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orignal zzz any plan to fix that SSU2 issue?
dr|z3d been a while, Liorar!
Liorar It has! I got swamped with life
Liorar now I'm trying to remember how to do everything on here, LOL
Liorar at least I got IRC working again!
Liorar next step: get browsing eepsites working
dr|z3d :4444 http proxy.
Liorar aha, I think I solved that one now
Liorar yeah, half the trouble was finding a browser I wanted to do it in
Liorar the I2P private browsing extension for Firefox needs major work, lol
Liorar and the browser I'd have *liked* to make it work in is too obscure and I use it for real sites, so I gave up and went and found one to use just for this
Liorar only problem is, it won't load hardly any of the images in the router console and I'm really disliking that
Liorar ahh, settings were a bit *too* secure, lol
Liorar I'll work on getting torrents back running another day, but it's satisfying to be back
dr|z3d you could use librewolf for i2p if you want to separate browsers.
dr|z3d everything you expect from firefox.
Liorar I ended up going with Mullvad, it's designed for privacy - just can't set it to the safest security or you lose half the pics, apparently
Liorar Mullvad's Firefox-based also, so easy to use
dr|z3d whatever works for you :)
dr|z3d librefox is also privacy focused.
zzz what issue orignal?
orignal issue that and advesary can put IP, s and i of real router to his fake router
orignal and a vectm will think they are connected to the fake router
orignal because no way to recognize this situation in case of SSU2
zzz awaiting your proposal
weko I'm busy, later
orignal the simple proposal is to send Bob's ident hash in a spearate block
orignal howeevr the best thing would be encrypted X like in NTCP2
orignal not sure what is the best
orignal I'm back with this because we had long discussion with weko why we can't use SSU2 as much as we could
zzz yes, we've discussed many times. write it up, get help from the i2pd team if you need it
orignal when did we discuss it?
zzz write up the options then
zzz and we can then discuss it
orignal thanks. let weko do it ))
zzz a month ago, two months ago, ...
weko orignal: I'm think now should we use hash for enc or we can just send it
orignal he was a volunteer to do it
orignal I remember you only said "write a proposal"
orignal seems you don't see a problem here
weko So it will really easy. Block with 32 bytes of hash and nothing more needed if don't use hash in enc
zzz not true, I agree it's a problem. I'm not sure how big a problem though, hopefully the proposal will explain that
weko And simple check
orignal let me formalate differetly
orignal how do you solve it in Java now?
weko zzz: attack ~year ago used this problem
weko It's because we know this problem
weko DDOS attack and can do deanon attack easier
zzz I've said before, it sounds like an idea we should discuss, it's not going to be a waste of your time to write the proposal
zzz it's on my list and I'm standing by :)
orignal but what you do now in Java code?
zzz I don't believe we have anything. If we could defend against it without a protocol change, then please tell us how in the proposal
weko i2pd do not make ssu2 connection to "unconfirmed i" routers, as temporary fix
zzz ok, add a section about that alternative in the proposal
weko I guess it's not best solution, better do verify in ssu2
zzz maybe. discuss the tradeoffs in the proposal
orignal we just need a new block type
weko orignal: so is it possible to add in SessionRequest? Better check as fast as possible
zzz also in the proposal please discuss alternatives for the block. Does it need to be the full 32 byte hash, or is a 4 byte siphash-of-the-hash, or some HKDF or something, sufficient
orignal also another option is to use router's identhash as "i" for SSU2
zzz add it all to the proposal
orignal that's exactly my problem
orignal I'm too poor for ideas and anylisys
zzz then get some help from the rest of the i2pd gang
orignal if I had a choice I would use idenhash for i and that's it
orignal no changes at all
weko orignal: how i generating now?
zzz I've written a thousand pages of proposals and specs in the last 10 years, you guys can do a few
orignal weko just brandom 32 bytes
orignal zzz English is your native langauage
orignal but I can't write more than 5 sentences in English ))
weko orignal: then for what I really needed?))
weko Better alsways use ident
orignal not necessary
orignal you can use any i
weko Damn.
orignal but if you want to make your SSU2 address "trusted" use router's ident
orignal for example if you are firewalled it doesn't matter
orignal but if you are a floodfill better to go this way
weko orignal: I mean i should be always = ident and even don't write it
weko And for ntcp2 also
weko -64 bytes for RI.
weko And DPI sucks because we use empheral (fuck this word) key
zzz so write 5 sentences, then get help from the i2pd gang for the rest ))
zzz here's your outline:
zzz goals
zzz threat model
zzz general approach
zzz spec change:
zzz - option 1
zzz - option 2
zzz - workaround 3
zzz backward compatibility/migratin
weko Even 3 options
weko 3 is remove i and use router ident as i
weko But not compatably with old routers. We should add code to use ident as i, if there is no i in RI, and we later we will have option to remove i with continue supporting most routers
orignal zzz maybe key=ident in SSU1 had some rationale?
zzz I think it was just jrandom
weko And was right
weko Because ident also random value
orignal ofc it was jrandom
orignal but maybe he had this reason in mind'
zzz we can discuss all the alternatives, but I think the simplest solution will probably be the best
weko zzz: most simple is write i = ident I think. But, as I wrote, we can delete in future
weko Ye same value can be effectively compressed, but in memory we saving uncompressed RI.
zzz I don't understand what the change in "i" has to do with this problem. Isn't the simplest fix just to put the hash in the handshake?
weko zzz: because if attacker will do new RI with same address, port, s, i, i will be != RI. So we need to save temp change, but set "confirmed" flag is i=ident
weko Anyway we need to save it...
weko Can be called "fix for old routers support"
weko zzz: can you give number of proposal?
orignal zzz if i = ident we can trust such address
zzz weko 165, take one of these as a template
weko zzz: thanks
not_bob I may not know what I'm talking about, but is there a way for the router to "test" the other router to make sure it works as expected?
not_bob Something that doesn't break old routers?
Liorar drat! my password for Postman doesn't work but I *had* an account there, wish I remembered what it was!
dr|z3d ping postman, see if he can reset it for you.
Liorar I remembered to check the old browser on the retired comp that used to run it - and I had saved it there, so I think I have it
Liorar naturally, it took complaining about forgetting for me to remember, lol
Liorar anyone know what's a reasonable amount of time for an email to arrive in one's i2p webmailbox? I signed up for a i2p-based forum with that email addy and am wondering how long to expect to wait for the confirmation email
dr|z3d sometimes instant, sometimes can take a hour or more.
Liorar Lol, well, it's on the "hour or more" scale, but I'll keep checking then
dr|z3d and sometimes never, if the domain has been blacklisted.
Liorar lol, no idea, they didn't say "don't use addresses from" in the signup form
weko <not_bob> I may not know what I'm talking about, but is there a way for the router to "test" the other router to make sure it works as expected?
weko <not_bob> Something that doesn't break old routers?
weko profiling