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dr|z3d not really, parabo
dr|z3d still feel like shit.
dr|z3d y2kboy23: you're doing great.
dr|z3d there's a whole chunk of useful info in the /help/ section that'll help you get up to speed on various things.
itsjustme hey dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d hi ijm o/
itsjustme you're sick dr|z3d?
dr|z3d nasty one.
NarratorZ Good morning guys, I'm starting to build my darknet personal cloud
T3s|4 NarratorZ: good stuff; what build tool(s) are you using?
NarratorZ nextcloud docker
dr|z3d did I miss something? NarratorZ, you've also got an I2P+ docker image built?
NarratorZ but I'm considering switching to manually configure nginx - docker takes up too much memory
NarratorZ No, I use i2pd(
NarratorZ Host only has 1GB RAM
NarratorZ java is unbearable(
dr|z3d oh, that's unfrotunate. you running with defaults?
dr|z3d by default, I2P+ uses max 512M on the jvm. it can be made to use a lot less.
dr|z3d I wouldn't go under 256M, though.
dr|z3d that said, maybe i2pd works better for you in that setting.
NarratorZ I know,but i2pd just need 50mb
NarratorZ When I have the budget to change to a host with 4G memory, I will still use I2P - if it is not that the memory is really too small, I2P+ is more comfortable
dr|z3d this is true. but you lose the integrated apps, webserver and the advanced monitoring/profiling/throttling capabilities, so it's not a straightforward comparison.
NarratorZ Indeed, my main computer is still I2P+
NarratorZ But it's nice to have a small computer that runs for less than $15
NarratorZ This inexpensive device can easily spread
dr|z3d ah, that's a different case then. local, I2P+, vps, i2pd. makes sense.
Melanie I could not make i2pd run on illumos. On illumos, you probably want to use i2p+, even if you are memory constrained - at least it will work.
shiver Moin, happy holidays!
shiver dr|z3d there is a possible issue with the new routerconsole design. I updated yesterday from 2.0.0-2 to 2.0.0-11 and at the start all was good but after 1h the cpu usage of firefox climbed till it used around 60% of one core. I have the console open all the time and update at 3sec because when i want to troubleshoot something "real time" data helps and had never an issue, when i change it to 10sec the usage is
shiver lower but still spikes high.
dr|z3d hi shiver
dr|z3d what's the system you're running on?
shiver ubuntu 22.04 lts, firefox 108.0.1
dr|z3d ok, and specs?
shiver 4 core amd fx4300
dr|z3d ok, so that's quite an old system then, maybe 10 years old or more?
shiver it's not that it is old
shiver before the update there was no issue
dr|z3d I'm just trying to get an idea of the vintage.
dr|z3d but I hear you loud and clear.
shiver yeha, it's an piledriver
dr|z3d there's more going on with the sidebar refresh now to accomodate the collapsible sections, so that's probably why you're seeing heavier cpu usage. sounds like I've got work to do to optimize the js.
dr|z3d you can try something, not sure it'll help, but it might..
shiver i don't know if i'm the only one reporting this because most dont have the console open all the time and not at the refesh rate
dr|z3d you're the first, but probably not the last. or everyone else is running on the latest cpus :)
dr|z3d if you don't yet have an override.css file active in your chosen console theme dir..
dr|z3d create one, and add the following line:
dr|z3d * {animation: none !important}
dr|z3d see if that has any noticeable effect.
dr|z3d as for the update interval, I'm guessing most people leave it at the I2P+ default which is 3s.
shiver was that really the default? i think seeing 30 or 60
dr|z3d it's definitely the default for I2P+
shiver or maybe that was before i used i2p+
dr|z3d if you cross-graded, you'll have inherited the i2p default.
shiver do i need to restart the router for it to take effect? the css
dr|z3d should be instant, the moment you load up a new console page. shouldn't even need to hard refresh.
shiver do i need to add "dark" somewhere in the filename when i use that theme because others are named a similar way
dr|z3d no. you have demo override_name.css files which get updated (overwritten) when you update the console.. override.css is the name of the file you need to activate override.css and make your edits persistent.
dr|z3d you should notice no sidebar orange bar section loaders when that override.css file is active, amongst other things. like I said, might help, might not.
dr|z3d you can also try copying one of the demo override.css files and renaming to override.css if you want to be sure that it's working.
dr|z3d some are pretty obvious.
dr|z3d like -> override.css for example. you can't miss that.
dr|z3d anyways, thanks for the feedback. I'll see what I can do to lower the cpu load on the sidebar refresh stuff.
shiver everything still looks the same
dr|z3d ok, try a hard refrsh. crtl+shift+r
dr|z3d and make sure the active console theme is where you've got the override.css file, so i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/override.css assuming you're using the dark theme. and check file permissions are correct so the i2p process can read that file.
shiver still the same
shiver "* {animation: none !important}" is right?
shiver without "
shiver should be able to
parabo dr|z3d
shiver last i saw was about file permissions
T3s|4_ lols - waiting for NarratorZ's reappearance so he can defend his 'java is unbearable(' comment ;p
T3s|4 o/ - any symptomatic improvements today?
T3s|4 o/ ^dr|z3d
parabol hey guys
parabol hi T3s|4
parabol how are you?
dr|z3d hi T3s|4, still feel like shit, thanks for asking.
dr|z3d shiver: you got all I have to give. if you can't make override.css work based on the instructions I've supplied, you're doing something wrong.
dr|z3d you can add whatever you like to the override.css file to check that it's functioning. try adding the line body{background:#f00!important}
dr|z3d gives you an introduction to theme overrides.
shiver dr|z3d, the last line you said to add worked but not * {animation: none !important}, so i did nothing wrong :D
shiver sorry, was afk for a bit
dr|z3d shiver: if you're not seeing those orange sectional loading bars animate on every refresh, then it worked.
dr|z3d the point of that line is to disable css animations which can on slower cpus cause spikes.
dr|z3d if that didn't materially affect the cpu spikes, then there's work to do on optimizing the javascript.
dr|z3d > shiver: if you're not seeing those orange sectional loading bars animate on every refresh, then it worked.
dr|z3d > the point of that line is to disable css animations which can on slower cpus cause spikes.
dr|z3d > if that didn't materially affect the cpu spikes, then there's work to do on optimizing the javascript.
shiver holy fuck my isp got issues today
dr|z3d > shiver: if you're not seeing those orange sectional loading bars animate on every refresh, then it worked.
dr|z3d > the point of that line is to disable css animations which can on slower cpus cause spikes.
dr|z3d > if that didn't materially affect the cpu spikes, then there's work to do on optimizing the javascript.
shiver thank you
shiver the bars are there for months and had never an issue but when adding the line i still see them
shiver dr|z3d, the bars are there for months and had never an issue but when adding the line i still see them
dr|z3d are they animating?
dr|z3d [ ] yes [ ] no
shiver yes, from left to right
dr|z3d ok, then it's my fault. try this line instead: *::before,*::after{animation:none!important}
shiver i think i need to make it more clear because you repeat the slow cpu part, when my router has more than 10k participating tunnels at 5MB/s the browser had almost the same % cpu usage. i dont think it's that little bit animation.
dr|z3d I doubt the bars are specifically the issue, but disabling the animation and seeing if that has any bearing on your issue helps me rule them out if there's no difference.
shiver that makes sense :D
dr|z3d the main issue is, I suspect, the additional javascript complexity required to handle the collapsible sidebar sections, but on slower systems, animation + javascript can often lead to spikes. in any event, I'll look into what's possible in terms of js optimization.
shiver now they are gone
Melanie Just had a dream ending in being sent to die off a 75 storey apartment block by revolutionaries... the long way. See, the floor I was on had a just about walkable ledge around the outside, and front doors from the flats. There was also this weird concrete pillar siping pattern? The blocks looked like giant concrete heatsinks and I was sent to my doom for being somebody who does tech in
Melanie a way their false revolution could not co-opt, as well as some minor infraction on the block which should have just meant I was lifted down to the first floor (ground floor) and booted there.
shiver Thank you for your help, i'm afk for the night.