IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d running ant exec sub-tasks in parallel makes for a useful improvement in build times for pack200 target. around 25% or so faster.
zzz unfortunately, I call b.s.
dr|z3d how would you know, zzz?
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
dr|z3d you abandoned pack200 years ago. you're clueless :)
zzz i was curious, so I looked at your rev, and I RTFM'ed the ant spec. that's how
dr|z3d well, you're still clueless in that case. can do better :)
zzz I'm saying your change is a noop, your 'results' are phantom
dr|z3d well, you're wrong.
dr|z3d demonstrably faster, reproducibly.
dr|z3d feel free to run your own tests, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
zzz canon 35s; cannon 43s
dr|z3d that's without the optimizations?
zzz current heads
dr|z3d it'll be slower on cannon because I'm not omitting any jars from the process.
dr|z3d without the optimizations, I was seeing a consistent 30s.
dr|z3d with optimizations, 22s.
zzz your <parallel> does nothing. reread the ant spec
zzz the added &amp; is what does it, but without any thread limit
zzz I believe what you are grasping for is xargs -P
dr|z3d sure, backgrounding the pack jobs helps.
dr|z3d maybe that's the optimization then. :)
dr|z3d yeah, looked at xargs, that's the next stage.
zzz ant doesn't know anything about shell for loops. there is only one task that ant sees: the single <exec> for the OS. There's nothing for ant to parallelize. reread the spec
zzz don't do two things hoping one of them works
zzz and guessing wrong
dr|z3d that wasn't quite the approach I was taking, but thanks for the input all the same.
dr|z3d curiously, xargs -P yields exactly the same time.
dr|z3d gnu's parallel does slightly better, but not by much.
dr|z3d <arg value="find pkg-temp/lib/*.jar pkg-temp/webapps/*war -type f | parallel -j 8 'echo Pack200 compression for: {} &amp;&amp; mv {} {}.jar &amp;&amp; pack200 --effort=6 --modification-time=latest --segment-limit=-1 -g {}.pack {}.jar &amp;&amp; rm -f {}.jar'" />
dr|z3d anyways, the reasoning might have been slightly awry, but the outcome is the same. faster pack200.
dr|z3d so apologies for calling you clueless :)