IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
cumlord Rpi 3 might struggle with floodfill still
Xeha that's why you use a proper odroid ;)
cumlord rpi knockoffs are the way to go
cumlord The orange pi’s are pretty happy haven’t looked at odriod
uop23ip Hi orignal. does i2pd handle the caps D router the same way as canon or plus and would a pi4 get a D in i2pd?:
uop23ip D: Medium congestion, or a low-performance router (e.g. Android, Raspberry Pi) Other routers should downgrade or limit this router's apparent tunnel capacity in the profile.
orignal what?
orignal i2pd publishes D when 70% of max capacity
orignal your D because you have too much transit tunnels
orignal inscrease this limit
orignal you can do it from the web consol
uop23ip so i2pd doesn't give arm/pi a D because of arm/pi? it does it if 70% of maxParticipatingTunnels is reached. Increasing this limit would change that, right?
orignal only when 70% of limit
orignal number of transit tunnels or bandwidth
uop23ip Ok thanks, a needed info :)
dr|z3d orignal: you said you were up for blocking Tor if zzz ok'd it. zzz ok'd it.
dr|z3d next + feature being worked on is a custom url list blocker for the http server tunnel.
dr|z3d create a list of paths or files on your server that you don't want accessible over i2p, or aren't there and are signs of a vuln scanner spidering your site, and when they're accessed the client will get blocked and his b32 will be written to a file you can optionally configure via the tunnel filter to ban the b32.
dr|z3d think of it like a primitive WAF (web application firewall) for I2P.
dr|z3d ok, available for testing on the /dev/ update path.
dr|z3d blocks go in ~/.i2p/http_blocklist.txt (one string per line)
dr|z3d any clients (b32s) that trigger a block will be logged to ~/.i2p/http_blocklist_clients.txt
dr|z3d the clients list will only contain unique b32s, so multiple blocked requests from the same b32 will only show a single dest in the blockfile.
orignal no I didn't say this
orignal because people use i2p over Tor
dr|z3d we were discussing your theory the attacker's sitting behind Tor, orignal. when I raised the issue of blocking Tor, your words were iirc, "up to zzz". but no matter, we're blocking Tor now in Java-land, so Tor users are siloed.
dr|z3d (or rather, canon I2P is also blocking Tor now, + has been blocking for a while)
not_bob Using I2P over tor, while it works is not good.
not_bob Or, did work :)
orignal it wouldn't solve the problem
orignal my point was another one
orignal I want to exclude Tor peers from MY tunnels
dr|z3d so you need to implement a tor exit node blocklist type feature.
orignal yes, but first I need to clollect actual IPs of U routers
dr|z3d if you intended to remove the ticks on the graphs for 2.5.2, zzz, they're still present.
dr|z3d if not, nevermind.
zzz ticks are gone for me, I did test it ))
dr|z3d I was looking at a canon 2.5.2 install.
dr|z3d I mean, they're gone for me, too, but when I looked at canon pngs they were still there.
zzz may not have looked closely at pngs. I verified pngs still worked, but that's it
zzz dr|z3d, re: URL pattern matching
zzz reading/parsing/compiling patterns from a file on every request is completely untenable, except as a toy demo
zzz ditto reading/appending the dest block file
zzz and you're not using that file for anything, because you're not blocking them unless they match patterns again? afaict
zzz the place to start, as discussed long ago, is access filter, which does it all right - patterns in memory, reload only if changed on disk, batch bans in memory and write out periodically, both happen in background threads
T3s|4 zzz: not sure if I just got lucky, but I want to believe the new vs old RI path you're on is important. On my end, -1+ built tunnels and connected to IRC much faster than 0+
zzz dunno what's in -1+ but nothing from me would have made a difference
zzz the new/old thing is orignal's and weko's proposal, I'm just trying to keep up
orignal old problem new approach
T3s|4 noted zzz, so I must have been lucky. In any event, glad you're trying to crack larger issues