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uop23ip Hi dr|z3d. Just want to ask: What is the max hops settings in i2p+ and does routerconsole.advanced=true work?
uop23ip added the line and got up to 7, closed :)
dr|z3d uop23ip: add the config, wait 30s, you're in advanced mode.
dr|z3d thereafter, you can edit router.config from /configadvanced
dr|z3d 2.5.2+ torrent now available, please seed until next release if you can. Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=77457
dr|z3d (
uop23ip dr|z3d, i am searching for my local caps in plus. canon is routerinfo, but in plus routerinfo/netdb i don't see any caps
dr|z3d go to /info and then hit your routerinfo hash.
dr|z3d aka "Identity"
uop23ip ouch missed this plus it's buttons and in canon text. Are your caps more relaxed then canon's?
dr|z3d caps use the same metric.
dr|z3d (as indicated on /netdb and elsewhere)
uop23ip weird, i should have a D. Other router canon with higher specs and R is getting D for whatever reasons
dr|z3d no, you shouldn't have a D.
dr|z3d you don't want a D.
dr|z3d see /netdb for why not.
dr|z3d D, E, and G are usually transient caps.
uop23ip my canon has D
dr|z3d have you worked out what D means yet?
dr|z3d >> see /netdb for why not.
uop23ip D: Medium congestion, or a low-performance router (e.g. Android, Raspberry Pi)
dr|z3d bandwidth tier and R/U are really the only things you want to concern yourself with re equivalence with canon.
dr|z3d if both canon and + are running on android/arm, there may be a slight difference in how they're graded.
uop23ip see nothing netdb 'why', just XRD
uop23ip ipv4/ipv6 maybe, one firewalled one open?
uop23ip plus does not classify my rpi3 cpus as low. canon i don't find any info like that. canon is rpi4
dr|z3d there are a bunch of reasons why you may have the D cap, your router being overwhelmed with traffic (tunnel requests) being but one. + is more selective in what it accomodates, so is potentially less likely to win a D cap.
dr|z3d number of available cores may override the slow designation, I don't recall the exact algorithm.
uop23ip cpu usage is low and hasn't been maxed out even when the attack flooded the network and i had 3mb's up/down. 2-3k partTunnels and 200-300kb's bw now
uop23ip i thought about making me a floodfill, would that help? :)
dr|z3d sure, you can enable floodfill if you want to use more cpu, though if you're D cap may be ignored.
dr|z3d you may also want to bump up your maximum transit (participating) tunnels, the sidebar should indicate your current maximum.
dr|z3d in +, that is.