IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d snex, nah, it's definitely in snark somewhere, where we're replacing torrents with a link.
dr|z3d snex: try this: git grep "<span" |grep replace |grep snark
RTP Heyyy StormyCloud! Doing well how you been? :)
snex im thinking this was fixed already at least in master branch
dr|z3d snex: no, nothing's been touched in that part of the code for a while.
snex well i cant find shit :(
snex are you able to reproduce?
dr|z3d did you run the grep command?
snex yes lol
dr|z3d the issue is an extraneous </span> somewhere?
snex also its a closing tag but yes i accounted for that
snex yeah if you hover over the link in the info bar you can see it
dr|z3d I think I've seen it before.
snex i only found it because i accidentally clicked it
dr|z3d it doesn't break anything, does it?
snex no, just goes to a non-existent page if you click that link
dr|z3d oh, the link's borked.
dr|z3d so remind me again, what's the message in the screen log?
dr|z3d Torrent added: ... ? or something else.
snex "Torrent added:"
snex also the Starting torrent, Stopping torrent, etc. they all do it
dr|z3d OK, well it works fine for folders linked there.
snex i was thinking maybe the file extension dot fucks it up but it inserts the span tag way before that
snex thats the link it makes
dr|z3d I'm looking at the source of the screenlog and I can't see any unclosed spans. in fact, I don't see any spans at all, just <a> links.
snex hence why im thinking it might already be fixed on a newer v
dr|z3d oh, wait, I see one.
snex but this is pretty up to date
dr|z3d the issue is a space in the filename, looks like the replace is using that as a filename delimiter.
snex weird.. why does it seem to pick the 2nd space from the back?
snex or maybe its the first from the back
snex yeah its the last space in the filename
dr|z3d looks like the spaces should be encoded, and then it wouldn't happen.
dr|z3d this is likely the offending code, snex:
dr|z3d for (int i = msgs.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
dr|z3d String msg = msgs.get(i).message
dr|z3d .replace("Adding Magnet ", "Magnet added: " + "<span class=infohash>")
dr|z3d .replace("Starting torrent: Magnet", "Starting torrent: <span class=infohash>")
dr|z3d .replaceFirst(" \\(", "</span> (");
dr|z3d if (msg.contains(_t("Warning - No I2P")))
dr|z3d msg = msg.replace("</span>", "");
dr|z3d mbuf.append("<li class=msg>").append(msg).append("</li>\n");
dr|z3d not necessarily there that a fix is required, however, can probably fix by encoding spaces when the message is generated elsewhere.
snex weird. so its the paren
dr|z3d ah, right, sorry, my bad, yeah, we probably need to handle the names with a bit more finesse.
dr|z3d because we don't want the full name of the torrent there if it's 200 characters long and is foo (uploaded by bar) .. or whatever. just clutters up the screenlog.
dr|z3d aside from providing links in the screenlog, the other objective is to make torrent names and hashes stand out. makes the logs easier to read at a glance.
dr|z3d sup Anomaly
Anomaly how r u
Anomaly i am so confused on so many levels with this css im trying to work with
Anomaly i have media query prefers colorscheme dark and light, and in my html i have an <aside> tag, but when i view it in the dark setting the aside tag doesnt show, but on the light setting, it does show.
dr|z3d what page are you working on, Anomaly?
dr|z3d where's the <aside> issue?
dr|z3d and as a general rule, use your browser's inspector (ctrl+shift+i) to identify why the css isn't working properly.
Anomaly oh thank you drz3d, i apologize i fell asleep, for some reason i currently have a super new and improved idea for a design in my mind for my website, which ive been trying to put together without actually tampering with my eepsite.
Anomaly yea i think ive seen that too on firefox talking about ctrl+shift+i, yea actually i have used that, the inspect element.