IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob 17% build success with i2pd!
not_bob Fresh pull and compile.
dr|z3d see how you get on with -9+ not_bob
dr|z3d the current thinking is to delete your sybil blocklist and disable auto banning for sybils.
not_bob cumlord: Yeah
not_bob You can see the uptick in my graph.
dr|z3d -9+ also has a delete Sybil blocklist button in the main sybil view, autobanning defaults to off, and you'll need to restart the router after deleting the blocklist.
not_bob *nod*
not_bob I will give that a try when I am in a position to do so.
not_bob Which won't be for another 20 hours or so.
not_bob Hah, 18%!
not_bob Anyway, afk
snex dr|z3d: got some logger statements: Slow processor (Arm/Android) detected on this host - not automatically enrolling as floodfill
snex that explains it lol
dr|z3d ah :)
cumlord Thanks ill check it out will have some time to fix things finally. I think floodfill was causing network to crash
orignal the crash came from race condition that's fixed in last commits
not_bob Just had i2pd crash one one of my servers. It's a compile from a few days ago. I'll apply the latest and recompile tomorrow.
not_bob Likely that issue orignal was talking about.
zzz the chinese X botnet, which had gone fairly quiet, is back
zzz they are very chatty
zzz brb
zzz is outbound email working at all yet or still dead?
dr|z3d orignal: you got any proof our adversary's sitting behind Tor?
zzz I apparently missed the tor discussion, but awaiting data from somebody
orignal it's from last year
orignal they sumbmitted shit directly
orignal and I cught where it came from
orignal it was Firewlaaed router with real IP at EmerlandOnion
dr|z3d we were talking about now yesterday, not last year!
dr|z3d (or I thought we were)
zzz nobody needs my approval to block tor IPs, dr|z3d didn't ask me
zzz but if you're recommending I do it, please provide data showing the attacks are coming from there now
Irc2PGuest22422 hrm attack still ongoing?
zzz I see zero evidence of tor IPs, so even though blocking would be easy, somebody will have to convince me with data, past or current
orignal I didn't check this yesr
not_bob orignal: Did you get my private messages?
orignal so I have made more fixes
not_bob Just very odd. That router currnetly has about a 20% build success.
orignal we found the issue that saving/deleting profiles takes a lot of time
not_bob Perfect. I will apply them later today.
not_bob Good.
orignal might take 20 minutes
not_bob No rush, I need to sleep for a while.
orignal and i2pd gets killes by OOM
not_bob Not good.
orignal my last commit to move it to a separate thread
not_bob Note that I have machines running i2pd that range from 700mhz sbc with 512m of ram to i9 systems with 128 gigs of ram.
orignal basically it depends on your storage
orignal if you use ssd it's fast
not_bob Speed?
orignal and no issue
not_bob I use SSD in everything, but microsd in single board computers.
not_bob With some exceptions.
orignal file operations take too much time is dick is slow
not_bob I have a few sbc with m.2 drives.
orignal I never had this problem
orignal just because I use m2 drive
not_bob *nod* Not an ooption for all.
orignal that's why I was not aware for a long time
not_bob I only use spinning disks for backups.
not_bob But, with the price of SSD coming down, even those are being replaced.
not_bob Anyway, sleep for me. I'll do some fresh compiles when I wake up. Thank you for your work on this.