IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay Re: my broken plugin signing keys, I managed to make my Java plugin signing keys compatible with my Go plugin signing tool, so the future is that the old key will be removed and that's all that needs to change for now
eyedeekay It's not harmful to have, but nothing new will ever be signed with it
Irc2PGuest77857 Greetings peers!
Irc2PGuest77857 Long time no see.
tennis2 Am tennit
tennis2 tennis
tennis2 have some work to do to improve the i2psnark helper application I staarted earlier in the year.
tennis2 Its working REALLY nicely. Has alerted me to problems within one a minute and i can almost fix them instantly now.
tennis2 Sometimes it takes longer but that's because of other reasons. The application itself does have a difficult time getting to a particular dialog box that would be most useful to the user, still need to fix that... ANYway
tennis2 I'm here to ask about the process of renaming torrent files as 'torrentBAD' files.
tennis2 Is this logged anywhere?
tennis2 I'd like to detect this too, and alert the user when a torrent is marked as bad with a popup, asap.
snex It should be in the console log as well as the log files
tennis2 Which log file? I had a dig around but couldn't find
tennis2 "redirect my shit to syslog" sounds interesting, how does this help you?
snex I run snark through systemd
snex This helps me because it just auto starts when I boot
tennis2 oic, the standalone?
tennis2 so you can just run 'systemctl status i2psnark' and it outputs messges you need
tennis2 I wonder if the java router has the messages buried in the 'i2psvc', I'll take a look
snex Yes I run the standalone
snex It is on a separate machine from my router
snex I like separating things
tennis2 Its a nice idea to seperate things but its also a bit of a luxury, my ideas revolve around first trying to do the most possible with a lightweight setup and then, to try and extend as one becomes more successful, in their journey.
snex I mean that’s kinda what I did
snex Originally I had tons of shit running on my desktop so every reboot means it all goes down at once
snex I started migrating services off to le-potato boards
snex Some on a beelink if it needs more power
tennis2 :) one thing i want to bring to people is an advisory that runs on your pc and NEVER talks to the internet, it advices on things the kernel is capable of
snex NAS for data storage
snex How would that work
tennis2 it also looks at the data on a drive and says, do you have a backup you show it the backup and it starts to assess it and compare it \, and tries to help to put your data into NAS, etc.
tennis2 it would have to be an ai sort of thing. but thrained on the man pages and good sources
tennis2 money is \like data
tennis2 data is like money, i mean
tennis2 the more you have the more it will slow you down
tennis2 unless you have help
tennis2 It's a long term goal I have to make real computing accessible. The challenge is of course to have a WELL-trained AI system that will NEVER do stupid a thing. Reproducible AI build, is probably a part of that.
tennis2 maybe call it, ITGuyAI
tennis2 AITGuy
dr|z3d wrapper.log for i2psvc messages.
cumlord tennis2 oo what your helper ap do?
tennis2 Great timing cumlord, I'm just on!
tennis2 It detects when the file system with the torrents is missing, alerting me with a dialog box
cumlord ha nice
tennis2 becuase i2p wipes the metadata, it basically instructs me how to restore the metadata
tennis2 So the torrents don't need to be rescanned.
cumlord that sounds useful especially if can avoid being rescanned
cumlord when does it get triggered? that part i'm not understanding
tennis2 dr|z3d, yes, I did check the wrapper.log, but it didn't seem to have any i2psnark messages in it.
tennis2 Yeah, cumlord it saved me from recans a good number of times sonce i've been on. I recently mangled a torrent though and it turned the torrent file "BAD" so I feel like accomodating that use case also.
tennis2 It polls the filesystem (torrent folder) every minute or so.
cumlord i'm in favor of anything that saves time haha
tennis2 Yeah, that's another benefit. My thinking to prevent "BAD" torrenting is to use some sort of pre-"write" hook, it would check if the file is in a predefined list of files and just alert the user with "WARNING: This file is part of one or more torrents."
tennis2 But that gets into a whole can of worms, i then need to monitor (manage) a list of the files in torrents that are both active and inactive torrents.
tennis2 Maybe I can just change the permissions (and ownership?) of files linked to torrents. But I'll still need a way to add and drop those files from "snark" ownership, maybe i will watch the folder for file additions, if those new additions are part of a torrent mark the file as owned by "snark". Ensure i2p program is in he "snark" group.
cumlord like you want snark to stop trying to download if there's a mismatch?
tennis2 if a new torrent file is added (or removed) from the folder iterate through all files in said torrent (in a dereferencing way ie. follow symlinks, and set all such files as "snark" ownership (or not snark ownership) if the torrent file is to be removed from the folder. It just gets messsy!!
tennis2 This is about seeding.
tennis2 Sorry I made a couple grammar mistakes in above diatribe so it might not make sense.
tennis2 s/removed from folder/removed from folder)/
tennis2 s/prevent "BAD" torrenting/prevent "BAD" designation/
cumlord now i'm getting it, should be able to change all files in a dir with chown -r without iterating though right?
tennis2 s/active and inactive/active and inactive./
tennis2 but that's does everything including files that
tennis2 are not actually in a torrent
tennis2 sorry the enter key was hit by accident
tennis2 also that won't dereference symlinks
tennis2 follow symlinks
cumlord no worries, that sounds like it could be useful for dealing with symlinks, they're hard to deal with sometimes
tennis2 i'd need to check that actually, there may be an option in chown...
tennis2 yeah chown has a derefrernce option
cumlord my snark instances run under a snark user so i don't think i've ran into the issue with permissions like this, never thought about it
tennis2 yeah this is me trying to bring ome order to choas
tennis2 s/ome/some/
cumlord are you transferring stuff from a nas to another box or some deal?
dr|z3d tennis2: standalone or integrated snark?
tennis2 I may move a thing occasionally, immprove a thing etc.
dr|z3d standalone snark has its own logs .
tennis2 integrated
dr|z3d try enabling them on /configlogging
tennis2 can this be done with sed
dr|z3d what do you want to achieve?
tennis2 if so i'll add it to the other settings i force "on" with this script
tennis2 This script I made is called SnarkDisk. I probably should have mentionwed, its available over torrent
cumlord ah that one i remember looking at it
tennis2 I'll see myself if sed can do it dr|z3d thanks, i'm guessing sed will work
tennis2 that'll be the last resort though. I think i want to prevent torrents turning BAD with permissions instead, as described above
dr|z3d sure, sed can help you.
dr|z3d investigate /configlogging and then logger.config
tennis2 Ok cool, so if worst comes to worst, I can add I2PSnarkServet=DEBUG to the logs, and work from there?
dr|z3d did you look at configlogging?
tennis2 org.klomp.snark.web?
dr|z3d ok, now you're a bit closer to the source.
tennis2 org.klomp.snark.web=DEBUG
dr|z3d or if you just want the web servlet logs, org.klomp.snark.web.I2PSnarkServlet=DEBUG
dr|z3d they likely won't tell you about why your torrents are going BAD, howeber, the web servlet class.
tennis2 Yes, i know. There could be a number of reasons but I think the primary one is permissions.
tennis2 lax permissions management.
dr|z3d sure, permissions can certainly screw things up if set wrong.
tennis2 or not set at all :P
tennis2 The two main challenges, watch a folder (the torrents folder) for changes in the ".torrent" files (ie. the adding and removing of such files)
tennis2 2: ...
dr|z3d #1 can be solved with linux tools.
dr|z3d i2psnark also has a dir monitor.
dr|z3d iirc, watchman will keep an eye on directories.
dr|z3d watchman - File watching service
tennis2 'watch -d ls -l' Hmmm.
dr|z3d that's fairly rudimentary. you can script watchman to take actions based on behavior/contents.
tennis2 2) Parse the torrent file being added (or removed! YUK I will need to keep a separate list of all torrents and their files) and...
tennis2 2b) just change the ownership of those files accordingly.
tennis2 the (2b) step then becomes the easy part.