IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
uop23ip Hi, would sip over i2p work? Like creating a tunnel with b32 for the needed ports and then other be able to use something like linphone with my b32 address to call me?
RN you need a client tunnel and server tunnel. is sip a p2p protocol or are there servers in the middle?
Irc2PGuest70770 uop23ip: low-latency protocols like sip won't work well over i2p
Irc2PGuest70770 uop23ip: but voice mail works over i2p :)
uop23ip standard " relied on using centrally deployed and managed SIP servers", doesn't look good. So no i2pphone :|
uop23ip 200-500ms latency would be ok for me, but it is getting in the range of voice mail beyond 2000ms,sure lol
RN mumble has been made to work on I2P
RN audio chat is not exactly a phone call, but functionally much the same
uop23ip RN, thanks looking into it. Is this the same as jumble? ;)
Irc2PGuest70770 mumble on i2p?
Irc2PGuest70770 anyways I've tried the whole voice-over-i2p several times. but who knows maybe performance is now at that point
Irc2PGuest70770 of course I say this as plain-old-irc is lagging out
uop23ip Most of the solutions like jami for example have their way p2p with all the effort involved. I thought that with i2p most of it is not needed. Don't need dht - got b32, no need to open ports or relay instances - i2p has relays, no need for e2e - i2p.. you know :). Is there anything "raw" simple to listen on a port and have 2-way audio/(video) when connected?
snex Just code something
RN uop23ip, but the applications have to handle all their traffic through tunnels, most apps want to phone home to a server or some such....
RN but mumble did work and was declared 'useable' I don't think the person who did so is still around and it was a few years ago, so with good network weather I'd expect it to be ok.
Irc2PGuest70770 uop23ip: the problem is the actual underlying i2p protocol
RN not a problem. it is a challenge.
Irc2PGuest70770 if you understand how i2p works you would realize why low-latency protocols don't work well
Irc2PGuest70770 there are people who host radio stations on i2p. This works with vnc I believe which can stream content
RN it's ok mesh, I've only been around 20 years, not like I understand anything.
Irc2PGuest70770 but this isn't live streaming, underneath the covers there's lots of buffering going on
uop23ip don't know if this still works.
RN if anything, when there are no bots polluting the network it should work better than when he first set it up
orignal for SIP your need two tunnels
orignal SIP itself and RTP
orignal and RTP port gets assigned from SIP handshake
orignal I was going to implement a SIP tunnel but didn't have time
orignal but it's definitly doable
orignal UDP tunnel works fine for audio/video streaming
RN Soooooo
RN I made a monit file for sshfs
RN it mounts the remote system's / when monit starts up (durring boot)
RN it alerts (in the monit cpanel) on failure
RN it reconnects when dropped
RN you need to make the sub-dir in /mnt as root
RN before using sshfs
RN so that's assumed to already be done as MOUNTNAME
RN sudo
RN # mount vps via sshi2p
RN ## Other services, such as databases, may depend on this resource and an automatically
RN ## graceful stop may be cascaded to them before the filesystem will become full and data
RN ## lost.
RN # check filesystem datafs with path /dev/sdb1
RN check filesystem DISPLAYNAME with path /mnt/MOUNTNAME
RN start program = "/usr/local/bin/sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions abeasttor:/ /mnt/MOUNTNAME"
RN stop program = "/sbin/umount MOUNTNAME"
RN # if failed permission 660 then unmonitor
RN # if failed uid "root" then unmonitor
RN # if failed gid "disk" then unmonitor
RN if space usage > 85% for 5 times within 15 cycles then alert
RN # if space usage > 99% then stop
RN # if inode usage > 30000 then alert
RN # if inode usage > 99% then stop
RN if read rate > 30 MB/s for 5 cycles then alert
RN if read rate > 1500 operations/s for 5 cycles then alert
RN if write rate > 30 MB/s for 5 cycles then alert
RN if write rate > 1500 operations/s for 5 cycles then alert
RN oops first line is wrong
RN since it is actually, "abeasttor" entry in .ssh/config it is over Tor
RN should have redacted that with a VARIABLE_NAME
dr|z3d your website is waiting for a new page with that on.
RN most of that was just stolen from filesystem monitoring example in main monit config, so most options are disabled
RN not a bad idea
dr|z3d content is king :)
dr|z3d since your notbob review, you have a reputation to maintain.
RN yeah, gotta step up my game
RN ;)
RN and I shoulda pastebinned that. sorry for the wall of text
dr|z3d cake is your friend.
dr|z3d in more ways than one I suspect.
RN it my be a lie, but it is my friend
dr|z3d *** winks. ***
zzz how much space did you save by switching to relative path coords?
dr|z3d 25% on the dual output b/w graph.
zzz interesting, I'll give it a try
dr|z3d losing the leading 0 for 0. values, and the trailing .0
zzz this will be in the puker, so a little different
dr|z3d same basic principle.
zzz yup
zzz now that I have goaheads from eyedeekay I'll have a SVG graphs MR and a translation report MR up next week
dr|z3d great, look fwd to those.
zzz you plan to switch to the puker or stick with jfreesvg?
dr|z3d dunno yet, I'll see what you cooked up when it's in git.
zzz makes sense, won't be offended if you stick with jfree
dr|z3d a lot of hackery in jfree would need to be ported, so I may use both, jfree for graphs and your "puker" for the netdbmap.
zzz I'm going to put the puker up on github in my rrd4j-jfreesvg repo but was waiting for the rrd4j guy to release 3.9.1 (3.10?)
zzz not sure what he's waiting for
dr|z3d good idea, it's probably exactly what he needs to make it a default option.
dr|z3d because batik isn't.
dr|z3d default in the sense that it's included in the base package.
zzz doubt it, haven't seen any indication he's going to bundle anything
zzz and the puker may be too hackish for his taste
zzz not eager to get a stream of complaints about it
zzz so thats why I won't post it until after he cuts his release
dr|z3d I'd be surprised if he didn't incorporate it tbh, he was willing enough to do the prep work for svgs, and hackish as it may be, I'm sure your version is nice and compact.
dr|z3d as for complaints, if it's playing nice with rrd4j, then I can't imagine there's much missing. maybe support for inline bitmaps, watermarks?
dr|z3d cross that bridge if it arises I guess.
zzz yeah
dr|z3d if you've got a branch that's basically trunk + puker, maybe all he needs is an MR.
zzz I'm supporting about half of the Graphics2D methods, most of the rest aren't used by rrd4j directly, the background image is the main one
zzz I don't know. he's pretty picky, remember he had me take out one comment line
zzz I may start with a cleanup MR pulling together some of the stuff we've done like the arrowheads
dr|z3d well, he likes his MRs clean so he doesn't have to do anything. but other than your comment, zero-resistance :)
dr|z3d arrowheads, ticks, y axis stuff. if there's a chance someone's going to miss any of that, maybe include some boolean so it can be reinstated if needed.
zzz all is possible, but after his release, don't want to distract him or restart his release-clock
zzz got relative paths working, super easy, good idea
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
zzz puker ftw
zzz I have a couple more rrd4j optimizations that didn't get in for 2.6 that I'll put up after the release
dr|z3d I removed the containing gridlines, think I mentioned that before.
dr|z3d and the yx axis overhang, squared that off.
cumlord not sure if this is concerning or maybe some bot behavior on postman cake.i2p/file/b6XTJZyZMb_aYRZWpMg6En9CDof8u38HDiqoVkY8K_Wi8a44jvTa/CONCERN.jpeg
dr|z3d what is it? a click button to continue entry page?
cumlord showed 395 seeds with 9 downloads, panic pulled my seeders
cumlord ah i can see breakdown now, 104 seeds from postman, other trackers look more normal
dr|z3d could just be a flaky client that's constantly restarting so the tracker is seeing multiple dests that are essentially just a single client.
dr|z3d you could try downloading the torrent from snark standalone and see how many clients you connect to.
T3s|4_ lols dr|z3d - I could never afford a crystal ball, but I've had a Magic 8 Ball since I was a kid. Just as 'the ball' predicted, installing the latest + corrected all 34 of the mechanical issues in my car ;p
dr|z3d haha T3s|4
dr|z3d first time I've heard of an alleged issue. and I still don't know what the issue is. my crystal ball needs to be returned to ali express. :|
dr|z3d the longer the announce interval, the more likely you'll see ghosted peers, cumlord, and postman's announce interval is longer than most.
dr|z3d so maybe that.
cumlord Oh damnit, I could be the issue here
cumlord I think I had too many snark+ running on a machine and some of them might have gotten hung
cumlord I am the problem 😭