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darius today was not terrible, 1 thing... actually 2 see if font hinting(?) can be turned off in css, see how to tell the difference between when swap space or ram is being using for a tmpfs. 4 research at another time. bye 4 now
darius Blinded message
dr|z3d *message delay as low as 2ms.
RN do you have a word of the day for us dr?
Afkaid RN, about Bill Gates ?
RN no, that's Nacho
RN dr|z3d, was doing a bit with a word definintion a day, but I think he stopped
dr|z3d you want a word of the day, RN?
dr|z3d > you want a word of the day, RN?
RN seems a bit of tunnel churn
RN sure. :)
dr|z3d OK. Today's word is: scrofulous
dr|z3d One might determine Trump is a scrofulous clown. Or not.
dr|z3d (having a diseased run-down appearance; morally contaminated)
dr|z3d or simply put: corrupt.
RN hehehe
dr|z3d got a lovely ring to it, scrofulous.
RN indeed
RN quite fun in the mouth
dr|z3d a quality insult.
RN and I litterally just used on on a call with someone
RN very useful word
RN ;)
dr|z3d someone's been busy.
orignal gents we need to do something with overloaded tunnels
orignal it happens more and more often due to the situation with youtube in Russia
orignal hence it's often one tunnel produces more transit than all other tunnels
dr|z3d distribute packets over all connected tunnels, check latency while connected, drop/cycle underperforming tunnels.
zzz if you do that everything arrives out of order and streaming window sizes collapse, making it worse
zzz that's why we don't spray across all the tunnels any more, we did that 15 years ago
zzz to do it right you need multipath-aware streaming protocol
zzz brb
dr|z3d so, multipath-aware then. :)
dr|z3d that'll be why orignal's getting excited about youtube then :)
dr|z3d how's your yellow tunnel fixup looking?
dr|z3d I just noticed the MR.
dr|z3d apparentyly is the new youtube.
dr|z3d zzz's "yellow tunnel" patch now available in the + /dev/ update path.
dr|z3d yeah, orignal, tell everyone not to worry, rutube has you covered.
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
orignal so what we need to know
orignal if partcular partcipant is capable to handle high loaded tunnels or not
orignal youtube doesn't work well there a week
orignal that's why people use solutions
orignal no rutube is not a new youtube
orignal nobody uses it
dr|z3d that's why I was grinning :)
orignal I know people run some youtube access services in i2p
dr|z3d yeah, youtube proxies are tricky right now, youtube keeps trying to block them.
orignal not proxy
dr|z3d see for example. it's an ongoing issue.
orignal I forgot the nname
orignal yes, that one
dr|z3d you're thinking of invidious.
dr|z3d which is a youtube proxy.
orignal yes, and few people run it now
dr|z3d yes, and it has recurring issues because youtube don't like it and keep trying to block it.
orignal some people run just ordirary http outproxy
dr|z3d sure, youtube over outproxy should work.
orignal that's why too many high loaded tunnels recently
dr|z3d well if they're all attempting to use stormy's outproxy, that's probably why.
orignal ha ha. maybe
dr|z3d didn't we have a discussion a while back about i2pd supporting multiple outproxies on a single tunnel def?
dr|z3d tunnel def/port.
orignal maybe, but not implemnted yet
dr|z3d now would be a good time to think about it.
orignal easy to implement but don't have time for everything
dr|z3d 3 viable proxies on the network, distribute (youtube) traffic over all of them and maybe youtube playback will improve.
orignal but they all wtill go thourgh the same tunnels
dr|z3d true. what about tunnel length randomization. does i2pd support that yet?
dr|z3d something to recommend then, perhaps. 1 hop tunnel with +0/1 randomization.
orignal inbound.lengthVariance
orignal outbound.lengthVariance
dr|z3d also, zzz seems to be hinting at this as a possible improvement:
orignal old stuff
dr|z3d it might be old, but it's not implemented in i2p yet :)
orignal it wouldn't help too much
orignal because you usually abuse all tuunels in the pool
dr|z3d if it could get a sense of available bandwidth and latency from each tunnel in the pool, maybe it could deliver better streaming performance?
orignal you usually don't need too much load
orignal only sometimes
orignal so we need a way to build tunnels like this
orignal that wouldn't put down a tunnel particiapnt
dr|z3d yeah, it's a tricky one, but if we can get participants reporting their capacity and latency more or less in realtime, maybe we can do something. dunno if that's viable.
orignal I like zzz's proposal
orignal to request bandwith for a tunnel
orignal and router must reply if it can make it
dr|z3d sure. it's a good start.