IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d snex: any more on the regex file filtering?
snex dont wanna sound like a dick but as i dont run i2p+ i probably cant dedicate any time to working on it
snex the basic change is in my github fork of the i2p.i2p repo
dr|z3d doesn't have to be i2p+ specific, but your call. As we discussed before, a multi-select dropdown with regex strings + explanatory text in configs is the way to go, if you want to make it accessible.
dr|z3d (explanatory text to be displayed in the dropdown)
not_bob In my case, I just make a symlink to the default i2psnark data location. It works well.
snex so its weird because i originally had that, and it worked. and then one day it just decided it no longer had write access and i dont know why
not_bob zzz: RTP did a domain reg on stats.i2p, why does it take so long to show up?
dr|z3d tarpitting, not_bob, zzz personally vets the submissions.
not_bob Ahh, that would do it.
not_bob And, yes. I can fully understand that.
not_bob If I were to run a domain reg, I would do the same thing.
dr|z3d RTP: also submit to reg.i2p
not_bob I suggested he do that. I don't think subnmitting it to more than one will hurt anything.
dr|z3d not at all.
dr|z3d reg.i2p and stats.i2p covers most bases.
not_bob *nod*
not_bob reg.i2p even seems to pickup stuff off my list as well.
RTP ah yes, I'm going to try out reg tonight to check out out
dr|z3d have you got a b32 in the meantine, RTP?
RTP and this link also shared / helps for the moment to those only knowing the righttoprivacy.i2p stats.i2p/cgi-bin/jump.cgi?a=righttoprivacy.i2p
dr|z3d good stuff.
dr|z3d intended hostname is rtp.i2p ?
RTP righttoprivacy.i2p though originally I did consider rtp.i2p as it is easier. Eh well, maybe I should have stuck with the shorter one.
snex porque no los dos
dr|z3d it's all good. reg.i2p will allow you to register multiple names with the same destination address.
RTP ahhh very cool to know thank you! I was actually wondering that as I rushed to come up with a name. ;)
dr|z3d either way, your addressbook will have an address helper assuming you added it there.
dr|z3d HgxvGfqVWcQXLBI9-crumZBs4XAhJOvsPM884ybyDtkeDG8Z-pVZxBcsEj35yu6ZkGzhcCEk6-w8zzzjJvIO2R4Mbxn6lVnEFywSF2Tp3yv0FTKjU1RdIEVujoTKnR3ZMWbsZBQIb0-oiAxBQAEAAcAAA==
dr|z3d that's the correct method to share a link to your site if you want people to have the hostname added to their addressbook
dr|z3d if it doesn't, you can add it via the tunnel manager
dr|z3d I2P+ has a link in the tunnel manager, and I think I2P has something similar, though not sure.
dr|z3d that is, assuming it finds a hostname configured in your server tunnel config.
not_bob RTP: You can use both.
dr|z3d or use the b32 and provide an addresshelper link in a blog post. whatever works.
RTP Cool thank going to try out reg.i2p just to see how it goes
RTP thanks*
RTP thanks for all the info. Always learning here. :)
dr|z3d always a pleasure!
dr|z3d enough for now, just shy of 100 new avatars on pr3t6cjlcth36djl3qgnfaollcvcs2kbzigzon6derjzjghttp4q.b32.i2p
zzz if you didn't notice, I enhanced my new hosts page a few weeks back, now shows pending registrations hidden with ******* at stats.i2p/cgi-bin/newhosts.cgi
zzz so after you submit you can see it worked immediately
zzz and if you're stuck in the 30 day tarpit instead of the 3 day one, you can see that too
zzz I was also careful to get the number of *** correct
orignal what's going on with number of floodfills?
orignal anybody noticed?
orignal please check
orignal I see only 700-800 now
orignal and everybody else to
orignal yesterday it was around 1200
zzz 1193, 1162, 1125 on 3 routers
orignal what was yesterday?
orignal they are coming back now
zzz 1200 24h ago
orignal what happened couple hours ago?
zzz my graph is flat
zzz nothing
orignal I will check
orignal why all i2pd kicked so many floodfills
orignal but it could be a reason like they because suddently unrechable or so on
dr|z3d not seeing a major drop here, though yesterday saw a large chunk of routers disappear, they're back today.
orignal maybe same cause
orignal we have storger requirement for floodfills
orignal like if it's not reachable we drop it for a while
dr|z3d I think we do the same in +
orignal what scares me if 1/4 of floodfiils belongs to an advesary it's not good sign
dr|z3d China looks strange right now, in the netdb.
orignal what happened if a Java router is overloaded? Will it become non-floodfill?
dr|z3d possibly, not sure, and it also depends whether or not it's auo-floodfill or manually configured on.
zzz depends what kind of overload, but yes
dr|z3d the Chinese routers look like they may be run by the same entity. all 0.9.58, most of them X tier.
orignal zzz is it possible that many Java routers became non-floodfiils in last few weeks and got replaced by advesary's?
zzz probably not
orignal what would overloaded Java router do?
orignal *floodfill
zzz it would have to be a sustained CPU overload for hours. it's not going to un-ff because of tunnel or bandwidth overload. so it's not likely
orignal I'm asking if it stops accepting connections or not
zzz no, other than the usual connection limits