IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d thanks, T3s|4_
dr|z3d was less complicated than I originally imagined, just a css fix (mostly)
orignal <Vort> padding length + signing_key length == 128 bytes
orignal zzz, eyedeekay
orignal this is in docs
orignal and it's definitly worng
zzz what doc, what section
zzz i wrote a java program that writes java programs
zzz sample output:
zzz public class Compiled_foo {
zzz public static void execute(long[] r) {
zzz r2 *= r7;
zzz for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
zzz r3 *= r0;
zzz I didn't bother adding spaces
orignal padding :: random data
orignal length -> 0 bytes or as specified in key certificate
orignal padding length + signing_key length == 128 bytes
orignal signing__key :: SigningPublicKey (partial or full)
orignal length -> 128 bytes or as specified in key certificate
orignal padding length + signing_key length == 128 bytes
dr|z3d skimming over your forum zzz, there's a proposal and a vague statement of intent regarding torrent loading in snark, to make it multi-threaded. notbob was especially keen to see that happen.
dr|z3d deal with orignal first, just putting that out there while I remember.
zzz orignal, do you have a proposed correction?
orignal public_key+padding+signing_key = 384
orignal public_key is left aligned
orignal signing key is right aligned
zzz wasn't updated after we went to X25519
orignal ECIES you mean
orignal guys were trying to parse RI and got confused
orignal until I explained how it actually works
zzz ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet
zzz re: snark, I believe the loading was due to snark config files not being written out before shutdown
zzz I made at least a couple fixes for that, one early last year and one late, but I never got a test report from him for either one
orignal btw,is it possible that such load comes from a new release of Vuze?
orignal or how it's called now
zzz biglybt
zzz and no
dr|z3d zzz: roger that, I guess we'll have to wait for not_bob to chime in with some belated feedback.
not_bob What do you need feedback on? Is there a newer version of snark?
not_bob I"ve been pretty happy with snark as of late.
not_bob If there are specific questions, please ask directly.
not_bob I'll not be around much today, but I'll poke on a number of times no doubt like I tend to.
zzz dr|z3d, what kind of garbage were you seeing at the top of zzz.i2p pages? cannot reproduce here
not_bob_afk The top of zzz.i2p looks fine to me.
orignal what's up with zzz.i2p?
orignal looks the same
orignal as before
zzz some complaint about garbage before the doctype
orignal <!DOCTYPE html>
zzz it's running on a router with about 7000 lines of changes not checked in yet, so anything's possible
zzz maybe some i2ptunnel bug, either on my side or drz
orignal fine for me
orignal i2pd reads it properly
dr|z3d whatever it was, it appears to have gone, the garbage.
dr|z3d it was a few tofu characters before doctype.
dr|z3d (which were displaying on the page)
T3s|4 zzz: thanks for bringing it back to life; enjoyed the tone of 644