IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
darius2 hi my internet connection is very bad rn, i dont know why but constant dropouts
dr|z3d darius3: check your irc client timeout value.
dr|z3d > Some IRC clients are configured to disconnect from the server if there's been no communication with the server for a period of time, which can sometimes be problematic for I2P IRC if the ping timeout value is set too low. Setting the ping timeout value in your client to a high value (e.g. 320 seconds) will often result in a more robust connection to the network. In hexchat you can configure the value by typing
dr|z3d /set net_ping_timeout 320. This will write the value to your hexchat.conf file.
darius3 zzz, oh wow lol, nicely worked out, yeah i just need low background downloading of the things. in a poor coverage location, can minimum be 3.5 kbps? if below that, then maybe drop to 3.5 rather than ignore??
orignal yes, it's interesting question
orignal I keep disconnecting from Irc2P
orignal and never from Ilita
darius thanks dr|z3d orignal. my problem is with actual internet connection and not this ping timeout, but maybe its good to fix this too anyway
dr|z3d setting a high ping timeout will help, but it can't fix a shitty connection :)
darius shitty connection started in the last day or so
orignal shitty connection shouldn't affect irc over i2p
orignal tunnel will just reconnect
dr|z3d client ping timeout will affect IRC. as mentioned above.
dr|z3d so shitty connection + high client ping timeout will improve things.
darius okay ping timeout is 320 thanks, now to try and workout why the pc keeps disconnecting and asking for the connection password grrrr
orignal bad wifi
orignal 5 or 2.4 ?
darius i need to investigate the wifi shouldn't have changed but maybe someone has messed with it.
dr|z3d he's asking you what frequency you're using, darius. 5, faster speeds, lower range, more likely to drop connections in some cases. 2.4, slower, more robust, greater range.
dr|z3d if you're talking about minimum speeds of 5K/s for snark, you probably should be on 2.4, though you'll want to do a wifi survey and make sure you're on the least congested channel for best results.
orignal I would force 2.4 just in case