IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay What is the exact present behavior you're trying to avoid? Since yggdrasil uses it's own IP range we can tell if a router is only reachable on a ygg address, we could do something with that information if it makes sense
orignal mismatch between caps and actual addresses
orignal you see R and no any addresses
orignal since you skip ygg addresses
orignal anyway I can try to start publishing R for ygg only
eyedeekay Well obviously we can't communicate with them, so it makes sense for us to ignore them on levels where we might have to, what's the real problem? Should we be keeping them around in other contexts?
orignal I only care that they aren't rejected by floodfills
orignal because unlike proxies ygg-only routers get published
eyedeekay Ok that's reasonable enough
dr|z3d G is helpful for proxied routers, orignal, if they're unable to host transit tunnels.
dr|z3d orignal: first week in Feb for next release ok with you?
dr|z3d (asking for a friend)
orignal dr|z3d it's not true
orignal they are able to host transit tunnels
orignal but i2pd would never pick one for tunnel
dr|z3d then G seems apt.
orignal why? because no incoming transports
dr|z3d because proxied routers just slow the network down.
orignal idk yes about Feb
dr|z3d 1st week in Feb it is, then, eyedeekay \o/
orignal not nessary it slows
orignal no I don't know my plans so long
orignal it was discussed aboyt Dec or Jan. No?
orignal also I changed to publish U for proxies
dr|z3d ok, so what about G cap? you keeping that?
orignal no. I have removed it for now
orignal let me discuss with guys
orignal further
orignal I'm thinking more about publishing H
orignal because it sounds right
dr|z3d yeah, H does sound valid in this context. HGU perhaps?
dr|z3d though technically if H, then no transit tunnels, so maybe G is superfluous.
orignal like this
dr|z3d sure, that works.
dr|z3d or even K.
dr|z3d K being short for Kompletely Krapulous.
orignal maybe even without bandwidth
dr|z3d nah, that's irregular. K is fine. K says "I share nothing" in essence.
orignal i2pd doesn't have K at all
orignal L is min
dr|z3d "interesting" -> R9vef6ZEzwQmK99vMDzmO97bAL5c7XuiWUNJf1I3aCc=
dr|z3d top data transferer right now.
dr|z3d location: Bulgaria.
dr|z3d for comparison, it's transferred ~48MB through 9 tunnels right now, next nearest router is 4.5MB.
dr|z3d this one's also huge data: QJnXezBmO6bEFFUnRniPPpoZAvB3LfYE0HCFfoKw8i8=
dr|z3d just shy of 100MB
dr|z3d next dev update about to land will display data transferred in MB if > 1024K on /transitsummary .. ETA 10m.
fox ladies and gentlemen of the darknet. it has been a pleasure. let us watch the world burn
snex why would it do that?
fox donald trump
snex i dont follow
fox the false shepard of prophecy. if you're into that kind of thing
snex dawha
fox or just a geriatric hitler fan
fox who was best buds with a man who didn't hang himself
snex oh youre a retard who watches the mainstream media and never actually tries to find evidence for the shit they say
fox either way not good
fox oh that's why this place died
snex you probably also think trump called war vets suckers and losers. you will probably even insist you heard the tape but wont be able to link us to it
fox damnit psi
fox bill barr dude
snex it died because we arent all retarded leftoids?
fox seriously just google bill barr
snex it died because we think for ourselves?
snex plenty of places for mindless npc talk on clearnet
snex go to one
snex "just google bill barr" is not an argument
fox RN: who is this snex ?
fox for who killed epstien
snex im somebody who isnt gonna be silent while you say retarded political shit and think that silence means we all agree with you
fox he's by far the most likely candidate. the man unrecused himself to get back on the case
snex leftoids need to be driven out wherever they show their filthy commie heads
fox oy vey
snex go be a commie on reddit
cumlord trump has always been respectful of veterans and only blitzkrieged his pants (1) time
fox never once claiming shin splints
fox suffering through the viatnam of ghonarhea
snex im pretty sure it was harris who said shes going to regulate online speech and take guns away. but tell us who admires hitler
fox ugh no one left here
fox itsjustme
fox *** tosses the key to RN ***
fox is there a bot anymore?
fox !commands
cumlord didn't know there was a bot here mustve been before i came
fox i was there
fox 3000 years ago
fox my bot is still around suprisingly thanks str4d
fox well we're as the kids say "cooked" anyway
cumlord i was still a tadpole in the before times
cumlord what'd the bot do?
fox dr|z3d zzz how confident are you i2p will take the fuckery to come? did anyone ever get anywhere on disrupting timing analysis?
fox we had one that did link previews, messages, math and a few other things
cumlord i thought i saw his name on a relay i was looking at, ended up going with something else
cumlord if it exists anywhere would like to check it out, have my own i'm building out
fox there are several on github
fox just search for "irc bot"
fox fuck i can't believe it's over just like that
cumlord have some running but could give them some more functions
cumlord has it been called already?
fox it is on google. the AP is looking bad
dr|z3d 214/248 currently. not over yet.
fox it's all on PA, MI and WI
snex leftist tears will feed me for the next 4 years
fox dr|z3d: i2p good if eastern europe and hong kong go all wwiii?
fox or more specifically if we start loosing deep sea cables
snex yeah remember the years of 2016-2020 when the world was a nuclear holocaust and the internet was gone
fox snex you're on ignore until RN tells me you're worth my time
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
snex typical leftist. has to censor people they cant debate
fox peter theil's internet... shit. this ends like mr robot with paypal coin
dr|z3d let's tone done the personal and keep things abstract, thanks.
fox *** is prepping for a crackdown. it's showtime for i2p and tor ***
snex ok im not gonna hang out in here with this retard saying retarded shit non stop that never happened and never will happen
orignal time to revert PRIMARY session back to MASTER? ))
orignal what is better? LUH or LH?
dr|z3d is the router unreachable?
dr|z3d (in all cases)
orignal for proxy
orignal do I need to set U if I set H?
dr|z3d won't hurt.
orignal because H is not desribed in the specs
orignal what does Java do now?
dr|z3d treats H as a separate flag from b/w it appears.
orignal I mean what does it publish?
orignal R/U is not about b/w
dr|z3d no, L is.
dr|z3d can't see where R/U is published in the source, maybe you can work it out: git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/blob/master/router/java/src/net/i2p/data/router/
orignal so what do you see with H?
orignal just LH?
dr|z3d you don't see much as another router.
dr|z3d because we don't store RIs for H.
dr|z3d or we don't expose them in the console.
dr|z3d I would run with LUH, but it's up to you.
orignal fine then
dr|z3d LOL RN.
hk Just out of curiousity for the versioning scheme. when you say 2.7.0-6+. Does the 6 stand for say, the 6th revision or patch?
hk like whatever, you're working on, before 2.7.1. you would increment 2.7.0-6, 2.7.0-7 and so on until you say "ok time for release" and choose?
hk sorry if this sounds obvious but im just curious
hk like whatever you're working on*. God I cant do grammar today
dr|z3d it's a development sub-version.
dr|z3d it gets bumped usually when there's new stuff.
hk gotcha, nice
hk dr|z3d: do you ever do release candidates like some other projects do?
dr|z3d upstream (canon) do RCs that are explicitly tagged as such. near to release, they're all RCs in essence, but I don't tag mine.
hk i see i see
dr|z3d git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/commits/branch/master will give you a fairly good idea what's going on.
hk nice
hk 27k commits is gargantuan, good work
dr|z3d thanks.
StormyCloud always good work from the doc
dr|z3d not sure they're all my commits, credit to zzz and others. without zzz, we're nothing :)
hk StormyCloud: amen
hk very true
hk the project im working for i2p is go-i2p. I dont think I would be here if it weren't for Hayden Parker starting it all
hk the stars aligned just right that I started geting into go and saw there was a go implementation of i2p in its infancy and took the plunge to working on it
hk we're all passing on the baton in open-source
hk and of course eyedeekay being a big part in collaborating on it :D
hk the big part really, he's the head of it now
dr|z3d yeah, eyedeekay is a one man coding machine.
hk im just a foot soldier to be honest
hk dude I dont know how he does it
hk amen
Irc2PGuest84269 graphs still don't work in chrome btw
dr|z3d tested in Edge, work fine.
dr|z3d feel free to debug them and send over a patch.