IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
onon_ zzz, You need to use i2pd router to host stats.i2p. Since your java router can't handle the load.
onon_ I just opened the weekly graph of the number of routers and did nothing bad. And I got 429 Denied
not_bob onon_: That's a feature with Java I2P routers. Enabled by default on the webserver. Very low ratelimtis. Annoying.
dr|z3d onon_: not about handling the load.
dr|z3d zzz's got his throttling wrapped so tight you need a crowbar to bypass it :)
RN I raise my voice to be counted as one who requests saner defaults for the 'default' rate limits in java-i2p. but ofc each site operator can change them based on their level of traffic/attempted-abuse
Over btw dr|z3d, is there a way to see the changes done to a new dev i2p+ version without comming to fish them here?
Over Perfect, thanks!
dr|z3d new update just this minute uploaded to /dev/
eyedeekay dr|zed this one might be relevant to I2P+ but I did not get a chance to look closely at it yet: teddit.i2p/r/i2p/comments/1gyqgos/router_doesnt_work_right
dr|z3d thanks, eyedeekay, let's have a look at that.
dr|z3d that looks jank for all sorts of reasons.
dr|z3d why is data being saved to the app dir and not the config dir? is that something your easybundle does?
zzz eyedeekay, have you had a chance to research ls spamming more yet? was hoping for some guidance
eyedeekay That's not an easybundle thing, it's all in a portable directory, never touches anything outside it
eyedeekay User reports that they're using I2P+ which isn't compatible with the easybundle
eyedeekay zzz yeah but my power is out and I'm stuck on my phone I can get back to you at around 3
eyedeekay With my findings re: subdbs
zzz no rush, just checking in
dr|z3d eyedeekay: it's definitely strange, shouldn't be in the apps folder, maybe they've overtweaked some settings. possibly a write permissions issue as well.
dr|z3d (unless I'm missing something)
RN could they have installed with the 'flat install' flag? I don't recall the proper name, but I do remember installing that way in the past.
eyedeekay No it doesn't seem like you're missing something, maybe they tried to turn it into a portable install and botched it?
eyedeekay One thing that struck me is that clients can be unpublished, and nobody's going to be able to send anything unsolicited to an unpublished client, so if somebody is sending something unsolicited to it they had to wait until target connected to attacker and sent them a SessionTag(IIR/UC), then attacker had to use that to send them whatever they sent. I don't even know if it's possible, but if it is, falls under
eyedeekay the heading "safe to reject" in unpublished client DB's
eyedeekay No it doesn't seem like you're missing something, maybe they tried to turn it into a portable install and botched it?
eyedeekay I think that's what RN is referring to as well
dr|z3d sure, entirely possible.
dr|z3d yeah, flat/portable, same thing, probably.
dr|z3d at least for the purposes of this discussion :)
eyedeekay Published client DB's last but not least, also trickiest, also most relevant at the moment to LS handling
dr|z3d in other news, new + update available, more snark improvements, including offloading the network requests (for updates to the UI) to a separate thread. please test if you're running and report any issues. thanks!
eyedeekay These guys expect to get stuff sent to them that is initiated elsewhere by someone else(unsolicited), and like the router-wide DB, they have to deal with it. However, it is **not** essential that they treat everybody the same for privacy purposes, they're already a client, it's not leaky for other people to know that they're potentially changing behavior based on what comes in
eyedeekay At least not from a "DHT attack which associates routers with clients" perspective, from a "DHT attack which affects performance" it may very well matter in either direction
eyedeekay From here on out I think I need my chart...
dr|z3d *** provides a complimentary whiteboard and projector. ***
eyedeekay I've got some specific scenarios drawn up with accept/reject but I'm not sure I've enumerated them all yet, but my strategy is to try and use the information in the DatabaseEntry to determine what to do based on the information known about the client, so I've got client info on the X axis and DBE info on the Y axis on my bingo board
eyedeekay Chart's on the laptop I can't charge right now
eyedeekay Currently using my tablet with a bluetooth keyboard and a hotspot due to power outage
dr|z3d nothing can stop you, eyedeekay!
dr|z3d you'd get an internet connection anywhere.
eyedeekay For a broad enough definition of internet
RN idk ≈ IB-Ok
RN :)
hk dr|z3d: starlink perhaps :P
dr|z3d eyedeekay has a pair of starlink earrings, hk.
dr|z3d they're a bit bulky, but hey.
hk hahahah
hk nothing he cant hanldle
dr|z3d > One finding the scientists found concerning was how jailbroken LLMs often went beyond complying with malicious prompts by actively offering suggestions. For example, when asked to locate weapons, a jailbroken robot described how common objects like desks and chairs could be used to bludgeon people.