IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d the graph rendering fix on client restart issue appears to be fixed, zzz. nice work.
dr|z3d you want to test something on your snark, zzz?
dr|z3d in embedded mode, with pagination action, browse to page 2 and then hit the configuration section link.
dr|z3d *active
zzz thanks for testing graphs
zzz we only have config link on page 1
dr|z3d ah, ok, nevermind then. you're good :)
storm88 hi all :) i'm looking for a link for nodes.dat for imule, i've found several but it doesn't work :/
storm88 is there a special cahnnel for this kind of talks?
dr|z3d not sure anyone uses imule anymore?
storm88 i want to test it
storm88 do you know where i can find a valid link for nodes.dat?
dr|z3d no idea, sorry.
orignal who uses iMule?))
orignal I haven't run it maybe for last 10 years
RN isn't it abandoned?
not_bob It is.
T3s|4 I thought I remembered reading it was dead, but similar to orignal, that was many years ago :)
not_bob I may fire it up at some point to see if it still works.
not_bob But, building it may be a major issue with how outdated it is.
not_bob I'm sure it's not worth the bother.
RN storm88, if there are still others using it, they are likely in #torrents. but you know how it goes... ask a clear question and wait 2-48 hours for a maybe response
not_bob We try to be better here. And we sometimes succeed.
RN yep
RN but sometimes we're all asleep or afk at the same time
RN ;)
not_bob Speaking of. Back to afk for me :(
not_bob_afk Also, greetings RN!
RN aloha not_bob_afk