IRCaBot 2.1.0
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mesh am I the only one having a bunch of trouble reaching postman these days?
RN no
RN there is an issue with certain dests
RN something to do with old vs new crypto migration from a while back
RN mostly keep retrying
mesh RN: ok well I take some small comfort in the fact that others share my suffering
not_bob I too have had issues getting him on the line.
not_bob I've been having issues wtih mail.
dr|z3d No is the answer, re sharing ips between i2p outproxy and tor exits.
Opicaak Thanks, doc.
eyedeekay At last I fixed it. The fix for the key confusion issues is on this MR
dr|z3d what did you fix, eyedeekay?
dr|z3d Opicaak: when setting up stormycloud's outproxies, I made sure we weren't using Tor ips. Cloudflare is a nuisance.
eyedeekay The thing that's breaking Postman's services, "Unsupported Encryption Type"
dr|z3d Oh, well done :)
eyedeekay It's now no longer possible to accidentally pick up a wrong subDb
eyedeekay Bunch of other things went along with it too, the memory management and concurrency issues most notably
Opicaak dr|z3d, great thinking, I assumed it wasn't sharing them, but wanted to be extra sure.
dr|z3d concurrency I think is what's breaking my flags. did you do away with most of the synchronized calls that were introduced?
eyedeekay Yeah now the subDb's are initialized ahead of time in the ClientConnectionRunner and the FNDS calls are just reaching into the CCR to get the FNDS inside of it
eyedeekay No more stacking them all in the FNDS
dr|z3d smells like progress :)
eyedeekay Yeah it's getting there, problems and uncertainties are gradually falling away
RN are these changes worth a build at this point?
dr|z3d they're sitting in the merge requests tray right now, no, eyedeekay? in which case you'll have to wait.
eyedeekay I would definitely say they're worth building if you want to try them out, everything works as it should and any further changes will probably be subtractive, but I've left them in the MR for the time being because it's a big plumbing change
eyedeekay There's a merge conflict though so it may be more trouble than it's worth
dr|z3d RN: any time you hear the words merge conflict, run in the opposite direction.
eyedeekay It's gone now
eyedeekay dr|zed do you happen to know if it's possible to configure a proxy that is applied to requests initiated by a war `.war` started by jetty? My case is a git server which supports importing from a remote git server, which can be invoked from the web interface
eyedeekay I want to prevent a user with an account on the git server from importing a git repo from a clearnet server that they own without using a proxy
dr|z3d you'll have to rephrase the question, eyedeekay, I don't understand what you're trying to prohibit :)
dr|z3d If I understand correctly, you want to prevent direct imports from remote git servers to your server, you want to enforce importing via a proxy. I doubt that's possible.
dr|z3d You might, otoh, be able to enforce using a proxy at the server end of the deal to import the repo.
eyedeekay Exactly, that would make things easier for this:
dr|z3d Just enforce a proxy server side.
eyedeekay Now I don't think I understand your answer
eyedeekay If server A is the one importing and server B is the one hosting the repo to be imported, where does the proxy get set up, bearing in mind that hypothetical attacker is the owner of server B?
dr|z3d you pipe all imports through a proxy of your choice, no?
eyedeekay No that's precisely what I'm trying to figure out how to do, but specifically from a `.war` placed in `~/.i2p/eepsite/webapps/` for instance
eyedeekay Like for instance is it possible to set System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "4444") for all such `.war`'s
dr|z3d here's an entirely different proposal. don't run an open github service on i2p. authorized users only.
eyedeekay That's what the defaults give you anyway, at least with gitbucket
eyedeekay If I have to I'll leave it thus, really just a matter of interest
eyedeekay It would also be useful for anything that federates like activitypub
dr|z3d this enforces a proxy for all war files you'd need to modify it to handle specific war files, but the main part is the ProxySelector method:
dr|z3d / Set up the proxy host and port
dr|z3d String proxyHost = "";
dr|z3d int proxyPort = 8080;
dr|z3d / Create a Proxy object using the specified host and port
dr|z3d Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort));
dr|z3d / Set the default proxy for all connections
dr|z3d ProxySelector.setDefault(new ProxySelector() {
dr|z3d @Override
dr|z3d public List<Proxy> select(URI uri) {
dr|z3d return Collections.singletonList(proxy);
dr|z3d @Override
dr|z3d public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) {
dr|z3d // Handle connection failure if required
dr|z3d not all war files, sorry, the jvm they're running under.
eyedeekay That would end up applying to the JVM that I2P is running under as well right?
dr|z3d it would. you'd need to tweak it to handle just the wars you're interested in proxying.
eyedeekay That's what I thought, could be a start though
eyedeekay Not the time right now but when I finally have the time to experiment seriously with alternatives to gitlab that will be helpful, thanks
dr|z3d that's a method for handling a specific war file.
eyedeekay *that's* what I need
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d eyedeekay: as for alternatives to gitlab, gitea is all you need. it supporting importing and mirroring repos, can work with existing github/gitlab repos, and doesn't require a huge amount of resources to run.
eyedeekay Oh for my main instance I **will** be using gitea when I get the chance
eyedeekay I'm just... committedly anti-monoculture
eyedeekay And gitbucket being Servlet 3.0 makes it super convenient to host on Java I2P obviously, so if you're not a Go nerd but want to host a git server over I2P it makes a somewhat interesting choice IMO
eyedeekay The way you solve the same problem I had with gitbucket is also the second goSam example
eyedeekay to accomplish it with gitea
RN didn't read all that... but will. at a glance wounds like just build after a 'bump'
RN s/wounds/sounds/
dr|z3d you've got things to do, RN...
dr|z3d they'll write a book about you one day. "How to motivate a slug".
RN I do have to enforce priorities I do not like right now
RN but I will get back to what you are hinting at soon
RN before that or further chat... I do want to finish with reading the scrollback.
RN and a "show" I am co-watching with a friend... so be just a bit
RN durring adverts I listen to the scrollback
RN unless my mobile goes off with a call or text from friend co-watching
RN not as complicated as it sounds, after reading what I typed. lol... but a bit more to catch up and now the commercials are off again
RN I think about slug, and can't help but picutre the telephone from the live action version of OnePiece
RN the one with the moustache
RN ok yeah that was a lot
RN not a lot of words, but a lot to digest
dr|z3d do first, think later :)
zzz eyedeekay, dr|z3d, the http.proxyHost and related config looks like JVM catnip magic but they are ancient things that don't work on NIO
zzz See TransportManager.isProxied() where we detect and warn people foolish enough to try
dr|z3d you mean the example I pasted in channel, or the example I pasted to cake?
dr|z3d the cake example was using some apache classes to do the magic, but alas cake has been eaten.
zzz didn't closely review either, but in general there's no JVM-wide facility/setting that works on NIO
zzz some settings do affect some things (and could break things like UPnP), so that code is there to warn people that think they can proxy all i2p traffic with a quick setting. They can't
zzz the full suite of things that don't work:
zzz private static final String PROP_JAVA_PROXY1 = "socksProxyHost";
zzz private static final String PROP_JAVA_PROXY2 = "";
zzz private static final String PROP_JAVA_PROXY3 = "http.proxyHost";
zzz private static final String PROP_JAVA_PROXY4 = "https.proxyHost";
zzz re: MR 120, yes it's the one we're waiting for, no I don't think it's ready
dr|z3d is it heading in the right direction?
dr|z3d also, speaking of directions, where did Obscuratus go? Maybe you scared him away? :)
zzz I see some one step forward, two steps back that I don't understand atm
zzz we'd be better off with Obscuratus help, dunno
zzz my current headscratcher is ClientConnectionRunner. I thought I contributed a turnkey perfect solution, idk agreed and took it, but a few days later rewrote it and made it much worse?
zzz but ofc I wasnt doing any testing so who knows
dr|z3d it sounds like you need to be a bit more handsy in your approach right now :)
zzz I'm handwaving all I can :)
dr|z3d I mean hands on, not hand wave :)
zzz trying to avoid Pottery Barn rules for now
dr|z3d so what are you up to on the side?
zzz working thru my wip/todo list from Feb
zzz almost done playing with JCE ChaCha, pretty sure it won't be worth it
zzz something like 99% of the calls are too small to benefit
zzz even with java 21 + AVX
dr|z3d well, it sounds like you're almost ready to push it out, is there any downside aside from the time invested?
zzz what do you mean push it out?
dr|z3d push it to trunk, or that's not the plan?
zzz it's slower 99% of the time, so then we have to add a length check to avoid it 99% of the time, so it's really not worth it
dr|z3d find another toy in that case. best advice. :)
dr|z3d what about http/2, or you're still mulling over persistent connections?
zzz the most I'd think of checking in is a commented-out main() speed test code
zzz also, I did all my mods in the chacha-only code, but all those are with super short data; the only place that would benefit is chacha/poly where the sizes are much bigger
zzz but that's completely different, harder, riskier
zzz still thinking about it
zzz atm it seems like a risky 6 month project in two stages, where the first stage (client side) provides no speedup at all, it's only prep
zzz the second stage would be the i2p socket
zzz and the server side would be the 3rd stage but I don't think it's necessary at all
zzz a lot of the other toys on my list are blocked by the tsunami