IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal yes, right after the month
orignal we have noticed it too
orignal therefore it is attack
orignal and got pied for a month
dr|z3d here's a theory. university faculty.
orignal and what are they doing?
zzz faculty don't do anything on a clock
zzz somebody rented a botnet
dr|z3d vacation period, zzz.
tennis2 thx for voice dr|z3d
dr|z3d sure thing, tennis2
tennis2 are you leaving?
tennis2 What just saying on #i2p that I have taken my sweet time to get back here.
dr|z3d we have no idea who you are, tennis2, so asking personal questions isn't likely to elicit much in the way of a response.
tennis2 Anyway I was just asking, does anyone else here have a problem with i2psnark dropping all the metadata of the torrents in you collection and then you have to wait for i2psnark to re-scan all the torrents again?
dr|z3d check the write and execute permissions on your snark config dir.
zzz he thought you said I was on vacation, you were talking about the faculty
dr|z3d oh? ok. no, tennis2, zzz is *back* from vacation, if that's what you were asking.
tennis2 :) No problem. Thanks for the tip. What should I set them to to not get wiped? When the torrents' drive gets disconnects?
dr|z3d well, that may be a problem, if the drive hosting your torrents isn't permanently online.
dr|z3d the issue came up a few days ago, sort of, related to network shares, anyway.
zzz what version tennis2
not_bob I find it works better to have torrents stored locally.
dr|z3d an option to flag the unavailable torrents in the screenlog instead of deleting the config dirs was suggested, though that might have been a private conversation.
tennis2 Okay, so maybe I'm not the only one? Latest ver zzz
not_bob tennis2: I've had the same issue in the past. But, not recently.
tennis2 They are local but sometimes I forget to completely shutdown i2psnark. Before unmounting or the cord comes out of its own entropic wonder.
not_bob Yeah, a bad shutdown often casues issues.
tennis2 Never fear.
tennis2 Blinded message
zzz how many torrents tennis2
not_bob And, if you have a small number of torrrents than it's not an issue. But, when you have a multi TB collection, then it can take a while even with a fast drive.
tennis2 >>> I'll be back shortly
tennis2 Ta da
not_bob tennis2: Why not just use the cake.i2p domain instead of the whole b32?
tennis2 Just formality sake but yes I should have said it was cake, and I must add this which I think will work for all XDG
tennis2 Autostart
tennis2 The following is not tested...
tennis2 sudo bash << EOF
tennis2 echo "[Desktop Entry]
tennis2 Type=Application
tennis2 Name=I2PSnark helper: Disk Preserving Backup
tennis2 Comment=Background I2PSnark metadata backup for painless easy restore, saving your disk from doing expensive reads.
tennis2 Exec=/usr/tennis/i2psnark-helper/
tennis2 StartupNotify=false
tennis2 Terminal=false
tennis2 Hidden=false" > /etc/xdg/autostart/tennis.i2psnark-helper.disk-preserving-backupper-restorer.desktop
tennis2 Blinded message
dr|z3d borderline flood, tennis2, please don't do that. use cake, or if you want more persistence and to add commentary, ramble.i2p/f/i2p
tennis2 Basically I had a couple days to finally do this.
dr|z3d backing up your config dir isn't a bad idea if your storage is prone to outages / being offline.
tennis2 s/Exec=\/usr\/tenn/Exec=\/usr\/bin\/tenn/
tennis2 Anyone spot any issue with it?
dr|z3d now I remmeber you. you wanted some sort of feature to hide the start/stop buttons in snark.
tennis2 I'm interested to know what data is stored exactly in that directory, because the data can change a lot from day to day.
tennis2 Not hide. But stop ppl from accidental deleting their torrent yes.
dr|z3d as we discussed before, there's already a mechanism to prevent accidental deletion, you just need javascript enabled.
tennis2 Apparently, yes, though I admit. When I turn on js I don't get that. Anyway, that is still low priority.
tennis2 Or medium priority, I should say.
orignal I though we are still talking about the attack
orignal zzz.i2p looks like zzz's personal blog now ))
not_bob Right?