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darius <dr|z3d> that config sets the max # of permitted peer connections per torrent.
darius "per torrent"? thats not clear
dr|z3d _per torrent_
dr|z3d crystal clear.
darius lol i meant its not clear from the Configuration page
darius has that been fixed in the latest release?
dr|z3d there is no corresponding option in snark's configs page.
darius 1 sec
dr|z3d total uploader limit != max peers per torrent.
darius ah ok, so are you saying there are variables a person can add to the config that are not listed there?
darius all i have is
darius no 'downloaders'
darius not 'total' or 'pertorrent'
dr|z3d I was relaying the info zzz mentioned which you didn't seem to grok.
dr|z3d you have to add it manually.
dr|z3d and then you'll probably need to restart snark or your router.
darius Ok. So to confirm, because i was guessing, a person can add 'i2psnark.uploaders.pertorrent', '' and 'i2psnark.downloaders.pertorrent'??
dr|z3d <zzz> i2psnark.maxConnections in i2psnark.config may help, default 24
dr|z3d if I have to paste that again I'll start removing limbs.
darius ok. well its still not clear that is per torrent but i'll try to remember forever. If i add a comment to the config file will it persist?
dr|z3d probably not.
dr|z3d you can comment using something like = comment here maybe.
dr|z3d snark should ignore comment lines that do nothing.
darius variables that do nothing, huh? sounds doable
dr|z3d *config lines
darius I will say that such a thing is not a long term solution really, the best solutions are things that people can adopt easily, and don't require extra special research, so thats why I propose that a person simply sets a bandwidth in and out and MAYBE a max number of peers up/down, and a sensible formula does the rest. There are ppl with poor internet all over the place, people that need to conserve battery/data
darius etc, if i2psnark can cater to them without the need to find these hidden config lines then that is better
darius I will say that such a thing is not a long term solution really, the best solutions are things that people can adopt easily, and don't require extra special research, so thats why I propose that a person simply sets a bandwidth in and out and MAYBE a max number of peers up/down, and a sensible formula does the rest. There are ppl with poor internet all over the place, people that need to conserve battery/data
darius etc, if i2psnark can cater to them without the need to find these hidden config lines then that is better
dr|z3d you'll need to convince zzz you're not some corner (nut) case. good luck.
darius If i could do that I wouldn't be on i2p :)
dr|z3d I should remind you what zzz said previously. Running I2PSnark with 5KB of available bandwidth isn't viable. There's no way around that.
zzz on my list to take a look at the low-end limits, low priority
dr|z3d For any native Slovenian speakers, latest console updatea, both release and dev builds, should now have more or less full console/webapp translations available.
zzz I only count 6 routers in Solvenia or 0.16% of routers so don't hold breath
zzz day 2 working on the izpack mess, finding more issues
zzz but when it's all over we'll have the ability to add new translations
zzz this is so messy I'm making a a spreadsheet to figure it out
RN spread them sheets
RN ;)
snex When Mongolian translation
RN I see the first 4 configured server tunnels, and no client tunnels
RN I'm using firefox, and Ffh tried firefox and edge browser
RN I see five when opening browser on same machine as router
RN and confirmed the browser on other machine only lists 4
RN this is of a total of ~25
dr|z3d you volunteering, snex?
RN Plus is not exhibiting this behavior, I see all server & client tunnels.
dr|z3d someone saw fit to put a mostly incomplete translation up, zzz..
snex no but my wife might do it if you pay her
RN "damn mongorians tear down my shitty wall"
dr|z3d haha, funny, snex.
snex not joking
RN </southpark_ref>
snex in fact next time i go out there i plan to onboard the first mongolian i2p router
dr|z3d I didn't think you were joking about your wife..
dr|z3d but pay for translate, haha. that was funny part.
snex i mean its several hours of work at least
dr|z3d once upon a time a partial translation of the console would have earnt you 50 unsolicited bitcoins.
dr|z3d (arabic)
snex should track those coins down
dr|z3d they probably got cashed in for a couple of beers and a pizza.
not_bob Hahahha, setting tunnel length to 15 does an insta crash for i2pd.
not_bob Not that there is any reason to do this. I just wanted to see if it was possible.
dr|z3d technically illegal.
not_bob Is it?
dr|z3d iirc 7 hops is the max permitted.
not_bob That would explain why it crashes on anything above 7!
not_bob I'll bug orignal about fixing it so it doesn't crash.
not_bob Thank you.
zzz or just pay drz to run it through AI
dr|z3d wild guess, sidebar, local/service tunnel section.
zzz please don't guess, not helpful
dr|z3d RN, put zzz out of his misery.
dr|z3d Blinded message
RN on the tunnel manager page
RN localhost:7657/i2ptunnelmgr
RN slightly different behavior at LANIP:7657/i2ptunnelmgr
RN I'm in firefox, and freefallheavens see the issue in firefox and edge
RN the sidebar shows all the running tunnels
dr|z3d javascript enabled?
RN yep
RN (for me, not sure about Ffh)
dr|z3d what if you open the manager outside of the iframe?
zzz reproduced here, and found the cause, will follow up in #i2p-dev
RN umm... don't see a url in the <iframe>...</>
dr|z3d right click on iframe, open frame in new tab. or use the icon in the page heading if it's still there.
RN ok, open frame in new tab shows all
dr|z3d there we go.
dr|z3d actually, you can sort of kludge a fix that works both ways. maybe.
dr|z3d because iframeresizer is operating on the iframe id, if you set iframe{height:whatever} then it should be overriden if js is enabled.
dr|z3d <iframe id=i2ptunnelframe class=embed src="/i2ptunnel/" title="I2P+ Tunnel Manager" frameborder=0 border=0 width=100% scrolling=no name="i2ptunnelframe" allowtransparency=true>
dr|z3d Your browser does not support iFrames.&nbsp;<a href="/i2ptunnel/">Click here to continue.</a>
dr|z3d </iframe>
dr|z3d throw a <noscript><style>#fooframe{height:100%}</style></noscript> if you liek.
dr|z3d breaking news, Biden's dropped out of the running.
uop23ip Hi, orignal . I got a question/issue regarding i2pd: selfbuild arm64 static latest 2.53 following error occured, just wanna know how critical (seems) it is and maybe go back to 2.52:
uop23ip @152/warn - Garlic: Flags/static section AEAD verification failed
uop23ip @152/warn - Garlic: Trying to generate more ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet tags
uop23ip @152/error - Garlic: Can't handle ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet message
dr|z3d site of the day: leopold.i2p (just maybe not today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after that)
RN ?!
dr|z3d you've been giving leopold design lessons, haven't you, RN..
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
RN no