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zzz looks like from here, the attack either was modified or stopped about 12 hours ago; plesae report observations
zzz I have zero bans remaining of suspect fakes
zzz there's an ongoing background noise of week-old RI store attempts, going to try to track those down and figure out why they are rattling around
dr|z3d I did mentioned something to you in private yesterday re bans, probably got lost in the noise.
dr|z3d *mention
dr|z3d I've caught orignal's toping borg.
zzz about the ban time?
dr|z3d no, no, about the number of bans.
dr|z3d unrelated, updated the maketorblocklist script, not it does the work for you, pulls the list, modifies, saves, deletes downloaded file. git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/src/commit/458fbec9662e897dfbeb4f05fcd8d1e9939480ea/installer/resources/
zzz yup, nice job, if we ever need it I'm ready, but for now I don't see a need to be proactive about it
zzz irc is choppy, if I missed something in DM, try again please
orignal <Vort> интересно. количество флудфилов в базе уменьшилось (до 1.5к) и при этом поползло вверх количество транспортов (сейчас по 5к NTCP2 и SSU2, раньше было по 3к)
orignal Vort's report
orignal less floodfills more transports
dr|z3d transports or transits?
orignal NTCP2 and SSU2 sessions
dr|z3d lots of very transient connections it appears.
orignal zzz asked to report obrevations
dr|z3d these are swamping my logs right now: Signature: ECDSA_SHA256_P256 with SendStreamID but no connection found ➜ Recently disconnected
zzz thanks orignal/Vort
dr|z3d nothing important, zzz, was just remarking on the # bans for the class of router we're tracking being lower than expected.
dr|z3d (yesterday)
zzz the bigly update should help also
dr|z3d these disconnections are continuing apace, looks like a possible new strategy. establish connection, drop connection.
dr|z3d either that or the entire floodnet is being taken down.
zzz yeah high levels of incoming conn esp SSU2, our throttler is working well, haven't seen need to tune it yet
zzz 04/29 14:14:31.084 WARN [ handler 1/1] sport.udp.EstablishmentManager: Probabalistic drop incoming (p=26/128) last rate 131/min current rate 144
orignal Vort also sees mammoth's shit
orignal let's define the threshold we don't accept older RI
orignal 72 hours?
zzz yeah I wanted to discuss that
zzz not sure but the old ones may be coming from i2pd, I;m starting to research
zzz what are your current limits?
orignal I drop only future RIs
orignal then delete older druing cleanup
zzz hmm
zzz looking...
dr|z3d we drop them in RefreshRoutersJob, but not solely there.
orignal we need to set a limit
orignal I guess 12 hours is fair enough
zzz we have always had limits. Yes I recommend you add some
zzz here's ours:
zzz assuming we have been up > 1 hour:
orignal yes I will add
zzz if we are ff: 1 hour
zzz if RI has introducers: 54 minutes
orignal hour about regular RIs?
zzz otherwise, variable depending on size of our netdb: max 27 hours, min 1 hour
orignal why 1 hour for FF?
orignal what if we recieved it as reposnse to our lookup?
orignal it's not a good idea
zzz because routers must publish to you, so no need to keep longer, and they don't have to worry about staying integrated
orignal I'm OBEP
zzz ffs don't have a problem remembering RIs
orignal and a message comes to older IBGW
zzz can always look up again, it's just a way to manage memory usage
orignal yes but what if I recieve older IBGW again?
zzz once we're over 5000 RIs, it's a firm 1 hour expiration. If we receive an old RI we throw it away
orignal even as lookup repoense?
zzz yes, correct
orignal what if IB owner has 200 routers in thier netdb?
orignal they will pick older RI for IBGW
zzz routers try hard to refresh their RIs, especially in the first hour after startup
zzz old RIs usually still work
dr|z3d well this is curious: [SSU2] Received SessionRequest from invalid address/port:
zzz on one router right now I have 4400 RIs, oldest is < 4 hours
zzz 9050 is tor
dr|z3d exactly.
zzz not on your list, might be just bad luck
orignal let's limit by 12 hours for now
not_bob I'm still getting crap for build success on many of my routers.
zzz up to you orignal but that sounds fine... don't forget that reseed RIs may be older than that
not_bob And, it appears that many of my routers don't have a working http tunnel for whatever reason.
dr|z3d you updated + yet not_bob?
not_bob dr|z3d: Everything.
dr|z3d when did you update +?
not_bob less than 12 hours ago again.
dr|z3d ok, should be looking satisfactory then.
not_bob Looks like my i2p routers are not reporting as often as they should.
not_bob But, the ones that are have improved success rates.
not_bob Let me make some adjustments.
not_bob It could be on the I2P+ end. That would explain all the failures.
zzz dr|z3d, are you helping out postman? had some luck sending email yesterday, not so much today
dr|z3d zzz: yeah, keeping postie abreast of the changes.
zzz super, thanks
not_bob I increased the tunnel count for the b32 that everything gets reported to. That may make it more stable.
not_bob I'll know in a few hours :)
dr|z3d zero toleration for invalid address/port here.
not_bob I'll check back in a number of hours. Later all!
orignal zzz and we don't flood older than 1 hour. right?
zzz orignal, I don't think we have different rules for flooding, let me check
zzz yeah since the limit is 1 hour if ff, we won't store or flood if older
zzz so that sounds right
orignal Tunnel creation success rate: 17%
orignal not bad
dr|z3d ~70-80% here
dr|z3d ok, since we're battening down the hatches around here, what about addressing this excessive introducers issue?
dr|z3d worth setting a hard limit?
orignal what's with it?
orignal I have fixed that bug long time ago
dr|z3d seems suspect when you've got 10+ introducers configured.
dr|z3d really, anything > 3 seems suspect to me.
orignal maybe old code?
orignal we had the bug about it
dr|z3d could be.. you're setting a hard limit now?
orignal I publish only 3
dr|z3d ok, good.
orignal for receiving not sure what's allowed. I would limited to 10, e.g 0-9
dr|z3d I'd be inclined to ban anything with > 3 tbh.
orignal I wuld do it for 9+
dr|z3d whatever we chose, probably not a bad idea to firm up the spec.
dr|z3d have you got a minute, zzz? Trying to work out why I'm seeing log entries that repeatedly report a ban for an IP that should already be banned.
dr|z3d it's the invalid 9050 offender.
zzz perhaps the log is for a port check that is before the ban check?
dr|z3d oh, could be. do I need to reverse these? if (!TransportUtil.isValidPort(from.getPort()) || !_transport.isValid(fromIP))
zzz not necessarily
zzz generally speaking you should do the most efficient check first
zzz and keep in mind the order of checks when eyeballing logs
dr|z3d here's the relevant block, I can't see any issue with it, maybe you can?
dr|z3d byte[] fromIP = from.getIP();
dr|z3d String ipAddress = Addresses.toString(fromIP);
dr|z3d boolean hasIP = fromIP != null;
dr|z3d boolean isBlocklisted = hasIP && _context.blocklist().isBlocklisted(fromIP);
dr|z3d if (!TransportUtil.isValidPort(from.getPort()) || !_transport.isValid(fromIP)) {
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldWarn()) {
dr|z3d _log.warn("[SSU2] Received SessionRequest from invalid address/port: " + from);
dr|z3d if (!isBlocklisted) {
dr|z3d _context.blocklist().add(fromIP, "Invalid address/port in SessionRequest");
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldWarn()) {
dr|z3d _log.warn("[SSU2] Banning " + ipAddress + " for duration of session -> Invalid address/port in SessionRequest");
dr|z3d } else if (isBlocklisted) {
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldInfo()) {
dr|z3d"[SSU2] Not banning " + ipAddress + " -> Already in blocklist");
dr|z3d return;
zzz well, on its face, isBlocklisted will be false if fromIP == null
dr|z3d yeah, except fromIP should never be null, hasIP is probably not required.
dr|z3d if it was null, then ipAddress would return null or error, which it never does.
zzz as I've repeatedly cautioned, your strategy of banning/blocking for every transgression is problematic, especially in the current climate of widespread spoofed/fake RIs; don't get carried away
dr|z3d *nods and smiles*
dr|z3d you can spoof an ip, but you can't spoof a direction connection from that ip, which is what I'm targeting here.
dr|z3d *direct
dr|z3d unless I'm missing something.
zzz you can with UDP if it's pre-token
dr|z3d ok, noted, thanks.
dr|z3d so let's see if we can extract a router hash instead, I guess.
zzz be esp. cautious of IP blocks, because there's no expiratoin
zzz although it is LRU
zzz which reminds me, eyedeekay -
zzz what in the world is the PROP_BLOCKLIST_EXPIRE_INTERVAL stuff you added last summer?
zzz it's a little messy
orignal shouldn't we ban LRU routers?
zzz sorry, LRU = least recently used cache
orignal I though router caps ))
zzz eyedeekay, an int # of ms overflows a lot faster than you think, among other problems....
orignal btw what do we do with such routers?
orignal with U and R together
dr|z3d yeah, I was thinking about that yesterday, no time limit for ip blocks.
dr|z3d U + R caps, if routers exist publishing both, should be instant ban, no?
dr|z3d that has to be modded code, surely. normal routers won't publish both.
eyedeekay It seems like it would be mutually exclusive
dr|z3d have you actually seen any routers like that, orignal?
dr|z3d should be, eyedeekay, but there are some nuts out there messing with code :)
dr|z3d I'm staring at about -8000 bans right now vs yesterday.
dr|z3d 6-8K, something like that, rough estimate.
eyedeekay Re: expire bans, added it b/c of the 'shitty bans' as orignal put it at the time as an option to expire all bans at a user-specified time, but it's probably also an example of obscuratus and I having similar blindspots
eyedeekay Nobody uses it and it's probably not very useful anyway, and the key source of said bans went away last checkin, so I could just revert it now
zzz yes eyedeekay I recommend reverting. It looks like an experiment, not a feature, and not very useful either
zzz - can't change the time after startup
zzz - cache is LRU already
zzz - Integer instead of int
zzz - Integer instead of long, overflow will be very bad, infinite loop
dr|z3d low hanging fruit.
orignal does Java do it now?
orignal or it needs to be implemented?
dr|z3d probably needs implementing, not difficult.
dr|z3d and done.
orignal yes, that's what I mean
dr|z3d boolean reachable = cap != null && cap.indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_REACHABLE) >= 0;
dr|z3d boolean unreachble = cap != null && cap.indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_UNREACHABLE) >= 0;
dr|z3d if (reachable && unreachable) {
dr|z3d _context.banlist().banlistRouter(h, " <b>➜</b> Invalid published capabilities (RU)", null,
dr|z3d null, _context.clock().now() + 24*60*60*1000);
dr|z3d _msg3p2FailReason = NTCPConnection.REASON_BANNED;
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldWarn() && !isBanned)
dr|z3d _log.warn("Banning for 24h and immediately disconnecting from Router [" + h.toBase64().substring(0,6) + "]" +
dr|z3d " -> Publishing both R and U caps");
dr|z3d _context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new Disconnector(h), 3*1000);
dr|z3d throw new DataFormatException("Invalid caps (RU): " + h);
dr|z3d * boolean unreachable