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zzz ok, restart on the one router cleared the family error
dr|z3d I delete dubious RIs on contact from datastore and disk. it means they don't get cached, but we also don't get to look at offending RIs. dunno if that's optimal.
orignal so what's the cause?
orignal e.g. why family error stay forever
dr|z3d orignal: the cause is cached RIs in canon (in ram), apparently. hence a restart fixes.
dr|z3d so you've got a potentially dodgy RI cached on both the requesting router and the floodfill.
orignal for how long was it cached?
orignal that's the issue
dr|z3d you'll have to ask zzz what his caching policy is.
orignal yes my question was to him
dr|z3d in + I'm pretty sure we just drop the offending RI.
orignal the same question again
orignal for how long
orignal definitly it's a bug in cache
dr|z3d 3 routers tested, 3 valid 2RRY RIs reported.
orignal still too low transit
dr|z3d well, like we've discussed previously, it'll resolve itself in time. it's not worth expending energy worrying about. better to expend energy adding some per-router transit throttles.
orignal if there is a bug in Java code it must be fixed
dr|z3d caching RIs is by design. it's a choice, not a bug.
dr|z3d zzz caches the crap, I drop it. choice. not bug.
dr|z3d either way, for routers with fucked family certs, there's also a ban. normal. not a bug.
orignal by design to chache for WEEKS?
orignal I need explanation
orignal for else is "cached"?
RN 180 days =|= forever. Just Sayin...
orignal IPs? keys?
orignal it is a bug
orignal unless zzz confirms it's inteninal
orignal chache for a hour make sense
orignal for weeks doesn't
RN it is a long time in context, but not 'forever'
RN ;)
orignal not sure if it's really 180 days
orignal rather than forever
orignal again I don't see much improvements
orignal it seems that the transit was for fleet of Chinesse routers
dr|z3d we haven't hugely increased the transition from 2.6 -> 2.7 since you were last barking about the issue. maybe another 400 routers.
orignal 22% of 0.9.64 according to stats.i2p
dr|z3d chinese routers smells like a botnet.
RN so not even 1/4 of the net has updated yet
orignal and this bug need to be investgated
orignal otherwise an adversary can put the whole network down this way
orignal by flooding with malformed versions of routers
orignal if a malformed router remains in cache for long time can an advesary just overflow it?
orignal for me any non-ivestgated bug is a potential hole
RN so, how would someone else screw up your family key and turn it into an attack?
RN I agree 180 days seems overkill. But the bug was your family key. ¿ No ?
orignal say an advesary flood the network with fake routers with wrong family keys
RN maybe a router could check for an error like yours when deploying a corrupted/wrong key and warn you.
RN hmmm
orignal if such routers remain in cache for longer time
RN so fake routers - that's something already on the radar for mitigations.
orignal he can force Java routers to eat all available memory quickly
RN *** hushes up and listens for a while ***
orignal that's why we need to undestand what force a router stay in cache for a long time
orignal in my opinion it had to disppaer from there after not more than few hours
orignal and since zzz days it was in memory only it's even worse
orignal *sayd
orignal *says
RN your descriptions are getting better and less inflammatory each day. This is the way forward. ))
orignal it's based on what zzz said yesterday
orignal which my description was not clear?
RN rational logical discussion of the issue is the way to convince others it is worthy of change.
RN when you first brought this up, you were claiming someone was actively blocking 2RRY, now we are talking more about facts
RN :)
orignal it was not like this
orignal I asked dr|z3d if 2RRY is banned on his side
RN I recall
orignal he comfirmed but was not able to tell why
RN took a little investigation to find out why.
orignal then my next guess it might be done inteninally
orignal that's all
RN yes, and that was counter productive
orignal and it was cleared when idk explained
orignal that's all
RN now we see enough to understand what happened. yep.
orignal and why do you think it was counter productive?
orignal it might a case easily
RN how you present the identified facts and the unknowns matters as much as the validity of the facts and the need to define the unknowns
orignal then I only tried to explian that the problem is not with 2RRY itself
orignal and such bug should not be abadonded with statement "you have screwd up the signature"
RN I agree the time is probably too long, not convinced it is a bug, but definitely worthy of a proposal to shorten the time.
orignal we still don't know what's the logic behind
orignal and I doubt such logic was intenial
dr|z3d what RN is trying to say, I think, is that being confrontational and hot-headed isn't the best approach to collective problem solving, orignal :)
orignal dr|z3d about conspirology and haters
orignal you haven't been here like 10 years ago or so
RN I have
RN been around since iip days
dr|z3d actually, I have. longer than you, orignal, with a hiatus.
orignal RN then please remind the story with kovri
orignal dr|z3d I know you did
RN I knew very little about how it worked back then. Now I understand a lot more, but still much more to learn.
dr|z3d I know all about fluffy cookies.
orignal but you took a long break
RN many of us take breaks. That's the source of my nickname. ))
orignal the lesson from that story that I didn;t know that there were so many haters of me among I2P guys
orignal so, I wouldn't be suprrised about anything
dr|z3d there's a good expression that should define how you treat haters, orignal.
dr|z3d "grist to my mill".
RN I think most of that hate comes from animal being yours, not everyone sees it as merely a proof of concept.
RN good talk friends, but I have to afk for a while.
dr|z3d there's another approach that works well. keep your politics and prejudices out of your code.
orignal so if I suspected that someobe banned 2RRY because it's my routre had some grounds
dr|z3d occam's razor.
dr|z3d you fucked your family cert.
orignal it could be just a coincendence
orignal I often make bugs in the code
orignal almost on every restart