IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
albat hello all
dr|z3d hi albat
albat hi dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d all good?
albat all good :) you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks
albat anything new?
albat dude?
albat it seems muwuire works well with external router, it wasn't the case before
albat before external was vey slow
dr|z3d external router? what you running there?
albat muwire
dr|z3d router...
albat with external router, it was very slow
albat with java i2p
albat now all is fine
dr|z3d so vanilla i2p then?
albat i2p+
dr|z3d oh, you're back on i2p+ now? running dev builds?
albat i'm back since at least 3 month
dr|z3d excellent. muwire will thank you.
dr|z3d and dev builds? running those?
albat before it was VERY slow and i don't know why
albat i run standart build
dr|z3d what's your job lag looking like?
dr|z3d 28ms. try a dev build.
albat i dislike updating all the taime :/
albat time*
dr|z3d once your router's settled down after a restart (give it 40m or so) that lag should drop to around 2ms.
dr|z3d you don't need to update all the time. just when you feel like.
dr|z3d oh, and you lied.
dr|z3d total bullshit.
albat what?
dr|z3d that's about as I2P+ as my ass.
albat what???
albat oh shit, you are right
dr|z3d that user interface in the screenshot you just posted. NOT I2P+
albat wait i think i have both
albat yes you are right
albat it's strange, in service of windows i see i2p+ running
albat i tried to screenshot but i can't
dr|z3d you would have installed i2p+ which installs the service.
albat i2p is off, and i2p+ is running
dr|z3d and then probably at some point you updated to vanilla i2p, which retains the i2p+ service.
albat i noticed i can choose 10 tunnels for i2psnark
albat so it's i2p+ right?
dr|z3d no, it's not i2p+, though updgrading to i2p+ is simple enough. with that UI, you're running vanilla i2p right now.
albat ok :/
dr|z3d i2p, 10 tunnels max in snark, i2p+ 16 tunnels max.
albat oh you are right
albat i'll have a look, but later, we are taking care of the baby
dr|z3d just grab skank.i2p/dev/ and drop it in your i2p app dir.
albat ok wait
albat can i update witha link?
dr|z3d if you're enabled in /configupdate
dr|z3d that's the url for the unsigned update link.
dr|z3d i'm not talking you through enabling advanced mode etc if updating with unsigned builds isn't enabled. I've done it enough times already. you should know by now.
albat what if i install i2p+ from exe?
albat is it good?
dr|z3d you don't need to do that.
dr|z3d just grab the zip and put it on prog files/i2p/ and restart your router. here's a super fast clearnet link..
albat profilex86 or the other?
albat progfile*
dr|z3d wherever i2p is.
dr|z3d should only be in one of those 2 dirs.
albat can i put into the 2 at the same time?
dr|z3d if you've got 2 i2p dirs, sure. one of them will be the real one.
dr|z3d you can also put it in %userdata%/i2p/
albat i will download i2p+ torrent
albat link?
dr|z3d don't make me hurt you.
dr|z3d links all over.
dr|z3d skank, postman, wherever you like.
albat 1.8+ version right?
albat ok thanks
dr|z3d though like I suggested earlier, dev build will give you the best results. if you download the zip file, it won't automatically put you on the dev path.
albat strange, i don't have i2p+ directory, i only have i2p
albat i remember at some point, i had both
albat what do i do?
dr|z3d it's always been called i2p
albat oh ok
dr|z3d regardless of whether you're running i2p or i2p+
albat let me restart now then ;)
dr|z3d ctrl+shift+r in browser after.
albat back :)
albat now at i2p+
albat i think the pb was i updated from i2p+ to i2p by mistake
albat before
dr|z3d in the sidebar, i2p+ will always identify as an i2p+ update when you're running i2p+.
albat well, at least it works now
dr|z3d great. so you're on 1.8.0+ now?
albat and btw, i'm not a liar, i just mistaken
dr|z3d that's more like it!
dr|z3d so, now you want 1.8.0-9+ :)
dr|z3d then that job lag will really drop.
dr|z3d and you get lots of new links on /home
albat right now no time anymore, but i'll think about it
dr|z3d and various other improvements, both i2p+ and upstream.
dr|z3d ok, when you're ready. I've linked you to the latest gitlab build above.
albat did you know? my sister got another baby
albat he is 2 month old
dr|z3d I think you mentioned. congratulations all round!
albat he is easier than her 1st one
dr|z3d ideal
albat dr|z3d, a bug i have with vanila and i2p+ is sometimes, it says i'm firewalled and i'm not, it last one hour or two, then it's back to normal
dr|z3d happens from time to time, nothing to worry about. you can always select always use auto-detected ip (not firewalled) on /confignet .. might help.