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cumlord no tooltips on a couple like falklands south korea tiawan, some small islands are too small to trigger tooltip to load but if you zoom you can get it
dr|z3d yeah, I noticed a couple of countries missing from the js map.
dr|z3d (the js map that assigns countries to paths)
dr|z3d looks like it could be an issue with commas and spaces in the names. let's see if we can fix most of those.
cumlord That could be it
dr|z3d yeah, fixed. good catch.
dr|z3d good excuse to replace the nonsense Tawian (Province of China) bullshit.
dr|z3d *Taiwan
dr|z3d just Taiwan will do fine.
zzz derp derp derp batik replacement in 100 lines of code, test output: cake.i2p/view/fuk3xMG5c9_TB6eJDBTfxGRj0llMspUssM7RH4oTM_4PAl8La294/foo.svg
zzz buf.append("<line x=").append(x) ... actually is one of our core competencies after all
dr|z3d haha, even cake is conspiring with you.
dr|z3d let's have a look at the image, when cake decides to load it...
dr|z3d If I didn't have access to the source, I'd have sworn that was a bitmap image.
dr|z3d you probably *do not want* crisp edges for anything other than vertical or horizontal lines.
dr|z3d try removing the crispEdges property and your image will look like an svg, not something you knocked up in ms paint :)
zzz if I have style= then you can't override it with css, right?
dr|z3d wrong.
dr|z3d you can override with !important
zzz would it be better to do it without style like <rect x="10" y="10" width="30" height="30" stroke="black" fill="transparent" stroke-width="5"/>
dr|z3d yeah, probably. then you'd just supply a css file to style it.
dr|z3d just give the elements you want to style classes or ids as required.
zzz stroke=black could be overridden with CSS without !important then?
dr|z3d correct.
dr|z3d path{stroke:#f00} etc.
dr|z3d or rect or whatever svg primitive.
dr|z3d in the svg, something like <link xmlns="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/themes/geomap/geomap.css"/>
dr|z3d to link to an external css file.
dr|z3d well done for getting rid of the batik dependency. good stuff.
dr|z3d also, if you don't want an svg element filled, use fill="none"
dr|z3d and for transparency, you might prefer just using #rgba instead of setting the opacity separately.
dr|z3d #rgba or #rrggbbaa
dr|z3d #f008 for example for a 50% opaque red.
zzz yeah but I'd have to figure out leading zeros and all that mess
zzz and convert to hex
zzz working on correctness not optimization
dr|z3d up to you.
dr|z3d I just hope we don't get anything like this: stroke-opacity: 0.5019608 :)
zzz this is proof of concept hackery, not the time for nitpicks
zzz and not my fault 128/255 isn't pretty
dr|z3d just offering some friendly guidance. feel free to ignore.
dr|z3d and that's not to denigrate your own svg rendering solution. that's superb.
dr|z3d also, try dividing by 256 for a cleaner number :)
dr|z3d < 0 = 0.
dr|z3d Math.round probably also worth leveraging. 2 decimal places max?
zzz not math.round; String.format("%.2f", value)
dr|z3d yeah, or that, better still :)
dr|z3d tooltips now display country flag.
dr|z3d + dev build shortly..
dr|z3d if you want to hack on it, snex, all the relevant files are in i2p/docs/themes/geomap/
dr|z3d no need to recompile to see changes, js, svg and css all there.
dr|z3d (for now)
zzz a little cleaner with attributes instead of style:
zzz <circle id='a' class='b' cx='75' cy='56' r='27' stroke='rgb(33,33,33)' stroke-opacity='0.50' stroke-width='8' fill-opacity='0' />
dr|z3d coming along nicely.
dr|z3d fill-opacity='0' == fill='none'
dr|z3d for lines and paths, you probably want "stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-linecap:round" in your css.
dr|z3d and if you want fixed line widths that don't scale relative to the size of the svg, this one's super handy: vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke
dr|z3d then when you set stroke-width:2px, that's exactly what you'll get, regardless of the size of the svg.
zzz not doing any css in this code, just want to make it css-friendly
dr|z3d sure, best to load the css externally, keeps the svg clean.
zzz this is for the inner svg xhr puking
dr|z3d ok. remember if you have classes and ids, you don't necessarily need all the attributes you're setting.
dr|z3d depends on how granular your values are.
dr|z3d your mercator coords could also go in the js, thinking about it.
dr|z3d embrace and extend the data map.. I've already added country codes which are used to pull the router count and flags:
dr|z3d const m = {
dr|z3d data: {
dr|z3d countries: {
dr|z3d Afghanistan: { region: "Asia", code: "af" },
dr|z3d Albania: { region: "Europe", code: "al" },
dr|z3d Algeria: { region: "Africa", code: "dz" },
dr|z3d Andorra: { region: "Europe", code: "ad" },
zzz no I'm making it css-friendly, not css-required
dr|z3d fair enough.
zzz switching to fill=none, thx
zzz my approach for now is no js except for the xhr
dr|z3d no tooltips?
zzz dunno
dr|z3d I think they're worth it, they make the map interactive and keep the map clean.
dr|z3d extensible, too. lots of scope to add more country-specific info there.
dr|z3d looks good.
dr|z3d syntactically at least, and the shapes look like vectors now :)
zzz baby steps
dr|z3d it's all good.
zzz you don't think the <title> style of tooltips are acceptible?
dr|z3d they're a bit lacking.
dr|z3d no way to format the data, no inclusion of images, no styling etc.
dr|z3d 1 sec, I'll show you what I've got,. tooltip-wise. might be persuasive.
zzz yeah that's sharp
dr|z3d we don't have the b/w tier breakdown by country easily acccessible, but that's also something that could go in there as an example of extra info. maybe.
dr|z3d are your latest mercator coords based on the svg?
zzz mercator.txt is based on a square projection, now 1600x1600, and the offsets to a cropped and rotated map are handled in
zzz so mercator.txt only changes if the size changes
dr|z3d ok, asking because it wouldn't be difficult to add those coords to the data map.
dr|z3d if there's any use in doing so?
dr|z3d the same logic to manipulate them into something useful for the map can be done in js of course.
zzz so mapmaker is only doing fast adds, no multiplications or trig
zzz as discussed, unless svg can do 'draw line from id foo to id bar' there doesn't seem much point, and even then...
dr|z3d instead of drawing from id x to id y, you'd lookup the coords for country a, country b, convert those to absolute values on the map, and then plot the line.
zzz i dunno what that buys you
zzz you're taking a very js-centric approach to this which is fine but it's not at all what I'm doing
dr|z3d I'm not sure either, but if you're refreshing the lines via xhr, then maybe having the coords in the js is helpful, maybe not.
zzz I'm out for the night, have fun
dr|z3d you too!
trial The proxy server is refusing connections
trial An error occurred during a connection to
trial Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.
trial Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working.
trial I really needed google maps this time :(
dr|z3d retry, or restart your http client tunnel. sometimes you may hit a router hosting a proxy that's updating.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: lols on the *poof* :D
T3s|4 dr|z3d: all smooth sailing with the second iteration of blackjack+ :)
dr|z3d *thumbs up* T3s|4
dr|z3d so what about this as an idea, zzz. hybrid solution as you suggested, we keep the js light, update via xhr, and write the tunnel connection lines into the inline svg (loaded from file into the page) on refresh. heatmap for router count can also be written to the svg (add relevant classes per country id to the country class). which leaves just tooltip with router count being updated via js.
dr|z3d space, the final frontier.
zzz drz, maybe, but I'm still just playing around, premature to try to converge on something
zzz still have no comments from anybody else on the MR or the idea
zzz also, I'm probably going to back up, put maps aside, and investigate if I can put my puker under a from-scratch SVGGraphics2D and SVGImageMaker to bring svg to graphs w/o jfree or batik
zzz which might be a prerequisite to doing anything with maps anyway. there's no svg in canon
dr|z3d yeah, if you can get your renderer to handle graphs, great.
dr|z3d as for the map, now you've done the heavy lifting and have synced your coords with the svg, my current implementation should be easy enough to merge with your tunnel lines if that's where you want to take things.
dr|z3d I've cleaned the svg up some more, removed the out-of-bounds container that wasn't doing anything useful.
zzz it was over an hour of mindless typing because Graphics2D has over 60 abstract methods that have to be filled in ((((
zzz grr rrd4j needs clip-paths
dr|z3d dang that's pretty good.
dr|z3d clip-path, nothing special.
dr|z3d <defs><clipPath id="clip-0"><path d="M63 27L366 27L366 103L63 103L63 27.0Z"/></clipPath> ...
dr|z3d if you can group the lines and paths in groups, that's where you want crisp edges.
dr|z3d so you're calling the class SVGPuke?
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
T3s|4 dr|z3d: no `Hal` ^space journey there, just another k/b cleaning attempt gone awry ;p
zzz yeah the problem was the back-ref to a previously defined clipPath, tried to not do that but didn't work, think I got it now
zzz the only things I'm missing is vertical text, which we don't use, and the dashed lines for the axes
dr|z3d ah, stroke-dasharray.
dr|z3d that can get quite involved with multiple values, but you probably don't need/want to support more than 2, length,spacing.
zzz annoying
dr|z3d anoying until you've implemented it, then hugely satisfying :)
dr|z3d stroke-opacity='1' stroke-width='1' <- those are default values, can be omitted.
dr|z3d maybe too early to think about optimizations, but when you do, css and classes for shared properties.
dr|z3d this is what I've got by way of example:
dr|z3d <style>text{fill:#f4f4be;font-weight:600;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;white-space:pre}line,path,rect{shape-rendering:crispEdges}.axis{stroke:#eea;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round}.bold,.sans.s12 text,.sans.s13 text,.sans.s14 text{fill:#f4f4be;font-weight:700}.dash{stroke:#f4f4be;stroke-opacity:.2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-dasharray:1,1}.line{stroke:#f4f4be;stroke-opacity:.2}.mono{fo
dr|z3d nt-family:FiraCode,monospace;font-weight:500}.sans{font-family:Open Sans,Segoe UI,Noto Sans,sans-serif}.s10{font-size:10px}.s11{font-size:11px}.s12{font-size:12px}.s13{font-size:13px}.s14{font-size:14px}.major{stroke:#f4f4beaa}.minor{stroke:#c8c80099}</style>
dr|z3d which makes me think you probably don't need much to implement dash-array, if anything, other than assigning a property / class. svg renderer should handle the rest, no?
zzz just gotta redo the puker API for the tenth time, nbd