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StormyCloud Whats up you beautiful folks, how is everyone doing
dr|z3d hey hey StormyCloud
not_bob StormyCloud: Not too bad on this end. One thing after another, but not bad.
dr|z3d you're voice, asdfghjkl, welcome to the channel.
dr|z3d *voiced
asdfghjkl how can i ask the router over sam to encrypt my leaseset?
asdfghjkl besides i2cp.encryptLeaseSet
asdfghjkl i checked several sam libraries before asking
dr|z3d i2cp.leaseSetEncType=4 or i2cp.leaseSetEncType=4,0
dr|z3d 4 is ECIES (recommended), 0 is ElGamal.
asdfghjkl are there any working examples?
asdfghjkl never mind, i figured it out
asdfghjkl thanks for the help
dr|z3d If you tell us what you're trying to achieve, maybe we can help. As it is, you're not giving us anything to go on.
asdfghjkl you solved it for me
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d welcome to the channel, PeterTheG
PeterTheG Thanks !
PeterTheG I have a little Problem and hope somebody here can help me: I notice big bandwith differences between i2pd and i2p/i2p+. i2pd reaches nearly the Bandwith Limit i set in the config file, but i2p/i2p+ dont get close to the set limit. Also the transferred data in i2pd is a lot higher than in i2p/i2p+. Runtime is 5hrs+. I really like the Java Router and want to contribute as much bandwith as possible, but i dont
PeterTheG r a solution.
dr|z3d it's mostly down to throttling, I2P/I2P+ throttle requests, i2pd doesn't.
PeterTheG so this is expected behavior ?
dr|z3d sure, it's normal. if you're running I2P+, you can increase bandwidth usage and disable throttling with router.enableTransitThrottle=false and optionally router.blockOldRouters=false in your router.config file.
PeterTheG I will do that. Thank you for your quick support :)
dr|z3d you're welcome.
dr|z3d also bear in mind that i2pd doesn't implement a blocklist, so abusive routers that may be consuming ridiculous amounts of bandwidth and are permanently blocked in i2p/i2p+ will have no issues abusing i2pd.
PeterTheG I feel like that there are a lot of differences between the different routers and there is a lot to learn
trial Anyone in here?
trial So I downloaded librewolf but somehow it won't display the router interface on its homepage
snex is the router on the same machine or a different one
trial Previous people from the chat were assuming it's because of either librewolf profiles ( watch?v=8Ls-MJRDTs8 ), either because of some line in ~/i2p/clients.config
trial snex: yes
trial snex: they're on the same machine
trial my issue is that doesn't work
trial "Unable to connect" on librewolf
snex do you have some kind of weird firewall stuff on your machine blocking port 7657 even for localhost reqs?
snex is this windows or linux?
trial but other people from the chat said i2p+ should use https for the homepage, despite not being important
snex your link says 7667
snex not 7657
trial my biggest issue is that at opening of librewolf, I can't find a workaround to get to that interface automatically
trial snex: yes I pasted them in a note there is no typo
trial idk why but people were surprised and thought 7667 should work
trial but it doesn't
snex 7667 will never work
trial got it, the browser always open on this url tho :'(
snex no idea why
snex 7667 is nothing. 7657 is the router
trial also, gives -> Secure connection failed
trial it only works in http
trial i2p guys say i2p+ should handle the httpS
snex yes thats a config option somewhere but i think its off by default
trial when I click on the favorites delivered by watch?v=8Ls-MJRDTs8 , i get :
trial 0xpaste.i2p -> website not found in addressbook
snex the brower you use to view the router must be different than the browser you use to view .i2p links
snex Blinded message
trial !! that's why at first it was opening two brosers when I typed the CLI $ i2prouter start ????
trial i thought it was a bug and asked people from the chat to fix it, which we managed
trial now clicking the i2p .desktop shortcut only launches librewolf
trial but with 1) no interface and 2) unable to browse eepsites (at least pastebin, to show you my .config files)
snex i dont know about any of that, i run on linux as a service
trial i2pd ?
snex no, i2p+
trial i don't even know what's their difference :$
trial so how should I set it up properly ? any tutorial out there?
snex if you are on windows just use the easy installer
trial linux in here :'(
snex my shit is a lot of custom hacking to make it work
snex just get a separate browser that is always using the proxy
trial that's librewolf
snex that way you never accidentally go to the wrong type of website on the wrong browser
snex if your librewolf if able to see the router console, its not on the proxy
trial yes watch?v=8Ls-MJRDTs8 advises this too
trial no it can't see the router console
trial but at the same time, it can't reach eepsites either :'(
trial also, isn't the router interface some feature of i2p+ ? for novices to have all the site links at a glance?
snex in the proxy settings pick manual proxy config, HTTP Proxy port 4444
snex i2p and i2p+ both have router console
trial i probably didn't understand the options well enough
trial that ytber was saying i2p+ is for newbies
trial then i2p for saiyans
snex when you go to an eepsite, are you typing in "http://" first? because librewolf is a bitch that tries to insert "https://" if you dont tell it otherwise
trial no proxy for,
trial no the shortcut provided for pastebin is in http : 0xpaste.i2p
trial confirmed by the firefox strikedthrough lock icon
trial on the left of url
trial i got librewolf this way by typing y after wget to proceed to next CLI lines
snex worx 4 me
trial may I ask on which browser ?
snex librewolf
snex you can also test things with curl
trial btw router interface was poping ok on brave and chromium
trial but i uninstalled brave thinking it was memorized as some default shit by my os
trial and people fixed for me that chromium won't open anymore each time i click the .desktop shortcut
snex curl -vvv -x 0xpaste.i2p
snex see what that does
trial * Trying
trial * TCP_NODELAY set
trial * Connected to ( port 4444 (#0)
trial > GET 0xpaste.i2p HTTP/1.1
trial > Host: 0xpaste.i2p
trial > User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
trial > Accept: */*
trial > Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
trial * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
trial < HTTP/1.1 502 Domain Not Found
snex maybe thats not in your addressbook
trial yes on the librewolf i got a page with the i2p+ buddy
trial "website not found in addressbook"
snex make sure in the router console you have all of these in your addressbook subscriptions:
snex but in the meantime try hitting notbob.i2p in the curl command
trial $ curl -vvv -x notbob.i2p
trial unfortunately i can't see the first outputs
trial html garbage overfill my terminal past what I can scroll up :'(
snex wat
snex oh hten that means it worked
snex so put that into librewolf
trial snex: yes I get the page with the truck
trial and some stat stuff
trial 3.1s ping = delay for charging the page I guess
trial so what does that mean?
trial i can reach that notbob site
trial but not the pastebin one ?
snex there is no such thing as dns on i2p. everything is a long random number (b32 address). for human readable names to resolve, you have to either fill them in yourself or subscribe to somebody else who publishes a list. a couple are added by default such as notbob, and stats
trial reddit teddit.i2p -> website not found in addressbook
trial also typing about:profiles , I have 3
trial "default", "I2p BROWSING", and "I2PBrowsing"
trial idk if one is the culprit
trial snex: got it thanks
snex there are also things called helper links which will prompt you to add the entry to your address book
snex here is one for my website:...
snex that probably shows up chopped up on irc
trial yes i see 3 dots
RN it didn't show at all snex
dr|z3d https on 7657 won't work, you'll always see that error unless you're running I2P+ from the installer. If you upgraded to I2P+ from I2P, then you should be able to connect to 7657.