IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d zzz: apparently, proxies can have issues with brotli over http.
dr|z3d not seeing any issues here, though.
tennis2 Eye eye peers
tennis2 Or is it aye aye peers? Anyway hope all are well.
dr|z3d what up tennis2
orignal does zzz.i2p still use offline signature?
zzz yes, stats.i2p also. Offline signed: Expires in 64 days
tennis2 Hi dr|z3d thanks for asking. I've done the 48px dr|z3d version of the eyeeyepeer and its at cake.i2p here, hpdbe6o6qqqqvgygbcznssat46kybsm7rcauofqaoly4ajdi2jeq.b32.i2p/file/I3jhTHhFOC_NvLzseNMxidhtB72HMLQyU5jZY1PCq_WsKqbgBxWa/eyeeyepeer.svg
tennis2 That's not why I came on today, but now is a good time to share it.
dr|z3d remind me what you're intending to use the icon for, tennis2?
tennis2 Where the 32px version is seems down at the moment so I'll upload that one sec, oh its just to ask user if they want to load i2p (after they make their torrent data available)
tennis2 but you can use it wherever you like!
tennis2 still need to do the 16, 18, 22 24 28 64 versions, the 16px version will not have the dark border equally around the eyes. It looks like a battered person if it does. so there'll bee a slight offset of the white of the eye.
orignal Vort compains he see bunch of error in the log about offline signatures
orignal I doubt there are many addresses with offline signatures
zzz that's why I have it on my site, so we will know if it breaks ))) need to do the same for encrypted LS on some site because it always breaks without me noticing
zzz happy bug hunting
tennis2 They are only available for the next 24 hours so please sweep them up. Steal them, use them, you might want to export them to PNG so folks using Tor Browser/Mullvad(?) in safest mode can see them? The icon looks great as a window panels. Now you'll notice that both these icon have the same name rather than "eyeeyepeer32", "eyeeyepeer48" etc, this is because I've learned how to put these icons into gtk compliant
tennis2 icon themes! Yay! One sec and I'll give you all the code for that.
zzz major, please tell acetone your website is down (((
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 Again its only available for 24 hours so please steal the code, use it in your bash scripts, etc.
tennis2 The above code will be included in the INSTALL part of my bash script. Please test it. Does it work on your setup?
tennis2 linux setup?
orignal it's heptan.i2p
orignal can you guys chehck from your side?
orignal if you also see the porblem with it
orignal zzz we are trying to contact acetone for few weeks
not_bob I haven't seen heptan.i2p since Nov 25 of last year.
zzz I can't get the LS, not sure if the ffs are dropping it or my router is
zzz but we stop the tunnel when the sig expires
zzz so it must be running i2pd
zzz you should fix that orignal
tennis2 I have an idea please wait for me to post the full idea before responding? I'm breaking it up into small digestible reads and it ends with a question.
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 Is there a simple file downloader (DLr) for i2p? I'm thinking a dialog box that is always one click away. You could send it to your tray, if you don't want to see it in your main window panel. To download you'd feed it a URL, and if you want, a preferred filename and just hit download. It detects whether you are giving it an i2p or clearnet domain and dynamically presents all applicable i2p tunnels that can be
tennis2 used minus the 4444 and 4445 tunnels (I consider those reserved for ones browser, and they should terminate with closing the browser so should not be used for an independent application).
tennis2 it would have some options...
tennis2 There are a few categories for a DL. The default is none, just DL if you provide a URL, but there are 'ARCHIVE', 'TORRENT CANDIDATE' and 'HOST' options
tennis2 You can tick ARCHIVE to archive a file or page you supply (uses 'wget' with page requisites options) and saves the archived page to 'folder-of-your-choosing/YYYY-MM/', like internet archive but without the day hour minute second. Because you've selected ARCHIVE the "Preferred filename" field is greyed out, but a deepness slider with |0|--|1|--|2| becomes activated (0=this resource with page requisites, 1=this
tennis2 page and linked pages, 2=this page and linked pages of linked pages).
tennis2 My favourite option would be if you don't give the downloader anything to download it says "Archive something" and archives, if you have never archived anything, one of a few address-book-type sites, eg. notbob.i2p. Following that, it archives random links on archived pages! So if you want to generate some instant traffic you'd just click "Archive something" a couple times.
tennis2 One nice thing this DLr will do automatically queue DLs such that the next DL will begin within 10 mins of the previous DL finishing so you can secure a more even flow of traffic.
tennis2 The HOST option can be ticked and you can host the page (via some kind of IPFS? or by giving or choosing a sitename (eg. optional-archive-name.i2p, 456qwe...b32.i2p).
tennis2 The TORRENT CANDIDATE option places the downloaded file in a specified folder of your choosing in preparation to approve for sharing via i2psnark.
tennis2 The DLr uses the '-c' option in wget so you can "Suspend" downloads and keep their progress. As such DLr has a "Resume" button alongside the "Download/Surprise Archive" button, which presents a list of suspended downloads in a format, "<smallcaps>(DL |ARCHIVE |TORRENT CANDIDATE )*(to HOST)</SMALLCAPS> (as newFilename.mp3), ![32% of 30Mb completed](progressBar) via 'XYZ tunnel'. You can
tennis2 click "Resume", or "Resume As..." to change a setting like the filename, or eg. to switch from plain "DL" to "TORRENT CANDIDATE" etc.
tennis2 Is there anything like this yet?
tennis2 Blinded message
not_bob So, you want a tol to rip and archive sites?
not_bob I can't type./
not_bob You are likely to run into ratelimit issues doing that with a number of sites.
not_bob There are already existing tools that exist that will do the general thing you are asking, but they are desinged for the clearnet and may not work well with the I2P network.
not_bob The big issue you are going to run into is that sometimes I2P sites don't work for a short period of time. So, your program will be cloneing a site and then run into an error. How it deals with it is key.
not_bob How many times does it retry a failed page?
not_bob And, just because it doens't work now. Doens't mean that it won't work next week.
not_bob Should the program respect robots.txt?
tennis2 Yes and no, it does archive yes, but that is one option. There is plain DL, HOST (maybe this should be called MIRROR and produce a torrent candidate.
tennis2 wget has fine default for num tries etc.
not_bob With I2P when you get an error, it's also a webpage. Not just an error.
tennis2 You are not a robots this is human level stuff. So you don't worry about the robot txt
tennis2 No it does return an error :)
not_bob Is this something you are looking at coding?
tennis2 https_proxy= wget -c
tennis2 try that for clearnet
tennis2 Or this for i2p v
tennis2 http_proxy= wget -c heptan.i2p
not_bob wget already has an option to download an entire site if you desire.
not_bob How do you deal with dynamic content?
tennis2 If I'm not coding it then maybe someone else will like the idea and code it. But I'm probably going to.
not_bob One of the biggest issues you will need to deal with is ratelimits.
tennis2 "wget already has an option" yes, I just am interested in fun-streaming the process.
not_bob Head over to zzz.i2p and click around quickly. You can hit the limit easily.
tennis2 True.
tennis2 Maybe the deepness slider is a bad idea.
not_bob *shakes head*
not_bob No idea. If you want to archive sites, then you might as go all the way.
tennis2 True.
dr|z3d httrack.
not_bob dr|z3d: !
not_bob Greetings!
tennis2 Maybe the tooltip for 1 and 2 on the deepness slider can say "WARNING: you may hit a DL request limit"
dr|z3d hi !bob
tennis2 Hi dr|z3d is that suggestion for me?
dr|z3d tennis2: if you want to archive sites, then yes.
not_bob Agreed, why reinvent the wheel.
dr|z3d one of the reasons zzzmirror.i2p exists is to mitigate rate limiting. you'll find it much harder to get throttled there.
tennis2 "httrack (...) if you want to archive sites" Interesting dr|z3d, Yes that is one option that I want to provide. I didn't believe I needed more than wget and date functions but maybe I do.
tennis2 I'll look into that!
dr|z3d oh, you definitely do. wget will only get you so far.
dr|z3d httrack will rewrite all your links so they work.
tennis2 wget does that too
tennis2 I will investigate further
dr|z3d it's got various other tricks up its sleeve. you can set the speed of downloads and the concurrency to reduce the chance of being throttled, you can blacklist content you don't want to download, etc.
dr|z3d (and it runs in a browser making it fairly easy to manage)
tennis2 The running in a browser I can do without, I want to provide everything from a bespoke dialogbox application that is always one click away, either the windows panel or the tray.
tennis2 The other stuff is cool, and the website says that it also handles resuming!!
tennis2 This I don't believe wget can do.
dr|z3d you can run it from the command line if you don't need a UI.
dr|z3d and you can also update an existing downloaded site. so lots of options.