d RTP: it's a bit of a beast, that's for sure, but we do our best to make it as friendly as possible for new users without dumbing it down to pointlessness :)
not_bob Anyway, if that's cool with you I'll have it done in a couple days.
dr|z3d yeah man, s'all good, thanks.
not_bob да :)
dr|z3d have you been working with acetone at all?
dr|z3d excellent.
not_bob But, with the holiday that took up much of my time.
not_bob Since I have a family now. *shakes head*
dr|z3d as I said before, no rush, we have until release to get it in there, which is 18th last time I checked.
not_bob That is very doable.
not_bob Thank you.
dr|z3d should be a labor of love, not a massive chore :)
dr|z3d RTP: when you say release, have you enabled in-console updates?
dr|z3d because if you have, and you've downloaded the latest "release", you should be on -99+
dr|z3d I'm now aiming for at least 90% coverage for all/most console translations, not_bob, and 100% for as many as possible.
not_bob Sounds good to me.
dr|z3d potentially the difference between "wtf?" and "oh, that's how it works" for non-english speakers.
not_bob That will be a huge boon.
dr|z3d Japanese at 93% right now and climbing.
not_bob That's a hard language.
RTP ahh will have to check on that to make sure enabled
dr|z3d RTP: /configupdate
dr|z3d either release or /dev/ branch, up to you. auto-update or notify only. notify only lets you download at your convenience, especially handy if you're on the /dev/ path which can see several updates a day in some cases, though minimum auto-update period is 8h.
RTP ah, good to know
RTP thank you :)
dr|z3d you're welcome. dev builds also ~50% of the size of standard updates because they're pack200'd
dr|z3d RTP: any prospect of an rtp.i2p website in the forseeable future?
not_bob I think this is a great idea!
dr|z3d sure, RTP's got plenty of content he can already showcase, videos and what have you.
RTP I actually have really wanted to make a blog on i2p it's in my plans :)
not_bob Good, good!
dr|z3d if you want the heavy lifting to be done for you, RTP, eyedeekay's railroad plugin might be something to look at.
RTP Recently made a nextcloud server i2p to test things as my first server
RTP hey thanks! eyedeekay has some nice stuff need to explore that one
not_bob eyedeekay has been a very valuable member of the community.
dr|z3d it's a flatfile blog implementation.
RTP ahhh that actually sounds like it may work nicely
RTP thanks very much!
dr|z3d eyedeekay: does the plugin provision its own go, or you need to install golang first?
dr|z3d I forget, though fixing up a default theme for railroad is on my todo list.
dr|z3d ok, -109+ uploaded.
RN that doesn't look like itoopie at all
RN kinda creepy actually
RN is that...
RN yes! it is the playground drugdealer from my middle school
RN :)
dr|z3d svg -> png -> turbo -> playground.
RN I'm still tinkering with the ipad one
dr|z3d is it pushing the generations to the cloud, or doing that locally?
RN local
RN so no copyright or sharing issues
dr|z3d must be slowass
RN it is actually not that bad compared to the free ones online
RN it has a funny idea of 'santa suit'
dr|z3d try outfit instead of suit, perhaps.
dr|z3d or costume.
dr|z3d if you can use an image as a starting point, turbo's a good place to sketch out a basic idea.
RN yeah, you saw my candidates
RN but the same prompt didn't give anything close in other models
RN I can do from image, I just need to find a cable to hook ipad to laptop to copy if over
RN so, lazy, just tweaking prompt and retrying for noe
dr|z3d let's see...
RN that's nice
RN how long were the prompts
dr|z3d > mickey mouse holding up a magnifying glass, (dressed in santa costume), hyperrealistic, 3d, arnold render, uhd, zoomed out, uncropped long shot, plain background
RN ok, let's see how this turns out...
RN wait long enough for two strange reults and then
RN realize I typed in 'mickey moist'
dr|z3d try that image as the input and the prompt I gave you.
dr|z3d AI translation is currently in hallucination mode.
dr|z3d > Each router maintains a 'cachet' of versions of routers, leasesets, and other information for the certificate chains it has seen over the lifetime of a router process. The cachet is periodically reset to free memory. See CertificateCachet and FamilyCachet. Since 0.9.20.
dr|z3d that's literal bullshit.
dr|z3d > Certificate Depth. A field in I2NP messages indicating the depth of the certificate chain for the router (0-3). Since 0.9.24.
dr|z3d > A sequence of label parts separated by dots, matching a hierarchy of servers which works together to resolve complicated network names to IP addresses.
eyedeekay The binary of railroad is a statically-compiled Go executable which should work on anything newer than Ubuntu Bionic
eyedeekay Without any additional dependencies
dr|z3d zzz: are you happy with this edit to your multi-port guide.. homework for RN to turn it into a top level html document :) cake.i2p/view/CmJ12kk6Up_Afx9it7TJ60vdWrfCAuRbEqeJCCyQT_mNCfWbUZO7/CmJ12kk6Up.txt
zzz its been a while so I trust your judgement. eyedeekay may be better reviewer after he does it shortly
zzz there's also ssl wizard now that postdates those forum posts
dr|z3d true, RN can mention that, with the caveat that it currently only supports jetty.
dr|z3d I can't claim full responsibility for the edit, I piped it through AI to condense the info and remove the cruft.
zzz right
zzz hoo boy
dr|z3d I knew that would tickle you :)
dr|z3d well this looks dodgy. vaincuda.i2p
dr|z3d 1 security vendor flagged this IP address as malicious:
not_bob dr|z3d: : You should also note that many mining programs are flagged as well.
not_bob I'm not saying it's legit. But, yeah. Might not be evil?
not_bob Possibly.