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scottpedia anyone knows a working i2p outproxy that I can use?
scottpedia anyone?
itsjustme Hey scottpedia :)
scottpedia glad that you heard me
scottpedia itsjustme: can you help me with setting up an outproxy for use?
itsjustme I did but I don't know :( dr|z3d has one last I knew
itsjustme You need help setting it up or you need to find one that works?
scottpedia find one that works
scottpedia guys help
scottpedia Unbur: can you help me?
dr|z3d what's up scottpedia
scottpedia hey zup
scottpedia do you know a working i2p outproxy that I can use?
dr|z3d sure, we have 3 currently available.
scottpedia that's greant thx
scottpedia what are those three?
dr|z3d purokishi.i2p, exit.stormycloud.i2p or outproxy.acetone.i2p
not_bob I was just going to say that! hahahahaa
scottpedia dr|z3d: so the stormy cloud is still working?
dr|z3d too slow, not_bob, too slow, no cigar for you!
scottpedia i used previously using it
scottpedia thx dr|z3d that helped a lot man
dr|z3d couldn't tell you if it's currently working, but it should be.
dr|z3d if it isn't, try a different one.
dr|z3d they should all offer reasonable performance.
dr|z3d you can specify all three if you're using i2p or i2p+
scottpedia is it comma-separated?
dr|z3d yeah, without spaces.
dr|z3d with that in place for both http and https, if you find that you hit a speed bump, just restart your http client tunnel and it'll select another outproxy randomly.
scottpedia sounds good
scottpedia what is https proxy used for anyways?
dr|z3d mostly everything.
dr|z3d very few sites on clearnet these days are
scottpedia why two then? i mean http and https proxy?
dr|z3d or you mean the tunnel on 4445?
dr|z3d legacy. you can delete the 4445 proxy tunnel.
dr|z3d it's functionally useless.
scottpedia ok gotcha
dr|z3d if you have a browser proxy switcher, the other thing you might want to do is configure additional proxy clients, each with a single outproxy host.
dr|z3d you can then switch between them easily if one is down.
dr|z3d *proxy client tunnels
scottpedia hello guys
scottpedia anyone?
dr|z3d Blinded message
scottpedia do you remember the US military guy that we chatted with?
scottpedia dr|z3d:
scottpedia stationed in south korea
scottpedia Pajamas
dr|z3d sure, he's changed his nick, he's around, though not lately.
scottpedia is he still in service? dr|z3d
dr|z3d finished his tour of duty, no longer in the army.
scottpedia so it's 3 years in army
scottpedia not bad.
scottpedia however due to covid I don't think he's got much live action going.
dr|z3d not much live action in south korea, if you discount the latest nonsense :)
scottpedia what latest nonsense?
dr|z3d martial law.
dr|z3d for about 4 hours.
dr|z3d have you been living under a rock?
scottpedia more or less yes
scottpedia got rid of all smartphone, credit card, etc...
scottpedia Martial Law in south korea?
scottpedia that place is never free from political unrests
scottpedia probably another vendetta
scottpedia dr|z3d: so how did it happen?
dr|z3d there's a wealth of information online if you want to inform yourself, scottpedia :)
Atticfire dr|z3d: Sorry but 'wealth of information online' implies value, I agree to the volume of stuff but not necessarily the value of most of it
dr|z3d not all information is of value, sure, but there's enough of it online to consider it copious if you reference reliable sources.
Atticfire Like panning for gold nuggets, seems like a great idea at first, but it takes a long time of hard effort, sometimes for no reward at wall, fools gold is the appropriate name
Atticfire But nothing worth while is meant to be easy I suppose
dr|z3d depends what you're wanting to learn. for information about the recent failed coup in south korea, you don't have to expend much energy.
Atticfire Sorry, I was wandering off on a tangent about knowledge in general
itsjustme Hey Atticfire :)
Atticfire Hello there itsjustme
Atticfire How you doing?
dr|z3d ijm: cake was down earlier when RN tried it.
dr|z3d the answer is: 41546943696966
dr|z3d so what's the question?
Atticfire What is a number bigger than twelve?
dr|z3d "{:02X}".format("".join([hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in "atticfire"]))
dr|z3d ie. what's atticfire in hex. :)
itsjustme I've been well Atticfire just busy. How are you?
Atticfire I'm good, been busy, now ready for some serious resting over christmas
scottpedia Atticfire: I agree with you to an extent
scottpedia I tend to ask real people and enjoy their answers more than reading stuff myself these days.
scottpedia if you'd spent your entire college years under isolation you would feel me
T3s|4 scottpedia: what does 'spent your entire college years under isolation' actually mean?
scottpedia T3s|4: covid
scottpedia online classes? do you have no idea what it was like back then?
scottpedia it started actually when I was in high school. And for three years straight everything was online.
scottpedia when things returned to normal, nobody knows each other even on campus, and professors don't talk to students.
T3s|4 scottpedia: oh, you meant WuFlu. Sorry, I had finished grad school far prior to that scam. Hope your still not injecting wildly ineffective 'vaccines' and/or wearing wildly ineffective face masks, or practicing wildly ineffective 'social distancing' ;p
scottpedia well that's passed, i mean all that "protective" craps
scottpedia are you in the US? where I was back then was really bad but some places didn't have whatever restrictions. T3s|4
T3s|4 ^none of which limited, stopped 'the spread' as promised, but actually did, bankrupt MILLIONS of people
scottpedia nuauce of those in office I guess.
scottpedia in the past if there were severe storms or anything we just stayed home, they could have done the same.
T3s|4 yes, I was referring to the US - and its draconian, pathetic, restrictive and ineffective COVID policies, particularly in Democratic run states
T3s|4 the kids in school were screwed - and likely will remain far behind for decades
scottpedia a few of my friends were in the US and they had no problems whatsoever(specifically north carolina) T3s|4
T3s|4 inexcusable, and completely lacking scientific / medical justification
scottpedia Canada was definitely more fucked up, and I was there the whole time.
scottpedia so I definitely have a strong incentive to go to the US.
scottpedia T3s|4: haha so I was amongst the "screwed"?
T3s|4 scottpedia: not here please, #i2p-chat if you feel compelled ;p
orignal Freeland just got resigned
orignal fucking Nazi
orignal ok guys
orignal 2 news
orignal 1. New implemnetation of streams takes all available bandiwidth amount 4 tunnels involved
orignal 2. New tunnel participation logic with low-latency