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trial_ Hi bros, i persist saying youtube never worked using i2p :'(
orignal works fine for me
zzz dr|z3d, re: - I believe this was your doing, was it on purpose, what are your thoughts
dr|z3d zzz: left-aligned.
zzz as in, you switched all your themes to left-aligned long ago, and what we have is some temporary madness from before that?
dr|z3d I don't know why there's a discrepancy, as in. But left-alignd is what I'd suggest, though your reporter sounds like he prefers centered.
zzz the opposite, he wants his favorite ones (light/vanilla) on the left, those are the ones that are centered now
zzz I agree with him, never liked centered, wanted to check if it was accidental or you changed your mind
dr|z3d probably an oversight. alignment on the left marries the name with the (optional) torrent link in the preceding column, though you might have something else there. no matter. left-aligned is what it should be.
zzz agreed, and agreed since day one of those themes, but there was no arguing with str4d about it or anything else
dr|z3d let's not bring str4d into the discussion. there was plenty of scope for feedback, a lot of which got acted upon when you filed your somewhat hostile bug report :)
zzz just tracing back how we got here; the centered names always bugged me but never enough to try to deal with it, there was a lot going on, then and now
zzz I'll fix it
dr|z3d td.snarkTorrentName {text-align:left}
dr|z3d maybe th as well, dunno what your snark looks like these days.
zzz want to honor your original, or current, intent, that's why I asked
dr|z3d no problem.
dr|z3d values, rates etc I generally align to the center in snark while splitting the numerical and value elements so that there's some right hand alignment there. torrent names, filenames, left aligned.
zzz I guess I assumed it was on purpose and so never messed with it or asked, I should have
dr|z3d I couldn't see an explicit center alignment in the blame roster for the vanilla theme, so it must be inheriting it's alignment from somewhere else.
zzz I'll chase it down, a task I've done many times before...
dr|z3d just add an explicit alignment for the .snarkTorrentName td and you should be good.
dr|z3d check that the file viewer on the info page is also left-aligned, should a class you can set there as well if not.
dr|z3d sidenote; when you've got a bunch of columns with different alignment values, add a class for the column is generally a good idea, then you're not having to deal with :nth-child values.
zzz fixed it in inspector, quick restart for a final test and I'm done
dr|z3d putting your themes in the war files is another issue :)
zzz I could just stop snark, copy the war, and start snark, but too lazy
dr|z3d could be a one liner in bash if you could stop/start clients via command, dunno if that's worth the hassle implementing though.
dr|z3d 'cp build/i2psnark.war ~/i2p/webapps/ && java jar ~/i2p/lib/router.jar -restart-snark' or something.
dr|z3d re snark, dunno if it's me or you that introduce the typo, but "qBitorrent"
dr|z3d two 't's in Bittorrent
dr|z3d else if ("LXFC".equals(ch)) {client = "qBittorrent";} // qB
zzz lol that's on me
dr|z3d no prizes for guessing which theme that is.