IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d ok, the vary tunnel length feature is now active and functional in I2PSnark. It requires (for now at least) javascript to function. Please test if you're running + or a dev build of I2PSnark+ stabdalone. Thanks!
dr|z3d latest I2PSnark standalone build also now available here: skank.i2p/installers/
dr|z3d aside from tunnel length variance options in the UI, the standalone build now correctly uses custom fonts.
darius Hi dr|z3d sry for l8 response, yeah in <svg>s <blockedcontent> seems to work, hilariously so to does <homo> but possibly even more importantly the humble *drumroll*... <p>!!!!
dr|z3d yup, yup :)
darius anyway I spent an inordinate amount of time to try to make a glyph RSS feed button
dr|z3d any number of font icons will have an rss feed glyph.
dr|z3d *icon fonts
dr|z3d or you could just use an <img> instead
snex There are open source svg icons
darius no i did it
darius one sec
darius it uses • and ◝ like so...
darius Blinded message
darius Blinded message
darius transform: rotate(-45deg);
darius Blinded message
darius margin-top: -.26em;
darius margin-left: -.55em;
darius font-weight: bold;
darius }.rss > span:nth-child(2){
darius font-size: 2.3em;
darius margin-top: -.46em;
darius margin-left: -.47em;
darius <p class=rss>&#x2022;<span>&#x25DD;</span><span>&#x25DD;</span></p>
snex Yeah but why would you do something that’s already done
dr|z3d because he likes a challenge.
dr|z3d he's not called throstle for nothing (fees due!)
darius no fonts, no images ftw
snex Challenge yourself to do something that has never been done before
darius woops maybe this will be better? <p style="font-size: 1.2em;position:absolute;text-rendering: geometricprecision;transform: rotate(45deg);font-family: mono;">&#x2022;<span style="position: absolute;transform: rotate(-45deg);font-size: 1.9em;margin-top: -.3em;margin-left: -.52em;font-weight: bold;">&#x25DD;</span><span style="position: absolute;transform: rotate(-45deg);font-size: 2.9em;margin-top:
darius -.46em;margin-left: -.46em;">&#x25DD;</span></p> if anyone is interested, pls tell me if it looks completely demented on your system
darius dunno, doing an rss symbol with text seems like a good thing, because now you can animate it too, eg you can make the two radial element blink etc
darius animating it means you help ppl get excited bout it, anything we can do to make sound technology more appealing is good.
dr|z3d if you want feedback, you'll want to host the animation on your website, not post the markup here.
dr|z3d or post the html on cake.i2p, it can also be viewed there.
Anomaly do you guys ever just query yourself on irc
dr|z3d helps if you want to identidy the b32 you're connecting from, otherwise not much doing.
Anomaly yea thats a good point
snex But that won’t be the same as your irc b32!
darius fair call dr|z3d, a proper working prototype inside an svg and nicely animated will be forthcoming
zzz re: LS publishing params, your deviations from canon are at your own peril, esp. when at least some of those mods (the just-before-midnight ones) are clearly incorrect
Snowflakes pleroma.antebeot.i2p (http://reg.i2p) (raq53hlu7iivsd2cjfrae6ynxp5kjnwbkvz4owjw2sepldagtg5q.b32.i2p)
dr|z3d let's have another look, zzz, I'm assuming you're point out mods to
dr|z3d all good, Snowflakes?
Snowflakes all ok for a now
Snowflakes dr|z3d,
Snowflakes how about u
dr|z3d good to hear. stay off the battlefield! :)
dr|z3d not bad, thanks.
zzz not looking in detail, just generic advice to be careful and know what you're doing and why
zzz which I know you know, just a reminder
dr|z3d ok, mom, thanks :)
zzz heh
zzz I certainly can't think of anything that would cause LS publishing to stop or become broken until restart, and seems unlikely that any param tweaking would do it
dr|z3d yeah, I couldn't see anything obvious in the code, and if there was a bug, you'd expect it to at the least show up in the console. postman reported zero log events.
zzz so that's going to be a tough bug hunt
dr|z3d the only thing that looked like it could potentially be problematic I've fixed, possible divide by zero. dunno.
dr|z3d requeue((RETRY_DELAY + getContext().random().nextInt(RETRY_DELAY)) / 5 * 7);
dr|z3d changed to the standard requeue(RETRY_DELAY);
zzz unless you've somehow banned all the ffs
dr|z3d but if that was the issue, I'd have expected an error in the logs.
dr|z3d yeah, not a ff banning issue, pretty sure of that.
zzz or hit some streaming conn limit
dr|z3d I think we're more generous than canon re limits, but would that cause a LS to just die?
zzz or some sort of ddos / eclipse, either directly or to the closest floodfills
dr|z3d yeah, without much in the way of evidence I'm leaning towards some sort of targeted attack.
dr|z3d if it was a bug, it should have hit other routers before now.
zzz why the theory that the LS isn't getting published? when you couldn't get to pop3, were you getting the LS or not?
dr|z3d postman was reporting that his tunnels "just died". didn't do a deep dive into what the issue was, when I reported it on Sunday his tunnel was down.
zzz but he said everything was green, so both the tunnels and the local LS were fine
zzz I believe his symptom is just no incoming traffic
dr|z3d did he? maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.
zzz here's from a PM convo w. him from months ago
zzz 6:57:25.998 | ERROR[...eTimer2 1/6] ...SessionMuxedImpl: [srv.tracker.ed25519 #61045(OPEN)]: Client not responding? Message not processed! [MsgID 39039766] MessagePayloadMessage
zzz I told him to report to you
zzz and in PM from recently he confirmed "all green"
dr|z3d ok, he'll doubtless let me know if he sees the issue again.
dr|z3d he got hit by the Russian attack on services a couple of months ago, probably not related.
dr|z3d attack on national infrastructure, not i2p services.