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snex dr|z3d: any interest in creating vanity hashes when creating a torrent?
snex its a silly feature but not too hard to code up
RN doesn't that mean the hashing used is broken then if it is supposed to identify the file contents but can be brute forced to a different hash?
RN or is this just a matter of finding the right salt?
RN *** likes Himalayan ***
snex not sure what you are asking.. a file can be made to have any hash at all (with enough computing power)
snex torrent hash is calculated based on not only the files but some metadata you can control
RN my probably oversimplified defintion of a hash is something you derive from the file (stream packet whaever) that identified the contents
RN like checking the hash after downloading an os install iso
snex the torrent hash and the hash of the file would be different
RN it is supposed to tell you that the contents are the same and not corrupted
RN mmmm
RN I was imagining the file contents of all of it in order were hashed
snex im not sure they are even the same right now with the default behavior
snex they are but thats only part of the hash
RN this could be a fun option
RN would be nice as a standalone thing, like an I2P router plugin... maybe call it torrent-tools
RN combine the torrent rewriting from an outernet torrent to one that makes tracker2 happy, and vanity hash, and.... hmmm few other things that could go in that tool chest
snex how would that even work? i mean, you can definitely modify a .torrent file that already exists but if its already loaded into snark im guessing that will cause issues. snark would have to do it on .torrent creation
dr|z3d seems mostly pointless, snex.
snex well, yeah
snex but its fun
RN well, like taking the torrent file and replacing the outernet trackers with tracker2 and or combination of the known opentrackers in I2P
RN so, like you download the *.torrent file from outernet and then process that and have a snark friendly tracker2 friendly version you can upload and share in I2P
snex thats already doable with torrentools
RN people do this manually
RN you can also do most of this in the bbt client
RN edit the tracker list...
RN etc
snex or torrenttool whatever its called
RN where is torrentools
snex its a python pip
RN ah
RN ok
RN you ever tried bbt? I'd imagine the ui would be too much (or too much baggage) for you...
RN just to illustrate my point
RN ok
RN so you don't have the context
RN I haven't played with torrentool or looked at what it can do, I guess I will, but not now... can't browser at the moment
snex its just a simple cli tool that can give info about torrent files
RN oh, just gets info, not changes it
snex it can create files too, but i guess not edit them
snex but its pretty trivial to edit a .torrent in cli scripts
RN huh? not sure what that distinction actually means...
RN ok
RN but you can't just change the hash value right? gotta do some compute time to make a vanity one?
snex right
snex the more characters you want the longer it takes
snex i guess its in theory possible that you never land on one? dunno the intimate details of sha1
dr|z3d if you think it's fun, maybe a command line tool that hooks into the java torrent creation tool.
snex well i made a cli tool that will do it for an existing .torrent
dr|z3d does it use the java torrent creator?
snex its python
dr|z3d if you can get it using java, make it cross platform (shell script and bat file or powershell) then maybe we can include it.
snex is there already a cli torrent creator somewhere? seems like snark just uses its own internal stuff
dr|z3d there is.
dr|z3d grep for mktorrent in your + repo build.xml file in the root dir.
dr|z3d and see what you can do with: java -jar ~/i2p/lib/i2psnark.jar
snex so the only way to add vanity to that would be to enable it everywhere, so at that point it would just be a matter of adding the UI for it
RN what does 'enable it everywhere' entail?
dr|z3d that's no the only way, no.
dr|z3d you could add a command to the jar file that allows a vanity hash to be created.
snex the jar is using the same internals that everything else in snark uses
dr|z3d and then just create some scripts that call that command.
dr|z3d but as I said before, mostly pointless.
snex i will just refine it and toss it up on github (probably rewrite in ruby cuz fuck python)
dr|z3d you're trading a much slower torrent creation method for not much.
dr|z3d but sure, if you want to throw a tool up on github, why not. people will use it, or they won't.
snex or actually maybe crystal so i can benefit from threads
dr|z3d crystal!
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
dr|z3d crystal, aka code tweakers paradise.
dr|z3d "tweakers"
RN are you suggesting....
RN *** giggles ***
dr|z3d no, no.
dr|z3d -21+ will now display an X Tier column in netdb country listing, in addition to the floodfill column.
dr|z3d another rapid cycler for the list, zzz: 3lgHIOIADdUIoyJjWymzE1Xikx7RojrEBfYT6P7eLzk=
dr|z3d > another rapid cycler for the list, zzz: 3lgHIOIADdUIoyJjWymzE1Xikx7RojrEBfYT6P7eLzk=
zzz probably too late, but noted,thx
dr|z3d when's release notionally happening? monday?
zzz thats my guess but dont have confirmation
dr|z3d ok, thanks.
dr|z3d looks like eyedeekay just confirmed.
dr|z3d monday being a movable feast...
T3s|4 lols dr|z3d - I assume you know I'm glad we made it to blackjack (again) :D
dr|z3d some choice pre-release enhancements in there, T3s|4 :)