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uop23ip I probably got the D caps again. Did a fresh install +, open ports, router says is ready for accepting tunnel requests, but only got 1-2 transit tunnels for some time and then nothing. weird. router is running for more than 3 hours with 800 known
dr|z3d fresh install can take time.
dr|z3d but check logs for any obvious signs of things not being right.
uop23ip 2 hours ago:Refusing connection: per-peer limit of 6 connections per minute or total limit of 128 connections per minute reached
dr|z3d normal
uop23ip Did my question how to check for D caps of own router got thru?
dr|z3d what are you running, + or canon?
uop23ip plus now, i am the one with the D in canon :)
uop23ip testing
dr|z3d > /info then router hash should indicate if you're D
uop23ip set mine maxTunnel to 6k in router.config
uop23ip X R but no D
dr|z3d if routerconsole.advanced=true you can write to router.config from /configadvanced
uop23ip done that first
dr|z3d so no need to touch router.config anymore.
uop23ip the D's router in netdb, also don't have a D.
uop23ip if i click the button to search for them
dr|z3d if no D then no D. where are we going with this?
uop23ip the D's router in netdb, also don't have a D.
uop23ip not before or after X R
dr|z3d great. move on, nothing to see.
uop23ip should there be a D before or after X R ?
dr|z3d we went over this yesterday. no, not unless you're under load.
dr|z3d if you're not getting any tunnel requests, it suggests you're probably firewalled in some way. if you haven't restarted + after install, try a restart, can sometimes fix things post-install.
uop23ip done update to 2.5.2
uop23ip ipv4 open, 6 closed and firewalled problem. Did run with canon
uop23ip In netdb summary, congestion cap, clicking on D (Show all routers with this capability in netdb), should show me the D caps routers, but no one shows a D, So how can i be sure that i don't have a D, if this didn't show up in the gui?
uop23ip 1 tunnel and gone, weird. :) will it let it run for while and see later
dr|z3d canon -> D for arm/android, + -> not so much, depends on a variety of factors.
dr|z3d if you want to see which routers have a d cap,
uop23ip Yes i did :) And no one of them has a D before or after X R. The gui does not show them i guess, because they are there as we got a list of them, right?
uop23ip classic i use
uop23ip do you see a D under /netdb?caps=D ?
dr|z3d if you're on canon i2p, then caps will be indicated elsewise.
uop23ip under plus, i meant
dr|z3d if you're on +, then you won't see an explicit D, you'll see a yellow arrow over the bandwidth tier for D caps.
dr|z3d key provided on /netdb .. note the arrow colors under the congestion cap section.
dr|z3d so if you search for D caps in +, then all the bandwidth tier indicators will show a yellow arrow on N, X, P etc..
dr|z3d and if you click on one of those indicators, you'll see all routers in the netdb in the same tier with the same caps (congestion, reachability, and tier)
uop23ip yellow, hard to see with classic more grey. Found an easier way, go to local router in netdb and click on bw caps goes to: /netdb?caps=XRD....
dr|z3d if classic is your preferred theme, you can modify the color to suit your screen with an override.css file.
uop23ip that D for arm in general is bad, it's vanilla and is not android
dr|z3d what is vanilla?
dr|z3d can you try and formulate your sentences a bit more intelligibly please, I'm having a hard time following :)
dr|z3d so, you want to change the color of the D arrow in the classic theme, here's how you'd do it...
dr|z3d create a file called override.css in i2p/docs/themes/console/classic/
dr|z3d in that file, add the following:
uop23ip yeah i will try :) i use the same jar on x86 as on arm64. canon would be vanilla then, plus debian with patches
dr|z3d :root {
dr|z3d --isD:linear-gradient(135deg,#993 18%,rgba(0,0,0,0) 18%);
dr|z3d the value #993 is the one you want to change to modify the color of the D arrow.
dr|z3d if you want the code for any other color, you can grab it from here: w3schools.i2p/colors/colors_picker.asp
dr|z3d code will usually be 3 or 6 characters, that page will give you 6.
uop23ip lol dr|z3d, the color is not the problem but thanks for the motivation. I am D, which color is not important
dr|z3d yellow, hard to see with classic more grey
dr|z3d maybe you meant something entirely different, I don't know, maybe I decrypted you wrong.
uop23ip i want to get rid of the D
dr|z3d are you on + or canon?
uop23ip any hint where to look at in the code?
dr|z3d is your router indicated as slow on /info ?
uop23ip that is the other weird part the rpi4 partRouter is slow and my rpi3 non-partRouter is not slow
dr|z3d let's stick to one router at a time, and one question. is it indicated as slow on the router you're on?
dr|z3d router.overrideIsSlow=true
uop23ip the rpi4
dr|z3d try that.
dr|z3d see also the entry for the same on
dr|z3d you may need to restart your router. D cap may well disappear as a result, let me know.
uop23ip will do thanks
dr|z3d either way, /info should tell you that you're not slow.
uop23ip no didn't work. still slow and still D.
uop23ip complete restart done with i2prouter stop
uop23ip will let it run for while, need some sleep. thanks
dr|z3d strange, D caps may be contingent on more than just slow, but /info should tell you you're not slow. I'll have a look at the code later.
RN request: hover the text 'news updated from..." on sidebar and see last time it successfully got a new update
RN lol... oops
RN meant as private message, but who it was meant for should know what I meant from context
RN for everyone else, that was a big secret.. don't tell anyone else I said that.
uop23ip D capped here :). still slow, d cap, 100 transit low 10kbs bw, reboot system, transit swinging at 200, 2k known. Don't know why the override didn't work. No clue here. Maybe i should try my old canon config with i2pplus. It looks all ready, but nothing pumps up. I had 100-300kb with canon, but that was a long established router and that was far lower than it was capable of. That does look worse here, but i
uop23ip will give more time and hope it will change. I looked at router.enableTransitThrottle={true|false}, maybe this one does something. i d k. Everything else never reached its max limits.
dr|z3d uop23ip: it'll take several days or more for your router to push more data post-install.
dr|z3d also, bear in mind that you're not servicing all the requests you would be on canon, + is more selective about servicing transit requests.
dr|z3d good job on the maketorblocklist script zzz, I like your cleanups.
uop23ip would it help to copy the netdb from my old install?
dr|z3d enableTransitThrottle won't help you, and is best left enabled (default).
dr|z3d you can copy all the netdb DAT files over to the netDb folder, don't copy the folder as is.
dr|z3d then valid, current routers will be pulled into the netdb automatically.
uop23ip overwrite ok?
uop23ip but in general my router has to publish itself to others, so only time will change that other will request tunnel from me.
uop23ip any idea why the override didn't work, dr|z3d?
zzz thx drz
dr|z3d no, not overwrite, uop23ip.
dr|z3d you'll be overwriting newer RIs with older ones that may be stale.
dr|z3d copy the .dat files, not the folders, to your.i2p/netDb folder and they'll get integrated or ditched.
dr|z3d don't know why override didn't work, haven't dug into the code yet, in my todo tray.
uop23ip cool thanks dr|z3d
dr|z3d I wouldn't be overly concerned about D in any event, you're running on a pi, that's normal.
dr|z3d nor slow assignment, either. it tells the router to not punish your processor :)
uop23ip i never reached any cpu/traffic limits with pi. Even in attack with max out partTraffic it only had 1/4 -1/2 cpu usage. So i think that it can do more. Even with the max parameters changed for my router, other will not want to make tunnel with me because of the D. As far as i understand it.
dr|z3d you may be avoided by some routers, but not all. E and G are where you'll definitely be excluded.
uop23ip i think my pi4 can handle more than 2k tunnels, thought of 6k, which i set in config
dr|z3d if pushing as much traffic as possible is your goal, i2pd is probably the best bet, it doesn't care what it routes, it'll route anything without throttles.
dr|z3d just know that there's a lot of suspect routers out there, so more isn't necessarily better when it comes to transit tunnels or traffic.
dr|z3d with +, it's a question of being selective about what you route which will result in less traffic and tunnels, but with more confidence you're not passively contributing to some network attack.
uop23ip 4k tunnels and 1-2 mb/s would be ok for me.
uop23ip As others decide to request tunnels, what does make i2pd so "attractive" or is my java router declining their requests?
dr|z3d > if pushing as much traffic as possible is your goal, i2pd is probably the best bet, it doesn't care what it routes, it'll route anything without throttles.
dr|z3d > just know that there's a lot of suspect routers out there, so more isn't necessarily better when it comes to transit tunnels or traffic.
dr|z3d > with +, it's a question of being selective about what you route which will result in less traffic and tunnels, but with more confidence you're not passively contributing to some network attack.
dr|z3d + is also less tolerant of older routers, especially older routers with low bandwidth tiers.
uop23ip thanks for posting again had a restart between :)
dr|z3d if you set default logging to warn on /configlogging and then filter for ban on /logs you'll get a flavor of what it's doing.
dr|z3d also, if you haven't already discovered the collapsible side sections, collapsed sections can make some of the sidebar stats easier to take in at a glance.
dr|z3d just hover over a sidepanel section heading and hit the toggle button to toggle.
uop23ip considering all that filtering, what is to expect for a java partRouter (high specs) in tunnels at the moment?
uop23ip like the ui, still figuring things out
dr|z3d varies, from 2-8K tunnels, sometimes more, 1-3MB/s, sometimes more.
dr|z3d the longer your router is online without interruption, the more likely it is to hit higher numbers.
uop23ip and you think that pi4 can handle that? 6k, 1-2mbs? i think so from experience so far and upscaling guessing
dr|z3d should be able to.
uop23ip hope thanks