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Over dr|z3d: unless you have released another build after you sent me the link, sadly no. I also dumped the logs here but it's probably no longer on cake. I can send it to you again if you want to check them.
Over orignal: Tunnel creation success rate is currently at 15% without being a floodfill. It's a lot better as it is the double from last time, but a far cry from what you seem to have.
dr|z3d Over: there were two versions, the first version incorrectly assigned minimum tunnels, the latest version is correct. So if you only downloaded it once after I posted the link, try aagain, or grab the torrent that's now on postman.
Over Sure, I'll try it and tell you.
dr|z3d thanks.
Over It is I that thank all of you for your time and patience ^^'
dr|z3d no worries
zzz reminder: proposal 167 review today 8 PM UTC #ls2
Over dr|z3d: It seems to have worked with a few torrents for some time, I added a few more but it quickly lost connetion again :/
Over Perhaps something to do with the numbers?
Over Nope, not a problem of numbers.
Over dr|z3d: only one torrent has ran for over an hour without losing connexion. I'm going to keep it running for a few more hours and gradually add more. However, it did lose conexion when I tried with 4 before.
orignal 15% is too small for non-FF
orignal shold be like 30-50%
orignal Tunnel creation success rate: 46%
orignal Tunnel creation success rate: 50%
orignal non-FFs
Over I don't really know what more I can do on my side except generate logs or generate a new router identity somehow if I'm banned :/
orignal I would check the network first, like lost packets, disconnects, etc.
orignal I would also change bandwidth from X to P or evern to O
orignal your network might just not able to handle such traffic
Over ok. I'll try to analyse more of that side. o7
Over dr|z3d: No interuption for 5h with one torrent. Gonna add another one. So numbers seem to kind of matter for some reason.
orignal how many did you share before?
orignal I'm sharing around 100
Over orignal: according to the ip command, only 5 packets dropped on the interface and 0 errors. I've tested the network too and it should absolutly be able to handle the traffic (over 7kilobytes a sec both on upload/download)
Over orignal: I have over a 100 torrents. But when I tried to start 4 in a test, snark lost the conexion again.
orignal you should check the logs how often sessions gets disconnect
Over i2pd logs?
Over Sure. Let me turn on errors and check with tails
Over That appears on the error logging level, right?
orignal not sure
orignal debug ))
orignal or warning
Over Wew debug goes fast af
orignal you can turn it on/off from web console
orignal but as I mentioned before I would reduce badiwtch and check if it helps
orignal if it does then keep increaing
Over I'm going to keep it running for a bit with the warn parameter and see if I see anything that appears
Over This appears a lot : warn - Destination: Publish confirmation was not received in 1800 milliseconds or failed. will try again
Over and fails after 5 attempts.
orignal that's not a good sign
Over also a lot of "unexpected messages" from some IPv4 IPs
Over I don't see any session disconnects though.
Over Perhaps at the info or debug log level?
orignal that's important
Over On that "destination: Publish confirmation was not receivend..." they are followed by a "info - Destination: Can't publish LeasetSet because destination is not ready. Try publishing again after 1800 milliseconds"
orignal it means you are out of tunnels
Over I don't really know what's useful or not if the log files...
orignal NTCP2 and SSU2 messages with errors and terminations
Over Oh yeah there's a lot of that. Let me fetch it.
Over warn - SSU2: Unexpected message type 149 from (some IP) of 55 bytes, SSU2: TokenRequest AEAD verification failed, SSU2: Unexpected message type 99 instead 6, NTCP2: SessionCreated read error: Connection reset by peer (very few like that), NTCP2: SessionCreated read error: End of file, warn - SSU2: Retry token is zero...
Over Though it's mostly unexpected message type *something* from *someone* instead of *some other thing*
orignal that's SSU2
Over "warn - NTCP2: Session with *router hash* already exists. Replaced" (most present), NTCP2: SessionCreated read error: End of file, NTCP2: SessionCreated read error: Connection reset by peer, warn - NTCP2: Receive length read error: End of file
Over that seems to be the most often things that more often appear.
orignal if disconnects are often that's the reason
Over I'll see if I can find some tool for that. But ip didn't showed only 5 dropped packets and I don't have any problems using the server.
orignal dr|z3d meeeting
dr|z3d sorry, missed meeting. :|
dr|z3d anyone got some logs I can review?