IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN dr|z3d, which is the correct i2pchat app on git?
dr|z3d correct?
dr|z3d where are you looking, RN?
dr|z3d *** pokes RN ***
RN we sorted it. it is the vituperative one... thanks to the footnote on the i2pchat user page
RN couple more people playing with it now
RN you know, the page that is optionaly put up when using it
dr|z3d ok, good good.
dr|z3d you mean the user dest..
RN I never changed the footnote on mine to point to my eepsite or anything so I knew the git url
RN :)
dr|z3d the url's also in the channel topic...
dr|z3d working on adding pagination to the netdb router list.
RN dooh
RN *** giggles ***
RN ohh
RN I should really block out time to go look at that stuff side by side with Canon
RN you change stuff so fast though....
RN at least on the dev trac
dr|z3d we're not there yet, re pagination, but will be soon enough.
RN glad you got things to keep busy
RN I need to get busy with time management so I can progress on my ongoing things
RN not an inate skill for me
dr|z3d what about a paginator for the routerinfos, zzz. pass on that one too? :)
dr|z3d paginator has landed in the latest + /dev/ build.
dr|z3d currently works when you display all routerinfos in the netdb.
dr|z3d (don't forget to ctrl+shift+r) to load the new css.
zzz how is 'pagination' different than what I have now?
zzz I'd call that 'replacing text links with buttons'
dr|z3d er, no.
dr|z3d your pagination is lacking. it has no page links, just next and previous.
dr|z3d there's scope for more embellishment there, I just wanted to get the main thrust of it done.
dr|z3d "Displaying 200-400 from a total of 900 RouterInfos" kinda thing.
zzz sure, all is possible now that we're not writing out the RIs as we go, looks like you're stealing the buttons from postman
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d no, not stealing the buttons from postman, amusing though that sounds, those are standard + light theme buttons that pre-existed postman's overhaul.
dr|z3d well, if you want to tell me my code's shit while stealing it, feel free :) git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/commit/b1ee6ac43261fbdc24fd6e9d419906adc4094026
dr|z3d I'm not bothering with top and tail paginators, 1 is sufficient, stuck to the bottom of the page.
zzz sure, looks nice, all enabled by the refactor, but there's only so much worth doing on stuff hidden behind configadvanced
dr|z3d sure, it's a question of "does it add value" as much as anything else. in +, the search page isn't hidden.
dr|z3d but that's different, anyways. the paginator works for all routers, so nothing to do with the search per se.
dr|z3d the search results paginator is more limited right now.
dr|z3d because you've got a separate method handling search results pagination.. I started with the all routers paginator, figured I'd look at a one size fits all paginator later, or maybe that's on your todo list?
zzz maybe, but gotta get this MR merged first
dr|z3d it got the thumbs up from eyedeekay, that's as good as a green light :)
zzz hmm
zzz eyedeekay, what happened to actually clicking 'approve' as the reviewer? isn't that our process?
orignal zzz, how do you handle delay requested flag with zero in streamung?
orignal do you send ack right a way?
eyedeekay Yes zzz that is our process thank's for noting it, I wanted to make sure you knew I saw it
eyedeekay Normally I would do a written review and intended to do one today but folks are champing an the bit and there's already been testing on dr|zed's side so I'm just going to click the ACK button and tell you to go for it
RN *** champs ***
RN ;)
dr|z3d just putting the final touches on the netdb search paginator to match the all routers one.
RN one paginator to rule them all?
zzz thx eyedeekay, just didn't know how to interpret a thumbs up
zzz seems like time for a bumparoo also, fyi
zzz orignal, yes, not quite immediate (so we only send one if we get a bunch) but "soon"
orignal that's not good
orignal because we use for RTT calculation
orignal i2pd responds immediately
orignal in this case
dr|z3d RN: maybe later. 2 paginators right now, but they both return the same output.
dr|z3d + dev update landing in ETA 2m.
dr|z3d consolidating them shouldn't be difficult.
RN oh a Canon bump...
RN *** bumps dev updater script ***
dr|z3d you might want to consolidate your updates, RN.
dr|z3d just provide one with javadocs included. less hassle for you.
dr|z3d that's what I do on via gitlab CI now.
RN it's no hassle, just a [Y/n] prompt when the script runs to skip or build it
RN and the javadocs aren't updated with dev versions, are they?
dr|z3d yeah, they are, not always but sometimes.
RN yeah, it's the sometimes why I don't do them each time
dr|z3d one dev update with javadocs, no-brainer.
dr|z3d if you don't want javadocs, you can delete them post-install.
dr|z3d but more likely that anyone pulling your dev updates won't mind them.