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tennis2 Damnit. I'm stuck again with mounting the file system. It seems that after the drive is unencrypted it gets a new(?) device ID and the old device ID (eg. /dev/sdb1) no longer works to mount with gio.
tennis2 'gio mount --list' is absolutely useless, it lists all the devices but gives me no IDs that i can use.
tennis2 s/lists all the devices/lists all the volumes/
tennis2 HELLO 'gio mount --list --detail'
tennis2 gio mount -d $(gio mount -li |grep -e "$torrentContentUUID\|unix-device" |grep -B1 "uuid: " \
tennis2 |grep "unix-device" | sed "s/'//g" | sed "s/.* //g" ) # hahahaha
tennis2 s/-li/--list --detail/
tennis2 Eye eye peers
tennis2 It will be developed after testing proves that all the bits work, I'll remove the need to manually stop ans start i2psnark.
tennis2 Its no doubt developed just before zzz fixes i2p snark, for ppl like me.
snex PROGLOC="/bin/tennis/i2psnark-helper"
tennis2 program location
snex i dont have /bin/tennis
tennis2 Ah, yes, that first step isn't automated, woops. Yeah you need to use sudo privileges to place it there.
snex what if i just define the mount as a dependency for my i2p systemd file
tennis2 nor is step 0) to intstall zenity
tennis2 When the disk pops out does your i2p exit abruptly?
snex why would that even happen
tennis2 Some things that depend on other things in can behave like that. But I think I'm thinking about XDG and not systemd
tennis2 I just fixed the script so the user doesn't have to specify their I2psnark folder, because the script fetches that form the i2psnark config file. Also made it so the user doesn't have to careful to provide the UUID for the encrypted drive in lower case. I now change the case, in case. lol. a few minor layout issues.
tennis2 Cake and postman are down or I'd put it up as a tiny, little torrent.
tennis2 its time to rest. snex if your disk pops out for whatever reason the way i2psnark works is it wipes all the torrnt metadata and it scans all your torrents. It's not sustainable.
tennis2 To scan/read all the torrent everytime. The disk pops out. Bye for now.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks for that primer link
dr|z3d you're welcome, T3s|4. don't expect to see http/3 in i2p, though.
dr|z3d http/2 is unlikely, too, but not as unlikely as http/3 :)
T3s|4 for me anonymity has always been the top priority even at the expense of speed. i2p is plenty fast enough these days for my purposes :)
dr|z3d we might see a speedbump for general browsing when zzz's keepalive server code lands, depending on the nature of the website.
zzz why would you say that
dr|z3d why would I say what, sorry?
zzz "speedbump"
dr|z3d it's possible a keepalive connection on a site serving a chunk of images might improve download speed, no?
zzz right
zzz speedbump is the opposite of a bump in speed. it slows you down
snex speedbumps are bumps in the road that force you to slow down
zzz but I guess you meant faster not slower
dr|z3d right, my bad. poor phrasing.
orignal gents I have something exotic
orignal an account on server where you can't bind to any port
orignal hence i2pd works through NTCP2 outigoing only
orignal need to fix SSU2 to be able to open UDP sockets without binding
orignal and web-console and some service should support unix local socksts
not_bob That is an unusual situation.
orignal yes, but we should make i2p working on such server
orignal see it's working not but useless
not_bob Agreed.
orignal it's rare but doable
not_bob I've found i2pd and java I2P to work well in every situation I've put it in.
not_bob Though, i2pd works fine after an IP change, but java I2P does not.
snex java i2p should work through an IP change if you have a dyndns (or real dns) in the config
not_bob I do not.
not_bob And due to my situation, never will.
snex whats wrong with running a dyndns
not_bob Nothing.
dr|z3d java i2p shouldn't have an issue with an ip change.
not_bob In my limited tests it has.
not_bob But, that's been a while.
snex it definitely messed my client up last time my IP changed. thats when i noticed in the config you could tell it to use a hostname
dr|z3d there might be a limited window where a peer decides you're unreachable and you temporarily get marked as firewalled, but that should self-rectify.
dr|z3d if an ip change is breaking things, then there's an issue that needs investigating.
not_bob I can do further testing on that.
orignal my question is if we can't bind to UDP port we still publish U?
snex its possible that the auto-detect methods dont cover certain setups
not_bob_afk Anwyay, I'm out! Later all.