IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
storm88 anyone could help me with lokinet?
storm88 tried in vpn mode and i couldn't browse the net
storm88 i wonder if it's normal or not
dr|z3d don't waste your time, storm88
dr|z3d (or ours :))
dr|z3d one paginator to rule them all, RN!
storm88 lol why?
dr|z3d let me rephrase. if you want to waste your time, carry on.
storm88 i stfu :/
dr|z3d great idea :)
storm88 i think i need to talk to people knowing incounciously lol
storm88 'nvm'
storm88 tried lokinet?
storm88 someone should have said yes lol
storm88 about loki*
mareki2p Any progress on this git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/issues/489 ? Do you consider it valid issue/bug? Is thre someting I could/should do from my side?
dr|z3d please feel free to test :)
mareki2p OK... I guess I don't undesrtand things... It seems there are two versions and two repositories of snark. The one where I submitted the issue and the second one where the patch was accepted. What is the correct procedure if I want to raise another issue? For example editing tracker list for info-has / magnet torrent only (before the .torrent file is obtained).
dr|z3d that's the I2P+ patch, I2P is indeed a different repository. is there another issue that needs fixing? your current patch is being considered for inclusion in (vanilla) I2P.
dr|z3d if you have another issue, raise it on git.idk.i2p and I'll also see it.
dr|z3d as for whether it's a bug or not, if editing a torrent changes the hash, that's 100% a bug.
mareki2p Does not need fixing and is not issue. But any other bittorrent client is able to edit tracker list for magnet torrents. But snark is not. It needs to download .torrent first. I could try to fix / improve this.
dr|z3d well, we don't store magnet files, we only store .torrent files.
orignal have you seen this?
orignal lokinet is lohinet now ))
storm88 the h of hawai lol for frenchies
storm88 oh damned, i should have let them seerch :p
storm88 anyway...
storm88 i don't 'really' care just at 1st i would bore me :/
storm88 maybe it's good? :)
storm88 would have bored me*
storm88 hi original.
storm88 what are you original for? ;-)
storm88 good or bad nickname?
storm88 choose one and you lose :)
storm88 you think or you know? or i mistake and you know NOTHING :)
storm88 so i may apologize :)
storm88 or might
T3s|4 dr|z3d: please check if the latest dev build (only 5.6 MiB) is corrupt on both shank and github; cannot connect to router post restart
T3s|4 *skank
RN *spank
cumlord 🥵
T3s|4 lols RN, the only spanky I remember was the awesome dog on 'Our Gang' ;p
RN spanky wasn't the dog he was the 'leader' the dog was sparky iirc
RN spanky was the kid with the beanie
T3s|4 yup, I think you're right RN - been decades :D
T3s|4 RN: the doggie's name was: Pete :)
RN YES! Pete!
RN :)
RN did you see the modern remake?
dr|z3d T3s|4: well-spotted. thanks for noticing. all dev updates should land at a minimum of around 8MB.
dr|z3d building new update as we speak.
T3s|4 good stuff dr|z3d - and yep, all the recent builds have been about ^that size. Had to revert to -0+ just to connect here :)
T3s|4 nope RN, watching circa 1939 highlight segments on YT now :)
RN it was cute and slightly amusing, definitely a nod to the original. but I like the OG series better.
dr|z3d sorry about that, T3s|4, and anyone else who had an issue with the latest dev build.
dr|z3d new correctly sized build uploading...
dr|z3d also, T3s|4, you can grab a dev build from gitlab if skank's ever fails in future.
RN I wish Alfalfa was still around . Would be fun to see him sing on "the voice" or similar
dr|z3d did it totally bork your router, T3s|4, or did it flag itself as a bad update?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: no warnings - just an endless connecting circle post restart - just d/led the latest at 7.8 MiB
dr|z3d ok, new build up, tested, works fine. sorry again for the inconvenience.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks, 14+ running without issue
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d new netdb pagination for routerinfos / search in that build
dr|z3d let me know how it works for you.
dr|z3d also support for specifying multiple country codes in the text input on
dr|z3d separate with space or comma.
dr|z3d and of course props to zzz for enabling search using multiple inputs.
dr|z3d so you can now search for all routerinfos with the 'f' cap from cn,hk with a version of 0.9.63, for example.
T3s|4 pagination working well; as is multi-country search :)
dr|z3d thanks!
dr|z3d fortunately with that update not everything is borked, tunnels appear to still work, so anyone on automatic update should in theory get the fixed update in time if they do nothing.
dr|z3d access to the console appears to be hosed, that took a hit.
T3s|4 indeed - on both laptops
dr|z3d (which means you can still eepget updates as well)
T3s|4_ back in business on both rigs