IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d some optimizations in console sidebar and snark javascript, please give it the usual throbbing if you're running the latest (soon-to-be-uploaded) + dev build and report any issues.
dr|z3d also in the upcoming dev build, realtime filtering on /tunnelpeercount .. to filter by bandwidth tier only, use tier{L|M|N|O|P|X} in the filter input.
dr|z3d filter is persistent.
dr|z3d dark theme only for now, other themes to follow.
zzz hk, I'm still standing by on that swarm with logging enabled, no sign of your client yet
hk zzz: if you still want to do it, which I deeply appreciate I really do I want to communicate that, you'd have to use a separate trackers because pstman's tracker uses destination enfrocement
hk I have a working build that primarily works with i2p/i2p+. with i2pd it uses MASTER session and fails
hk for whatever reason
zzz the reason is that i2pd doesn't support sam 3.2/3.3
hk postman's*
hk thats why, that makes sense
hk hold on im just trying to get this to copyt paste for you gimme a sec
hk you'll have to use this tracker zzz then we can proceed
zzz not sure if that's true about postman, but you said you're connecting to other peers, so you did it somehow
hk did I? not without trackers?
hk I may have mentioned PEX, that would require my dependency, go-i2p-bt to support it. If it's dht, that hasnt been implemented
zzz thought you said you were talking to peers
hk talking to peers in the sense that I am able to talk to peers through a tracker,m that was my misunderstanding I apologize
hk there is no dht or pex at this time
zzz just use opentracker.dg2.i2p that everybody announces to
hk ok no problem ill have to program for that
zzz right but you don't 'talk through trackers', you get references to other peers from the tracker, then talk to them directly
hk ah okay okay
zzz so you don't have peer-to-peer connections working yet?
zzz opentracker does do dest enforcement
zzz so you're not announcing on the same session as your p2p session?
zzz but you said you're downloading from peers so you must have p2p working
hk zzz: the extent of peer communcation is being able to get a list of peers from a tracker, the handshake process, data transfer (leech only for now),
hk yes yes to an extent
hk hmm
zzz so then why can't you connect to me?
hk I believe it was due to you using postman's tracker, and me using a separate tracker
hk thats is what I believed
zzz but the other peers aren't using your special tracker, are they?
hk but like you said, that shouldnt have to be true
hk there are a limited amount of peers using this tracker, yes it's not as popular as postman's but I wasnt able to get postman's to work because I would get an html error saying the request was invalid so I had assumed it was destination enfrcement
hk and this tracker in partifular doesn't do it, that being said
hk I have not tested opentracker.dg2.i2p, i'll hard code that
hk hm that's curious
hk I was using sam subsessions to connect to the tracker
hk separately
hk from the global session, that shouldnt happen
hk that could be why
zzz yeah don't do that, announce on the same session you use for p2p
zzz wc4s is running zzzot so it presumably has dest enforcement also, not sure why it would work but postman wouldnt
zzz but it's not listed in the Antenna torrent file so no peers should be announcing to it
hk do you see an ET/EepTorrent client right now? just curious, im downloading right now
zzz the only way I'd 'see' it is if you connected to me
zzz which you arent
zzz I'm seeding so I'm not going to connect to you
hk understood yeah, ill hack to get back to work on this gimme another few hours or so and let me get dg2 hardcoded
hk right
zzz work out why postman is failing because my understanding is that zzzot does dest enforcement and postman may not? yet your results are backward from that so I'm confused
zzz you could also run your own zzzot if that helps your testing
hk got it thanks
zzz you also said you saw my peer yesterday, that was either from postman or dg2 or you didn't really, it wasn't from wc4s
hk right I assumed as such haha
hk zzz: dg2 is ready
hk I got it to work with the same url encoding that I did with wc4s. but postman still fails
zzz are you using two different subsessions for announce and p2p, or two different master sessions?
hk same global stream, different keys
hk two different subsessions that would mean
zzz huh? all subsessions have the same destination (same keys)
hk hmm
zzz so that's fine, dest enforcement is not the problem
orignal yes, i2pd doesn't support 3.3 completely
hk orignal: aww I see
orignal hiwever datagrams from 3.2 work in 3.1
zzz look at if you're doing compact annuonces or not, that may be it
hk orignal: so is dht will not be able to work with bittorrent with i2pd?
hk zzz: im doing non-compact
zzz right, you can't do udp and streaming on same session in 3.1
orignal let me explain
zzz try switching to compact
orignal why i2pd doesn't support newer SAM
zzz here we go
hk uploaded=0, downloaded=0, cleft=65546; I dont know why it still works with this url encode but it does with opentracker
hk ok ok
orignal zzz, in i2pd's sam 3.1 you can
orignal it supports databgrams
hk hm
zzz not on same session
hk left=65536*
orignal so i2pd doesn't support new SAM because no client to test with
hk hm
orignal and it supports datagrams because polistern needed it for pboted
hk pboted?
orignal so, give me a client app and I will implement
zzz then maybe hk's will be the client you need to test, someday
orignal I'm waiting for SAM 3.3 cient for many years
hk I see, so there is a feature that you require to test against and it's not there so they're incompatible?
zzz bittorrent+udp+dht+sam is not easy, nobody's done it yet, you have a long way to go to get there
hk damn
orignal well I tried to implement SAM 3.3 but didn't test
hk ahh I see
hk zzz: unreal, I got postman's tracker to work he has a check internally to see if "left" matches the actual lnegth of the torrent
hk and I set compact to 1
zzz not sure if that's true, compact may have been the trick
hk yeah probably compact
zzz if you can handle compact responses, you should switch to that; if not, then implement it
hk zzz: it's all good now
hk I even got it to combine multiple peers from multiple trackers
hk so whenever you're ready, im ready to test
zzz Unknown (LUVU) 0.0.0 CtDl
hk thats me
hk 0.0.0 sounds right
hk it should show up as ET or EepTorrent but alas
zzz so -ET is the final ID? I'll hardcode you in
hk nono hold on I
zzz it's 'EepTorrent' exactly?
hk I dont know how the client broadcast works exactly, let me do extensive testing
hk I want to be sure it's correct before we hardcode
hk sorry
zzz dunno what 'client broadcast' is, but all I need to know is that the final peer ID starts with -ET, which is what it is now
hk sorry I mean "broadcasting" a term I sorta just spin up now, like telling other bittorrent clients what your client is
hk yeah it should just be ET
hk ah screw it yeah you can hardcode ET to stand for EepTorrent
hk zzz: thanks so much :D
zzz 11/20 08:50:49.328 DEBUG [ LUVU@CtDlid] org.klomp.snark.PeerState : LUVU@CtDlid 3370 rcv request(68, 65536, 16384)
zzz 11/20 08:50:49.328 INFO [ LUVU@CtDlid] org.klomp.snark.PeerState : Request received, but choking LUVU@CtDlid 3370
zzz and then you dropped and reconnected
hk drop and reconnects are quite often
hk not "quite often" but
hk common
hk you cant download a torrent in this without it retrying eventually
hk retrying connections*
hk zzz: what percent does your client tell my client is at?
hk actual is 68%
hk but biglyBT is saying 2%
zzz 64.97%
hk ah so yours is correct
hk well, roughly
zzz now 71.18
hk correct correct
hk ah good good
zzz [Connection vMsU4w/8h2Bsw from dkm5o5qrvsvtheogjvv3tquhbzut2bebmv6i7ban62lzvmlq7l4q.b32.i2p up 28s wsize: 78 cwin: 78 rtt: 1379 rto: 3183 unacked out: 2 unacked in: 1 sent: 968 rcvd: 39 ackThru 965 ssThresh 64 minRTT 692 maxWin 128 MTU 1812]
zzz 78 is damn good
hk woah
hk well this is running on a router in a remote vps that is set to max speeds
zzz I don't think you're handling choking right, I choked you and you dropped again
hk damn I see
hk download complete
hk it still tries handshakes even after the download is complete hahah
hk there are also i/o timeouts
hk for some reason
hk zzz: thank you for helping me test
zzz np, maybe others can help out also
zzz ET hardcode checked in
hk glad to hear :D
zzz you can do the same thing, run snark on the same swarm, I can give you hints on good classes to log if you need it
hk please do
zzz org.klomp.snark.Peer=DEBUG
zzz org.klomp.snark.PeerState=DEBUG
zzz and grep for LUVU which is the internal ID for eeptorrent
hk nice nice got it
zzz the term for 'telling other clients your name' is 'extension protocol', see BEP 10
zzz handshake.put("v", "I2PSnark");
hk yup yup
dr|z3d ok, latest + dev build now supports various filter types and query parameters.
dr|z3d e.g. /tunnelpeercount?filter=L&type=tier
dr|z3d or tier=L in the input. input and addressbar url should be synced.
dr|z3d please test if you're running dev builds and report any issues. thanks!
dr|z3d other types = host|hostname, ip, hash, cc|country
dr|z3d to filter by type in the input, cc=fr etc.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: i'm likin' /netdbmap?class=tierX; quite vivid and explanatory :)
dr|z3d thanks for the feedback, T3s|4.. I think it's another useful visualization that may help when the network's under attack, or just generally to see where the fast peers (or floodfills) are at.
dr|z3d map updates more frequently now, every 15s. was 30.
dr|z3d and obviously you noticed the static info box instead of the follow-the-cursor tooltip which I wasn't a fan of.