IRCaBot 2.1.0
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snex if i have my http tunnel set to close after 10m idle, then change keys on reopen, shouldnt it have a new b32 after 10m of inactivity?
dr|z3d it should, snex.
snex it doesnt :(
dr|z3d configure it to not open until activity detected, then you'll see it as orange in the tunnel manager.
snex its still green when i do that
dr|z3d thing is, if you're using the default http client, there may be activity happening that you're not directly initiating, like news checks or whatever else.
snex hmm
dr|z3d try configuring a separate tunnel on say 4445 and use that, then you'll know the only traffic it's seeing is traffic you're initiating.
snex yep trying that now
snex will report back in 10m
dr|z3d you can always set it to 1m close on idle.
dr|z3d you know, for test purposes.
snex timers give me an excuse to do other stuff in the meanwhile
snex thank you for reminding me of what i just said
snex so yeah, it does seem to work on a fresh http tunnel. weird
snex i made an eepsite where you can check your reported b32: whatsmyb32.i2p (it probably hasnt hit your addy book yet)
dr|z3d where did you register it? stats.i2p, reg.i2p, or both?
snex reg.i2p
orignal LeaseSets: 492
orignal LeaseSets: 492
orignal how much do you have now?
orignal It seems a new record now
StormyCloud snex should just output the b32 address when someone goes to the link. Versus having to click a link
snex i wanted to do that but i cant find any way to make the jetty server serve a cgi-bin script as the index
snex if you know how to do that pls let me know
dr|z3d you could use an iframe or object to display the b32, snex.
snex yeah but that kinda defeats the purpose of having it be parseable like json
dr|z3d you could also use a meta redirect on the index.html to the script.
dr|z3d or you could use nginx with jetty handling the perl, assuming it's perl, and an alias.
snex theres gotta be a way to make jetty do it
snex its just bash
dr|z3d there probably is, if you look into your jetty.xml file or related xml files. jetty isn't the most friendly server when you want to configure it a bit differently, and the docs/support isn't the best, either.
dr|z3d alternatively, you could use the bash script to write the b32 automatically into the index.html
snex then it would have no way to get it
snex all it does is echo back $REMOTE_ADDR
dr|z3d I wonder if a simlink would work. dunno.
dr|z3d you might need to configure jetty to allow cgi scripts to run outside of cgi-bin, otherwise.
snex nope, it just spits out the source of the script
snex trying that next
dr|z3d you may also need to configure additional extensions to try as index files.
dr|z3d *file extensions
dr|z3d and if you're setting up a site to display the dest, you might as well show the visitor what headers they're sending at the same time.
snex the idea is to create a browser ext that will tell them their b32 as they browse
zzz I got a little further on DNSCrypt
zzz I had to dig thru the libsodium source...
zzz but at least now I have the same shared key on both sides
zzz unfortunately the MAC is still failing
zzz baby steps